I'm going to blow up a a mosque in Edmonton.
This is a proxy.
So long and goodbye lads.
I'm going to blow up a a mosque in Edmonton
But... but why?
Deus Vult soldier
fbi is here post filth
Bullshit. You won't do anything. We know it, you know it, the whole world knows it.
Black flag incoming. Sup Forums is a board of peace.
check it bitches
Atleast be a Muslim
God speed based leaf. If the FBI are reading this, I fully condemn this horrible action.
Don't forget your lucky underwear, user!
now check it
Posting in possible happening bread
God wills it.
Good luck faggot. Also hi fake news.
fuck off retard
Sup Forums is a board of peace
participating ITT in case of happening. dont do it user!
>actual photo of op
We have bullied the leafs too much. They're becoming psychopaths.
godspeed you smelly bastard
Reported you to the Canadian police not even memeing either
also fuck Trump he is a jewish Israeli shill please put this on CNN
Go for it!!I would have waited for a more busy day but,just go for it fag
Everybody knows leafs are too pussy
>not just blowing up the roaches that are occupying your island
Dumbass, tell your big brother to pay denbts
God bless pham
if you were really gonna do it, you'd post RIGHT before leaving to do it so people couldn't inform the police. retard.
The FBI has everyone's IP address on here you retard, you've fucked yourself, even if this is a joke you're getting v& in the next hour.
> Implying Cyprus has a functioning government
You won't do it you fucking pussy
See ya on the other side buddy.
Fuck you Op those are innocent people
She knows you, OP
be the hero you know you are user
deus vult!
Sup Forums is a board of peace. If you're going to do shit like that don't post about it on here. We don't want to hear it.
>Implying the US military cares about borders of non-superpowers
>he said in his post he has a proxy
>Edmonton is in canada
how is life as an actual retard?
Get out
I hope you're being serious. If you are, best wishes.
Goodnight, Sweet Prince. F
Deus Vult godspeed pham
I live here. Pretty unsettling sentiment that other Sup Forums degenerates are near me. Thats scarier than your lame shitty post.
If OP is serious I hoenslty hope he rots in fucking hell for all eternity, If any of you codnoen this behaviour GTFO
Don't forget to take off your shoes first.
never forgetti
prepare the van
Its not us, its their own leftists. They can't take it any more and are taking the easy way out.
Why is it always Cyprus flags posting this crazy shit?
Barely ever see the flag but when you do its some lunatic like OP.
but then who was cyprus?
Why do stupid Americans keep mentioning the FBI. They don't operate in Canada. That's the RCMP
>muslims are violent and hate peace
>we are morally superior, lets kill them
Postin in ebin bred
Don't get caught, rinse and repeat. Deus vult user.
I'll be waiting but won't hold my breathe
Take my energy
Inshallah brother
OP clearly thinks his shitposting will translate to courage
fuck you faggot, keep false-flagging like this and trudeau will stuff not only the islamophobia law into your ass, but anything else he wants to
someone post this to canadian fbi