>Hungary's populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban welcomed Western Europeans who felt persecuted by liberal agendas to seek asylum in his country.
>Earlier on Friday, Budapest said all of its migrants would be sent to detention centers while their asylum applications were pending, with Orban admitting that put his country in "open conflict" with the European Union.
>In the same state of the union address, Orban claimed prominent billionaire financier George Soros and groups backed by him wanted to secretly influence the country's politics.
Hungary is essentially the redpill nation, isn't it?
Ayden Jenkins
The idea of me trying to migrate to hungary just makes my head spin.. I might as well try to migrate to north korea.
Michael Phillips
We're less cucked than most of Western Europe, at least.
Isaiah Green
Did Orban approve of our Muslim ban?
Nathan Lopez
In a way that we hate our power elite with a burning passion, and we would shot them into the Duna if not for it being too tiresome to have a proper revolution.
So we are in fact the blackpill nation, if anything. We know the shit, but we are also too lazy to do anything about it.
Anthony Peterson
Stay strong brothers. Its gonna be remove time when the pendulum swings right.
Jason Howard
Who in their right mind would want to live in a third world shithole like hungary, all women are hookers and all men are degenerate brown orcs
Dylan Gonzalez
t. Achmed It is literally a perfect society there, if you are white
Cameron Ward
While FIDESZ has it's faults (irrational love of football, huge dose of corruption, obsession with token projects (2024 budapest olympics and the like), generally arrogant and annoying spokesmen (Szíjjártó, Lázár and so on)) they handled the migration issue like noone else in the EU. They are shit tier as men, they are just as corrupt as any other politician in the business these days, but they were and are right regarding the most important question on the table right now.