30+ Non-Millennial /pol

I'm tired of reading the thoughts and opinions of high school kids who act/think like a 10 year old.
I'm tired of reading the thoughts and opinions of University aged kids who think/act like 10 year olds.

Anyone else 30+ tired of this shit?

Anyone else 30+ tired of millennials and gen z already?
I sure as fuck am

These stupid kids have ruined everything including the English language.

Can we recover as a civilization with 2 generations of social retards on the way?

The media,music and entertainmemt is shit cause its focused on millennials.
Its nothing but rehashes, remakes and music that sounds like whatever is popular at that second.

Hey cool guy on /pol reading this who is 23 and a STEM expert. You'll be here in your 40s
Still single with no 6 figure job.
>inb4 your 30 on Sup Forums?
I've been online longer than some of you retards have been alive.

"The young man who joins a political party is a traitor to his generation and to his race".


30± are still millennial dumbass

This 31 here still virgin wage cuck minimum job living with parents

Sadly I'm lumped in with them by a few years.
I have nothing in common with them.
20-30 millenials have a different life than the ones 30+

>Don't trust anyone under 30
Top kek
I like that

>On a Mongolian anime board
>Angry about young fags

I'm an old fag too but what did you expect? I like reading these young fags perspectives, it gives me hope for the future.

as to be expected from a leaf
look at your country
you and your generation should be ashamed of yourselves
you're fortunate to have us coming along behind you to clean your shit up

Hard life man.
35+ were able to catch the end of the tech boom.
We got fucked so hard for jobs.
Boomers don't retire
People live longer so no one is inherting anything to start their own shit.