Sup Forums BTFO!

Sup Forums BTFO!

>right to bear women
I can dig that

>Liberals exploiting children.
Nothing new.
>Liberals wants the right to kill
They already have it.

She wants the right to be sold at sporting goods stores.

>right to be stripped, oiled, have a rod jammed through you repeatedly and then melted down when no longer needed
I'm OK with this

The fuck's a gon?

You'll get as many rights as a gun when you're as useful.

So she can't be left without a man in public space, she needs to be kept at home, can't be taken into school or hospital and can be legally sold and bought?

I'm happy my parents just let me be a child. They didn't make me go to a rally and hold a stupid poster when all I wanted to do was shoot my brother with a nerf gun
