Shouldn't you be sucking Mohammeds cock right now?
Inb4 >shouldn't you be sucking:jamals, Pedro's, ect cock.
We shoot niggers not welcome them. And we deport spics not let them run our borders.
sweden is white and look at that nigger shit hole. get of pol and sort your country out sven you fking degenerate cuck. Fk i hate sweden.
Jokes aside, this is a civic nationalist board of peace
>calling someone else non white
Not surprised
Woah I had heard that this board had turned into r*ddit but I didn't believe it untill now. Aren't you going to spread your ebin reddit memes too?
Shitskins are less likely than whites to be open minded.
That bitch in the upper left was gang raped and murdered by the very niggers she was so proud to have in her country.