Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
Logan Torres
Jaxon Ward
I like how anime nazis and voat are twice as bad as Sup Forums nowadays.
Lucas Morgan
>That pic
I assume its a faggot who dresses like a girl?
Xavier Taylor
>Sup Forums
>above voat
>above Richard "implicitly white" Spencer
Jack Jackson
Sup Forums is too high in the slope.
Owen Gutierrez
>anime nazi lower than Sup Forums
b-but i thought we were racist nazi bigots fapping to burmese tapeweaving compilations
Jaxson Butler
>voat is more extreme than Sup Forums
really makes you think
Ryder Howard
/pol IS the slope.
Ethan Mitchell
>anime nazis
Jayden Gomez
I'm offended we got placed so high up