What do you guys think Trump has for breakfast? I would assume he has a bowl of oats with a banana every morning, given the nutritional value a breakfast of that caliber has, a man as smart as Trump could not pass it up.
What do you guys think Trump has for breakfast? I would assume he has a bowl of oats with a banana every morning...
Isaac Bailey
Jaxson Nelson
I highly doubt he would fall for the bacon and egg jew
Dylan Lopez
Two sunnyside eggs, four pieces of bacon.
Andrew Ramirez
I also predict hillary has cereal every morning which would have been one of the main reasons for her downfall
Isaiah Williams
A few tablespoons of cum and a line of ketamine.
Connor Jenkins
Degenerate Aussies
Bentley Kelly
Liberal tears.
Daniel Mitchell
A piece of toast
Christopher Miller
Interesting fun fact, Trump and piece of toast hate each other
Leo Bennett
I think he would include blueberries, as metabolizing starches results in free radicals, which you can soak up using the anti-oxidants. It's the secret to his yuge energy.