20% of France's population is African

And that's not counting arabs or asians...Just Sub-saharan africans.


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Surprised it's not more desu Mufasa.

Un pays en fin de race , est fière de l'être. Au nom des droits de l'homme , de l'égalité et de l'anti-racisme.

>est fière
"et" ...pardon


Prove it...

Che pas toi , mais la ou je suis , (à Paris ) il suffit de descendre dans la rue pour tomber sur un congoïde. Les Européens sont minoritaires en IDF.

You're missing out the important part : it is the fastest growing demographics and most of them are 25 or younger.

If we don't put a stop to it soon enough, we will end up with a 2nd generation immigrant majority sooner than most people think.





And that does not even include the fucking Arabs.


Who cares?

I'm not being ironic. I live in a deparement with a large number of Maghrebis and negrois and yet they cause virtually no problems.

Learn to read Jean-Karim.

lmfao and that's just sub-saharan

this country is probably closer to 40-50% african if you count the subsequent generations

They breed faster.


>shitsmell everywhere
>literally no problem

So calling France "France" is now an oxymoron?

Hitler was right when he said France will become an African state.

Because the North African states let any of the SS Africans just walk straight through into Europe. It prevents them from setting up rape villages in Morocco and also lets the North Africans destabilize Europe.

That's nice if they don't feel french, it will be way easier to kick them out

Somebody have the percentage or Arabs in France ?

C'est plutot nickel en dehors du Paristan

t. user du sud ouest

They'll talk shit about France but stay in. Except in summer where they fly back to their bled

Naturalisation won't do shit against mass deportation

Because we let them in. We give them "free" (white tax payers have to pay for it of course) , health care , all kinds of social benefits...And the only thing that you have to do in order to become "French" is to simply set foot in France. If you're an illegal , you won't be deported. You'll have your own appartment , a monthly revenue...We have to do this in the name of human rights , tolerance & equality.

We would do the same to Pakis , Indians or Abos if they knew how to speak french as well as they speak english. (actually , our african invadors generally don't really know how to speak french.....Think of it as "frenchebonics"...Kinda like Afro americans do with the english language only a bit worse.

Better yet , some of them don't even speak french. yet have all the "free" shit they want.

Native french homelesses are totally forgotten by our government and are treated like shit...

So it's not even a question of helping the poor. It's helping the non-european ,...there's some scary ideological concepts behind this insanity.

France is "the" cultural marxist country of the world.

Top kek

You're more BLACKED than the US. Our niggers are only 13% and they're mostly geographically concentrated in the ghettoes and the south. Plus, they have a huge portion of European admixture.

I don't know what it is about the French, but they attract a lot of niggers. Quebec has niggers all over the place, the second you cross from Ontario to Quebec you notice a huge spike in them.

I think it has something to do with the French acting like niggers themselves, they're all uncivilized, arrogant, self centered assholes. They can't drive for shit, they don't follow motor laws, and they're all pricks.

It's very fitting for the nogs to take over france

>Statistics and facts


Of course it isn't a problem if you don't know any better. You may enjoy living in a low trust shithole but many others don't.

>20% of France's population is African
>The article never uses the words "Afrique", "noir" nor any derivative of the word "Sahara"
>The 20,4% refers to people of foreign origin (ie. having at least one non-French parent)
>This is perfectly in line with all the stats INSEE has been giving us for years
>Including the one that state at least half of them are of European origin

>In 2008, the French national institute of statistics INSEE, which has a more restrictive definition of immigration than Eurostat, estimated that 5.3 million foreign-born immigrants and 6.5 million direct descendants of immigrants (born in France with at least one immigrant parent) lived in France representing a total of 11.8 million and 19% of the total population in metropolitan France (62.1 million in 2008). Among them, about 5.5 million are of European origin, 4 million of Maghrebi (either Arabs or Berbers) origin, 1 million of Sub-saharan African origin and 400,000 of Turkish origin.[3][4]

Assuming some growth took place between 2008 and 2017 (inevitable), this lines up with all expectations.


On top of that, the proportion of Europeans among newcomers to France is growing (this is just a guess, but probably mostly Spaniards, Portuguese and Italians trying to escape their PIIGS-tier economies for the slightly less shit French one). Explain to me how that translates to one in five Frenchmen being of sub-Saharan origin.

stop giving welfare to immigrants.

Damn, France is fucked. It must be further down the line to complete collapse than Sweden

>white genocide isn't rea-
at this rate it will be mostly mudshits in 100 years

that's one sad Pepe

> percentage or Arabs in France

I highly doubt that deporting the shit ton of immigrants that got naturalized could be possible

>ie. having at least one non-French parent
>thinks that a race mixed child is white

one drop rule

This guy gets it.

>Native french homelesses are totally forgotten by our government and are treated like shit...

Not just homelessness but lower living standards, fewer opportunities and soon enough almost no hope to own a place of your own for most young people. There is just no upside to mass immigration for French natives.

Why would you even want those statistics, racist? It's a good thing taking them is illegal, or it might support your racist theory that you're being replaced demographically.


Get fucked, baguettes.

It is not true, there are many more.

We can't...because of EU laws. (remember we don't have our own sovereignty)...Because it's against human rights and it would be considered discriminatory and racist. So we're forced to pay.

Frankly , the only way to escape this madness is for (sadly) , native europeans to leave France , so that the country goes bankrupt and the entire system crashes...(kinda like what happened in Detroit)

Lol no one know the future

Race war is no myth

"Ein Volk das nicht auf die Reinheit seiner Rasse hält, geht zur Grunde." - Julius Streicher


Stop just believing everything you see on Sup Forums, you are no better than the MSM consuming sheeple you claim to be superior to

If they said that their was 20% arabs I would believe it but 20% niggers seems exagerated. I barely seen them and I live in a 150 000 inhabitants city

Letting in negroes, what could possibly go wrong?

shoulda fought back in ww2 m8 you are being punished by the jew,at least we still have a chance lol

OK I read the article that's bullshit. They said that 4% of +24 years old people are from sub-saharian africa, and 20% is the number of people who've got at least one immigrant grandparent.

You can't read french faggot ?

The article don't say that.

20% of the population is from the immigration and the majority are from europeans country (majority from italy, poland, spain)


Gotta be realistic mate
If you talk about "Race war" in France, there's a 90% chance that people will find you autistic
cf. Nadine Morano qd elle parle de "race blanche"

There are no official figures concerning the demographics of French people of Arab descent because ethnic statistics are forbidden in France.


Only the media chimped out over morano's truth

The people quite agreed back them (cf. every comments on online newspaper)


The article you're sourcing says 20% of France's population with foreign origins. Why are you making stuff up? The situation isn't bad enough for you?

Yeah right, hang yourself.
France is 85% white. Your shitty source is the only one claiming otherwise.

Fuck off, we won't know about precise figures because they won't release them but you'd be a dumb cunt not to be worried by the current demographic trends. There are way too many kebabs and nogs in France, especially young ones that do not even identify as French. We are setting up future generations for major troubles.


It's not what was said but who said it. Zemmour told that quote for a decade without any problem.

fier* too, since pays is masculine.

Not 20% African, but indeed 20% including immigrants and children of immigrants. The only thing said about subsaharians is that they're the fastest-growing immigrant community, having grown by 43% in 4 years. They are mostly extremely young, with only 4% of people older than 24 being subsaharians.

Still a very ominous result, though...

Subsaharians are all from France's old colonies and don't come through the maghreb. They have no way to come directly to France, anyway. Libya is a war-torn country with shitty administration after the death of Gaddafi, which is why nigs are crossing through there in order to go to Italy.

I know for a fact that Morocco closely cooperates with the Spanish administration in order to prevent migrants from either crossing into the two spanish exclaves in Morocco (Ceuta and Melilla) or try to reach Spain in illegal embarcations.

I live in the Moselle, near Metz. The only thing Africans do is crowd the mall.

We had a foiled terrorist attack last year. Two Marocans were promptly arrested and deported. Haven't had an incident since.

Gotta admit that Zemmour is also seen as a jew butthurt retard too

My cuckfantasy is real. Sup Forums was wrong!

You have destroyed the home of my ancestors. You know the men who led the crusades and btfo my scottish ancestors from time to time. Now I may have to go across a sea to create a white ethnicity state in the ruins of European civilization. You have disappointed me my not preserving your heritage in your own homeland of all places. I can say there is no hope for Canada simply because it's going the direction of Europe. There is no place but Iceland for us now. It would be an icy ethnostate but at least it is one.

Cool story but linking from Fdesouche or from the original article doesn't change the fact that it's saying something different from what you were saying in your original post.

Can I get a badass beurette drug dealer gf if I move to france

I can't belive that France is nore cucked than you Sven, Those are good news i guess.

I guess that's why his books are selling like hotcakes. Granted that he goes full retard now and then on Islam but I think it's because he sees it as the best medium to redpill normies.

You usually don't count Asians when you're counting Africans.

>wanting a degenerate hijabi

>85% white
>Implaying that thats not bad enough

And the French Niggerization will only continue.
20% will become 40% in 30 years and then when you add all Arabs/Berbers and Asians also increasing....
Guess who's happy..

20% of the total population
40% of newborns

You never had a chance, You never had your country.

>85% white

>Ruins of Europen civilisation
You do realise that only people who are cucked in europe are westtards right?East is white and it looks like it will stay that way for long time,

You fucking traitor, I bet you wall yourself nationalist you fucking nigger. Stop saying lies about our country.

C'est que dans les grandes villes que c'est rempli d'africains du nord et subsahariens.


Thoe justice live stream. its lit.


Also this

Damn, sounds like France is fucked
Hopefully Le Pen wins and you guys can MFGA


>the cancer is only in my brain, the rest of my body is fiiiiiine~~

That rule is just autism.

Exogamy is a part of human nature, race is irrelevant to culture and is a construct that is easily malleable to whatever the state desires race to be.

Are immigrants with French nationality/naturalization taken into accound

spotted the nigger

When arent the French rioting over something?

I think is their only chance either that or hope for a military coup but europe is too cucked for military coups...for fucks sake I even now hear a fucking hippie batucada just outside my house...fucking hippies hundreds of them,and blacks,and magrhebi...

I've been saying for a long time. France is at USA level demographics. Even in the small towns you see Arabs and niggers everywhere.

>They plan terrorist attacks and mess up malls
>But no problem!


To each their turn, to be honest.

Half the time it's socialists/communists for "more rights" and half the time it's non-whites for... chimping.

T'es à coté de la plaque mec...
Keep looking the other way all you want...Won't change what's currently happening to our country.

ITT people who will believe anything they read as long as there is a link to an article.

The article actually says that immigrants and immigrants children make up for 20% of the French population. Which means that it includes arabs, blacks, white, slavs, asians etc.
The article's conclusion is that OP is a massive faggot and that his kikery won him an award in Israel


Thanks Mohammed.
Soon you're going to tell us France is white.

better than muslims, you ain't ever seem no congo man shoot up 200 people in a night while screaming allahu ackbar

Et t'explique ça comment du con ?

Come on fraaaaaaaaaaaaaance ... someone has to start.


>someone has to start
Traditionally, it has been you.
Care to do the honor?