Obama was pretty shit

Obama was pretty shit.

Anyone remember the good old Bush days?

He was pretty awesome.

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Oh sweety, they were both bad honey two sides of the same coin sweetums

Democratic Muslim loving cuck detected.

Of course you'd hate on a conservative Republican president.

Get out of this board, you do not belong here.

>iraq war
>patriot act

Don't even need to list anything more. Those 2 things make him worse then obama in everyway.

Oh honey it goes so much deeper than republicans and conservatives, but you wouldn't know that would you dear

One wall around here definitely won't be enough

They were shit. Patriot Act anti-American garbage, invading Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia which caused 9/11.

>worse then obama in everyway
Give me a fucking break, you've seen too much CNN.

So it's anti-American to put measures against Muslim extremism now? Do you oppose the Muslim ban as well?

Comfy Dubya

Nice try you tiny dicked Canacuck nerd, Trump said in the Republicunt debates the Iraq War was the biggest foreign policy mistake in American history.