its getting embarassing now lads
How do we stop the cringe lords on the right?
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I hate pjw and his stupid lips so much
Normies will like him
Espeially 16 year old girls/guys. VERY important demographic
Why don't you tell us why you really hate the guy?
How do we stop pathetic shill attempts at driving wedges in our movement?
Assault them
Nice VPN OP you total faggot, you won't trick us, PJW is a based god.
Go fuck off back to
Eh, he's good at shitting on lefties harshly and unapologetically, yet without being a total nazi white supremacist about it. A good tool for converting normies.
We are not his primary target audience.
Not going to talk are we?
you're doing fine. just calm down
Leave him be he's useful for redpilling dumb kinds and is a gateway to the real shit like Millenial Woes or Black Pigeon Speaks.
I don't understand why people CHOOSE to follow terrible figureheads, especially when better ones exist.
Any cointelpro operation is going to be allowed to say some things that are true in order to build up credibility.
The real question is whether he is blatantly lying about some things or worse.
For example, Alex claims that we have secret energy tech, cures for cancer, etc., things that would improve/save billions of lives.
Instead of publishing this stuff (and he allegedly has contacts and access a la heads of state, generals, top level NSA and so on) to save billions of lives, we get insane rants about interdimensional vampires.
So, Alex is either:
(1) making up the existence of this tech (liar)
(2) doesn't want to publish it because he is a genocidal freak
Either way, a morally repugnant person as we would expect all cointelpro operatives to be.
im on mobile what the fuck is the flag from
Does anyone redpilled actually still watch (((infowars)))?
I am so done taking them remotely seriously by now
this. watson is good at what he does and he works at it all day.
>pjw is a based god
>reddit spacing
makin' me think
how do we stop shills trying to stop our redpilling of the masses?
>based god
>"There's no evidence of jewish influence in the media"
Fuck off
Good question, we don't even know what Jones is talking about half the time either. The man has been doing this shit for 20 years.
Now that that is out of the way why are you ripping on PJW?
>the movement that seeks to eliminate all counter-cultures is the new counter-culture
Drumpftard "logic"
When we consider the fact that people like William Cooper who have done similar routines (publishing conspiratorial views of the world), albeit in a measured and rational way, we see that these individuals are assassinated by the state.
Talking about 9/11 truth in a real way gets you killed in other words. We know this.
Therefore, we require an explanation for why Alex/PJW are still breathing. That can only be that they are state operatives, literally cointelpro.
People like them are not just misleading, they are outright enemies of mankind.
No one who has any sense of decency should be furthering the efforts of these kinds of conmen.
He supported Hillary?
Are tabloids the same?
We don't need to disassociate with them. They were never our associates to begin with. They do their thing. We do ours.
He was against Bush, Obama, and pretty much anybody who was anti freedom.
ok nigger
Liberals claim to have more anarchist movements than the right but for some reason the right is more anarchist than the left these days.
Oh, nice
Why don't you get this weight off your chest, be a man, and tell us the truth as to why you are fighting so hard considering YOU LOST?
Be honest.
Haha no. He's about as cool as a 40 year old man in a hoodie sitting in a backwards chair wanting to "rap" with you.
Depends on your definition of anarchist.
The current Left is all astroturf.
The Right and Third Position actually have some interesting spontaneous and dynamic currents.
The left is about big government while the right is about small government. It doesn't even make sense for the left to have anarchist movements since they love the government so much.
Literal anarchist riots in response to a Trump presidency, and the right is more anarchist?
What? Now that the right is in power they're all about using the government to get what they want.
or 3) he thinks it's true and it was just a meme
People like PJW, Moly, Alex Jones and Milo are the gateway for normies to a potential redpill.
Why hate on something that generates an increase in members world wide?
Disassociate with them. Stop watching their shit. It's complete fucking garbage aimed at right wing conservative sheeple and Gen Z kids who won't ever name the Jew like we have.
The kike identified with and disavowed the alt-right at the first sign of trouble and peddles pseudo-science, and now acts like it's a cool new trend to recite babby's first right wing opinion. Making fun of his bullshit and ignoring him for the rest of the time is all he's worth.
>How do we punch to the right
We don't. Andrew Anglin, PJW, Molymeme, Ryan Dawson, Alex Jones, fundamentally we all want similar things whatever coat of paint we put on them. Purging is disgraceful and it never works.
If Watson wants to screech about mainstromme meteors, he can. He'll get his audience and they'll vote against leftist degeneracy and that's good enough for me.
You mean, the best one
Why have loons be the first people you meet at the gate? Bill Whittle, Milo, Gavin McInnes, and Lauren Southern know how to talk and don't push weird bullshit and cringe like everyone at Infowars does. They're way better to be a "gateway."
Yes we'll oppose leftist degeneracy together but at some point we will need to draw a line otherwise their movement will override and overrun ours and we will be filled with the same cringeworthy folks who watch and follow these people in our own ranks. We're already seeing it here. Look how many redditors from thedonald switched and cross post on here. Its fucking ridiculous.
Black people say "woke" all the damn time. Do you not know any black people? Do you live under a rock?
that cring is your communist conditioning fighting reality and logic
>It doesn't even make sense for the left to have anarchist movements since they love the government so much.
Don't be naive.
Goddammit. I thought this dude would run out of relevancy post election but it seems he's only growing (EMEGUN' MOI SEWRPROIS)
How bad is this guy hurting you? I honestly never gave a shit about him before but now that you shills are trying to trash him I started watching his videos and liking them.
We smell your desperation. Keep throwing money at us. You'll never get it back.
I've only seen a few of his clips, and he just seemed lame like vast majority of youtube. At least he's made some decent points. Why do you continue watching him? Is this like retards shitting on foxnews to jerk each other off?
This video redpilled me.
>wide jaw
>english accent
>curly hair
I know women, and I know they like this kinda stuff.
He's not alt-right, but he is a major asset in disarming the liberal movement