If soros wants a civil


Why don't we give him a civil war!

The people vs the elite establishment

>we can eradicate our debt
>we can liquidate their assets

BUT no one Sup Forums has enough courage to stand up against these oligarchs

Why are all you LARPers such pussies?

If you want something you've never had (FREEDOM) you have to do something you've never done

Other urls found in this thread:


Are you 8?

Oh, checked flag. I'm sorry for your education levels.

Sorry for believing in the freedoms my grandfather fought for

Sorry for wanting to ensure a better future for my children
Sorry for having a heart

>makes this post
>calls other people LARPers


any sort of organization of a fighting force would have armed forces breaking down your door in 24hours

this doesn't concern you, nippon

Ok, let me take it slow so you can understand.
Having a civil war means the USA is eradicated from the worlds surface by other major powers.Thats for starters.
On the second hand,after you use your braincells you may understand both sides of the wannabe civil war sit in the same boat.Might as well commit suicide.

What the fuck is up with these threads? Are you sliding something? What are you trying to accomplish?

There's more of us than there are of you.

Tread lightly user


I have too many finnish memes and not enough time to post them. You walk today.

Right-Wing death Squads are on their way

Doesnt matter mate.You fuck up you get deleted.
Killing your own is never an option that can be considered good.

Don't be retarded. Revolution is not the way of the right. We project power.

Except I'm not part of the 1%...I'm a person...

404 logic not found

Thanks shariablue glad you could make it

Pretty sure they're false flags so the media can screenshot our threads and show how violent we REALLY are

Haha not a false flag and not advocating for violence.

I'm saying we invert the power structure of the world by getting rid of the parasitic global oligarchy

>like a vacation or something .

Soros is a fucking ant compared to Jacob Rothschild, which is proved by the Rothschild banking dynasty's power throughout the ages (just google various Rothschilds from the last couple of centuries and there's detailed & verified information about them bankrolling the British government & crown's wars) as well as the fact that despite everyone knowing about their wealth and power, no one mentions them in any mainstream media, contrary to Soros whose name everyone is familiar with. Soros isn't the world controlling elite or even their inner circle, even if he is a rich old cunt, and no doubt in liasion with them, he's a convenient distraction.

Look at Jean Claude Van Damme calling out the Rothschild name

>I'm saying we invert the power structure of the world by getting rid of the parasitic global oligarch
We're working on that, have you not been paying attention for the past year?

No bullets necessary

You're not one of us.


What do you want me to say

"Oh guise we've got it covered...the inequality and injustice...ya its in your head"


what do I do? we need to take back Sup Forums

Sometimes i get it why the usa is called dumbfuckistan.

Ya we do. The best way is to redpill as many unsuspecting people as possible

>show them they are slaves
>panama papers
> occupy Wall Street

I mean they've done most of the heavy lifting for us we just need to turn the momentum

>BUT no one Sup Forums has enough courage to stand up against these oligarchs
Grab your gun and march on point. I will be right next to you.

I hope you find what you're really angry at


They need to make the first move. A real militant action worthy of retaliation.
Until then let the president solve it. That's what we voted him in for.

if they want you to open pandora's box why not do it? What's to fear? What could possibly go wrong?

You type like an antifa faggot.

Do you want to be free?

Or do you want to die dreaming of freedom?

Also, nice file names.

Assassinate them all.

Thats because theyve been on my phone since October and edit shit before I post

>antifaggots are also executives at Verizon, Apple, at&t, Starbucks

Sorry I come off handicapped. I'm really not.


i cant believe i need to leave this here

Everyone take a good look at this thread.
There are many examples of a shill slipping up here.
Use it to educate yourselves.
Make sure you know how to identify a shill.

Yeah except we wont be fighting the elite. Well be fighting ourselves.


They're straight up manipulating our women

We need to cut them off from poisoning the gen pop

Wars these days are economic and cultural.

"If I call op a shill ppl will believe I'm just a regular neck beard"

Nice one


Are you autistic?

We have all their names: they're the ones in the panama papers

>because this always works out well

>I'm a retard who doesn't think there would be Americans posting from japan

>literally how America started

Ok shill hide under your bed more


>hey guys let's cause violence now that our guy is in power

just stop using money

really, it's that simply

We would end up starving to death and fighting over food while the elites laugh at us

Cowards both of you/

1- the alt right is a meme
2- we are not advocating for violence
3- astronaut food


Nobody is really suggesting violence.

Sup Forums is a board of peace. Did you not get the memo?

You cant change things into your interrests without violence

Stop trying to stir up trouble Abraham.
You jews really love chaos, dontcha?

Stop. We don't need to go to violence. It makes men into animals and women into sheep

All we have to do is wake up

Chaos is here m8.

I'm advocating for channeling into something constructive

Hello Soros


We don't have to have a war we can just vote out all the cuckservatives

He wants the ppl divided.. obviously then99% bullshit scared them.. the chance wed unite and take back our ciuntries.. but now everyone is divided by race and politics.. they won.

This and if we down grade to the world before social media they won't be able to manipulate the weaker ones anymore

Nothing is final so long as we have hope

We own education system now lad were gonna be okay

I'm willing, what do you plan on doing.

No we don't. Not yet. Kahn academy is a great start

Most ppl on ppl are victims of the divide that has been in the works. If ppl are willing to forget about race and politics and religion wed be able to take back our freedoms and countries.. usa has a moron and canada has a cuck... if we drop these small difference and realize tbat we are all mostly just tryna live and breed we could do something about the physic vampire pedos. But we wont. Not not unless ppl realize they are being lead to behave this way by baiting in the news and media.

We need to post threads reminding the media that lurks that there are more of us than there are of them

We also CANNOT advocate for violence.

Soros and the NWO already brought chaos to America...this is about channeling that chaos back at them.

You're William Wallace, too...always remember that

Double dosage of truth, my Nipponese ally.

Let them try to interrupt us while we build the Maglev, or help design your Kurata Mark 2 gundams.

This is irrelevant: make your own thread

How is this "irrelevant"?

We're fighting against (((them))) therefore, let's fight smart.

Being a bunch of reactionary spergtards is precisely what (((they))) want. If we walk through peace, then even the normies will liken us to Gandhi and MLK.

The Lefts are "nonviolent", but reveal their true colors. But if we act in nonviolent ways, then the normies have no choice but to see the (((agenda))) for what it really is.

Already they are waking up, let's not compromise it.

TL;DR I would, but I am a newfag.

How are we gunna build all this technology without sheckles??

Seriously bro it's the continental army vs the imperial empire.

I like your enthusiasm but have a dose of realism

>we are out gunned and out funded

>we out IMAGINE them
>we have the goodness of human history on our side

They are the baddies.

Scale it back with weaponry and channel that into tangible disruption

I know the need of shekels, but hear me out.

British Army was lost in the vastness of the Americas, and only got their recruitment in the cities. They didn't venture far outside those city limits because they could not into guerilla warfare.

Conversely, the Rebels, though smaller in number and less popular, could flank and hit the supply lines.

Therefore, do that, save for with nonviolence.

Advocate for a different culture, the culture of work and family.

Firing weapons this early in the game is terrible, as we would betray those who we voted and memed into office.

Lazzie faire, let the invisible hand of truth pull the Normies to the light.

Combat should be our LAST and FINAL option.

You're entirely right
Happy to lend a hand sorry if I came off crass. Lot of shills are sliding this thread

Likewise, I thought you were a desperate shill wanting to stroke our egos and get us to do something rash.

Until then, we must wait, meme, and pursuade.

As we speak, we're getting HECKING MILK to be considered racist...

The left is devouring itself, and (((they))) will be forced either to fight us in the open, or bow to us.

Digits confirm this thread is blessed.
I mentioned before/ the left has already done the heavy lifting exposing the corruption inherent in the system.

Ppl like you (us) need to seize control of these systems and use it to benefit likeminded individuals.

Good will conquer evil if you have faith as corny as that sounds it's true.

The more aggressive the left becomes the more aware the public is that (((they))) are criminals.

We won't descend into lawlessness without a curropt system, that argument is laughable. We still have time to fix what has gone so wrong.

I have faith in anons like you. I only wish there were more