What did he mean by this?



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We dropped 2 nukes on you.

Little Jap boys and court nerds are too beta to accept Trump's manly dominant American HUGE DICK handshake. What are you gonna do about it pussy?

My theory is that when somebody shakes Trumps hand and they don't put any effort into the hand shake he takes offense and that's why he does that.

Could be, I think he just doesn't really pay attention to political niceties, he's too worried about making the country better to realize when he's being a little too dominant/awkward in handshakes. Then again he did help Theresa May down the stairs.

Abe's was just a press thing.

Gorsuch's was asserting dominance? I have no fucking clue.

Gorsich looks like he was really nervous. Probably his autism was at its boiling point

I was thinking that too.

he's got some serious nervous bodylanguage

>making the country better
I didn't realize a Saudi Arabian and Israeli puppet could make the US better

That was very nice of him.