Sup Forums is pewdiepie /ourguy/?
Sup Forums is pewdiepie /ourguy/?
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Link to his salute.
That was when he was a bluepilled faggot.
Now he took the redpill and became /ourguy/
No one who talks like that takes the redpill. He is just ironically making the nazi salute to seem edgy to his teenage audience.
>I did it or views and you're all my cucks anyway
lmao he's getting better every day.
anyone introducing the ignorant masses to the redpilling process is welcome but making a big deal of the messenger or some kind of cult of personality around it is not helpful nor needed since the redpill speaks for itself, representing nothing but the suppressed truth
After watching too many swedish get raped he finally took the redpill.
No. Stop shilling him. If you know anything about his history, you know he's just exploiting this. He's the most kike fuck on all youtube.
No, at best he'll become an anti-SJW e-celeb like Sarcuck who does edgy things to trigger snowflakes. That's the in-thing right now.
Really doubt he's Sup Forums.