Fuck Dice.
Fuck Sweden.
Fuck cuckestan.
This is a typical french soldier according to Dice
Sweden needs to get nuked tbqhwy
3/4ths of the british team are not British
3/4ths of the German team is black
>1 whole of the Ottoman team is Central European white
What the actual fuck.
Now France is next on the chopping block.
Please tell me the Italian (implying they're white anyways) and the Austria-Hungarians are white.
>implying you cucks didn't enlist American Negroes to fight against us
Nothing like grabbing the Flame Trooper kit and burning them up in a war they barely fought in.
Does DICE know that they feed into my fantasies about this by filling games with minorities? It's funny.
How many they were ?
Less than 0,5% of the army desu.
>mfw I play a round and spawn white everytime
Italians are.
Austrians have a black in their army, not sure.
They finally made France DLC for Battlefield 1, and they really make them niggers?
you know we Germans blamed you and the Brits for using black soldiers at the European front. We thought it was a form of cowardice. Basically the same as using them as a occupying force after WW1 in the Rheinland. You guys always were the classy ones. I have to give you that.