Gifted Sup Forumsacks

These threads always result in some interesting stories.

Were you a gifted child?
Were you in a special school program?
Have you had any weird encounters in your life?
What is your current life like?
Did you do anything with your extraordinary intelligence?

Other urls found in this thread:


my mom told me I was her special boy and very gifted and talented

yes, yes, i guess, pretty shit, shitpost on the internet

Same. I am just intelligent enough to get a glimpse of how truly brilliant minds work while being stupid enough to be of nothing extraordinary.

>tfw everybody always tell me I'm extraordinary intelligent but in reality you're rather dumb

I was considered a gifted child, in various programs, etc. never had any weird encounters though, and now I'm 35 and will retire in a couple years. boring as shit tbqh, but have made a good amount of money.

I was gifted enough not to learn proper work ethics, which fucked me in the long run.

Yeah I was smart but I didn't try until high school so I just got 80s and the odd 90. The school iq tested me when I was 10 and found I have an iq of 139. Once I started trying though I got high 90s in everything. My final grade 12 marks were:
>English 30 AP - 91%
>Social 30 - 94%
>Math 30 - 98%
>Calculus & Statistics - 97%
>Biology 30 AP - 98%
>Chemistry 30 - 100%
>Physics 30 - 94%
>Religious studies 35 - 95%

I was in AP programs in high school and gifted classes in elementary.

Define weird encounter?

I'm a second year pharmacology student and I want to become a physician.

Nothing extraordinary, just worked hard and got a shit ton of scholarships etc.

WHo cares? We are all at risk now unless we realize who the real enemy is

eyy senpai waddup

>get a high ACT score
>tuition gets covered
That's about it

>Have you had any weird encounters in your life?
Everytime muggles speak to me it's always cringeworthy

I don't think I am gifted, but sometimes I can predict/prognose the future quite accurately. Normal thing given the evolutionary aspect of humanity.

>Massively autistic and socially inept from grade school through high school
>Super-high performing, skipped fifth grade
>Have gotten my autism under control and know how to deal with the world and interact with people
>Complete failure, took eight years to finish college and currently working part-time minimum wage
Oh well

I got put in gifted classes in school and come from I very intelligent, well educated family, but once I entered middle school I couldn't summon the energy to care about schoolwork anymore, so my grades were mediocre. Now I'm in community college, so I can transfer to a decent school and be a fighter pilot.

It seems that the typical gifted child is intelligent enough to get through school without even having to learn how to actually study, which really starts to affect their performance later in life when just winging it isn't enough any more. Definitely sounds familiar. Normal students had all kinds of "strategies" for studying, they took notes and invented all kinds of tricks to help with memorization.

>straight A student throguh elementary, high school and uni
>offered to skip from 3rd to 5th grade in ele
>rejected cause muh friends
>took calculus after school programmes in 6th grade ele
>completed high school in 2 years
>went to uni at 16
>got masters in CompSci at 19
>rejected phd programme cause waste of time
>26 now
>wizard in computing
>work at a fun startup
>bought my own apartment
>own a car
>can afford basically anything
>considering moving to the states for lulz
>opening a startup there or investing in x comapny

>tfw sourrounded by degenerate rakija drinking slavs and other low tier life forms

Don't know if I'll handle all the multiculture shit there but who cares.
In my opinnion the US is the place to be if you're into investing and tech.
Need moar shekels so I can retire at 40 and not give a fuck.

Ain't it the worst? You see it, but it's beyond grasp. *Sigh*

ignore the typos
phone posting is horrible

Mirin. Early retirement / financial independence has always fascinated me, but oh well, living on welfare in a first world socialist utopia is almost the same thing as long as you're not particularly materialistic.

Exactly. Would pay a large sum of money to be 10-15 IQ points more intelligent. It probably wouldn't make the existential despair any worse than it already is.

I've been lazy lately but I can get higher than average results in chemistry, physics, statistics, calculus III, algebra, linear methods. 95% is the best I can do but apparently those with R scores around 4.1 get grades of around 97%+. How am I supposed to compete against that shit.

Not having to learn for easy subjects is one thing.
Learning something new that isn't straight forward is another.

Discipline is key to success and self improvement.
You can not rely on emotions ever when it comes to aquiring new skills and knowledge.
This is what daunts the underachievers

Ahh the CIA data mining thread has returned.

I was invited to join MENSA at the age of 13, only to be surrounded by seething neckbeards, staring at me during every meeting and giving me awkward hugs until my Father beat another member half to death in a Starbucks lounge.

I went to vocational school and never accomplished anything worth mention or merit. I survive off revenue from apps I've developed for the apple/android market or debugging other people's work, also network penetration testing.

I don't consider myself materialistic.
Sure, everyone likes new shit but everything that is important in the end is having food and shelter.
Don't take other peoples money for granted.
You should work on yourself. Improve yourself. You'll be happier and have a sense of gratification.
Start working on some skill/knowledge that you're interested in.

Yep storing all answers on a USB stick and sending it via mail to CIA later tonight.

>Discipline is key to success and self improvement.

Definitely. And cultivating discipline is HARD as fuck, whereas rationalizing procrastination is not.

We are more intelligent than the average Joe but light years away from the autistics supreme Lords.

I typed out a long, self promoting post and realized that this thread is a circle jerk for above average intelligence autists.

>tfw too smart to bullshit about how smart you are on a Taiwanese fishing community forum


I was good at reading and writing, so I got put in a gifted program. Thought I was gonna be super smart and successful, now I sit at home and drink a lot because I'm too autistic to function in society.

That's what op is asking. You may be too autistic for your own sake.

You can't cultivite discipline.
Just fucking do it (lel) faggot.
Ignore the lazyness (emotions).

Don't be a nigger bro.
The easier path is for faggots (man up).

I needed that motivation, brahs. Hopefully it will last more than the last time (at least I kept on lifting since I picked it up). Cheers

Just post it, who cares? I'd gladly read it.

>Just fucking do it (lel) faggot.

That is what discipline is about though. The ability to just do it regardless of how you feel or think. Anyway, I think that more than just raw discipline the strongest problem for me is figuring out what to do and fully committing to it. It's so easy to start second guessing your self, your motivations and your goals even after deciding to take action.

I'm pretty sure I'm not autistic since I do fine around people.

Dude ignore that emotion.
Force yourself to do shit.
Just force it. It's not easy. Life is not easy.
But everyone can succeed.
That's what I love about capitalism.
It gives you a chance to succeed.
succeed = be your own man

Just keep forcing yourself to do stuff even if you don't feel like it.
If you rely on motiviation you're not different than the average nignog/sjw.


well, yeah, you're right. It's not motivation that keeps me lifting. Just learned routine.

Who /chess/ here? Started playing a month ago and am already 1100 on blitz and 1300 on 30 minute. Is that worth anything?

Parents recently revealed to me that I was dyslexic as a child. They didn't want me to use it as a crutch and I turned out well enough. I still get confused about direction, grammar and math sometimes though. A weird thing about me is that I read Mein Kamph as a child and was a huge fan of Hitler. Being Indian it was kinda weird since I literally had no context and there was no Sup Forums back then to influence my thinking. I sometimes think that most people here may be dyslexic as well since they think surprisingly like me.

>Were you a gifted child?
>Were you in a special school program?
>Have you had any weird encounters in your life?
Way too many
>What is your current life like?
Pretty shit actually
>Did you do anything with your extraordinary intelligence?
See above

How long does the average chess game last? I fear I would lose attention half way through.

I meant to say we simply can't compete with those who get grades higher than 98% bc they even though some of them are autistics they have no problem interacting in society and having friends.

I require intense study while these people only need a few hours of study to understand subjects like calculus III.

>1300 on 30 minute
>after a MONTH
just kys my man

>In b4 nice blog

I was gifted

School too small to nurture talent so every Friday morning they had a teacher run the gifted children group. Only 4 of us. Teach would ask us to solve advanced maths and physics puzzles, felt like games as we made spaghetti bridges n shit. We were tested every 4 weeks which felt excessive.

Didn't really have friends until my teens as I preferred books to people but I didn't find it hard to learn social skills. I have had plenty of luck in love and wife n kids now.

I got bored with school and didn't go to uni until i wanted a career change in my 30's. Getting a degree was a piece of piss, I scored 80+ in every assignment and 90+. I liked academia, it's just another game to me.

I feel those who push themselves are on par or have overtaken my natural ability and I'm happy for them. Sometimes I wish I had something in my life that was a challenge but then again I enjoy leisurely life.

Have a good career now. Declined promotions because I like to mindlessly cruise through office day. I play games because otherwise I over think and this takes me down dark paths at times.

Plenty of weird encounters but none of them to do with being gifted- it was the drink.

>Were you a gifted child?

>Were you in a special school program?
Yes, a few

>Have you had any weird encounters in your life?
Countless, usually involved lots of alcohol w/ my brother. One day we met some dudes that were apparently rich as fuck and crashed with them for a few days getting fucked up all day and fucking high end escorts at night...then a few days later we woke up drunk in a homeless tent city.....thats just the tip of the ice berg

>What is your current life like?
I make 130k/yr, hate my fucking life because I literally cucked myself and married a chick with a kid and that has steamrolled my life

>Did you do anything with your extraordinary intelligence?
I've been published countless times in numerous highly regarded science journals. Work is referenced 50-100 times a year or more for past 10 years by researchers at Harvard, Oxford, Berkely,

I also spend a retarded amount of time shitposting in /ck/

Look, everyone has some interests.
You can't say you don't know what it is.
Start something, reasearch about it etc if you can see yourself enjoying it that's great. It means you should do it.
I know what you mean.
If you try something and then figure out you don't like it go with something else, eventually you'll find something that you enjoy.
I often start something and don't finish it but after time passes I go back to it again and I do this in a loop.

Bro, humans beings operate on routines. We are animals that like to repeat habbits but every habbit can be rewired.
Just take dmall steps to change a habbit and keep it constant.

My father was in the military, so when I took the placement test for school to see if I was a retard of a normal person I tested off the charts. They ended up pulling me from school and my father from his duties and sat me down and had me go through more testing. They were beyond impressed with the results and started a different battery of tests, which where full of all wrong answers, opinionated questions and shit like that. I was invited to MENSA at 5 and the group running the battery of tests tried to get custody of me from my parents, so my father severed all contact with those people. They even pressured his CO but he still refused. Recorded IQ at 157.

He still has it notated in his military records as refusal to follow CO recommendation for child placement & studies - Recommend accept retirement at MSGT.

That's good for a beginner.

I qualified as "gifted" I guess. But not like, all around genius or anything. My gift had to do with the written and spoken word. I was identified when I started reading at higher and higher levels and using the words in my school work. I was assigned to the gifted program in my elementary school, then recruited to a magnet in middle, then another in highschool.

Problem was that while I was an excellent communicator with adults and I'm writing, I was still just a stupid kid, and my social skills with my peers sucked. I didn't learn how to actually be social until high school. But that's when I grew into my intelligence.

Unfortunately, my abilities kept me from forming a good work ethic. That still blows me to this day.

My life is pretty average. I'm looking for a job I'll be able to enjoy. Maybe one day I'll find that thing that lights a fire in my soul and do something great.

Magnet program my whole school career, was invites to take college courses with some program at duke university in fourth grade, went to state spelling bee three times, got into high school and pretty much forced normalcy. I didn't want to be a special snowflake. I wanted to be me. Went to college on Jew dime for two years, saw what was happening and withdrew from all classes. I paid back the part of the tuition that was my responsibility and never looked back. They only wanted me there cause I am a "minority".

Now I deliver sandwiches and am raising some kids with a former single mom. Couldn't be happier unless i had some land to go full /k/ on.

Both my girls are "gifted". Twins...One has an IQ of 138, the other is around 132. It's funny though because the 132 girl generally does better in school. Neither of them have much trouble and don't try very hard so I try to push them outside of school.

They got pretty lucky as far as I'm concerned because I only have an IQ of 124 and my wife is around 112. My mother had an IQ of 151 so maybe it skips a generation or something.

I worry about them finding a good man... I never liked dating women who were smarter than me...most guys don't. They're gonna have a hard time.

Oh, and for unusual experiences, I was diagnosed with a rare thyroid cancer at 19. Facing mortality as a teenager is something I would recommend to no one.

>Were you a gifted child?
No. My mom kept all my report cards for some reason, and throughout elementary school I think I was actually pretty retarded. From middle school to high school I just started doing well for some reason. Got A's in every class and B's in my AP classes. Currently in school for nursing and I got a $16k scholarship among a few others.

What happened? Divine intervention? Did Kek grace me?

>pic related

>Be in elementary school
>School has a program called gifted and talented for smart kids
>Some parents bitch about the name implying that their kids aren't gifted and talented
>School renames the program Omni

I went to a gifted middle school and high school. Went to Second best school in the state. Got two degrees in 5 years. Got a desk job, hated it. So I joined the Army as an Officer...I am still an Army officer, and most of my days are still at a desk but I jump out of air planes and go to the field occasionally...Pay is good not great but next year they will pay for me to get a master's degree so I have that going for me.

Studied university math in high school and did math competitions.

Almost went to the IMO although I fucked up twice/maybe wasn't smart enough... Although I was never a math autist like everyone else there - that explanation is more satisfying!

Studying bioinformatics now. Planning on doing a phd. Goal is to find a way of transferring the brain's consciousness to a computer.

I'm extremely(!) autistic.

>Ancap-Transhumanism level autism.

>but instead bullshitting even more
(Yeah, I know what I`m doing too...)


Are you saying I'm like you? Because clearly I'm not. I have very little trouble understanding scientific topics.

I was in the gifted and talented program since third grade. I later dropped out of high school at 16 to pursue online metapolitical activities. I am now in university studying computer science and history with the intention of flipping the political landscape on its head and establishing a white ethnostate on the North American continent. I also hate jews a lot.

I was advanced as a kid

always getting straight A's without trying, in Spelling Bee and stuff.

Then I left private school because my parents divorced, went to a public school full of beans and nigs and my education went down the drain. At least I'm in college now although a little older than most of the kids in my classes..


>not being a warrant officer
kys redneck

you probably joined the Army as a genius because you solved a single fraction on the entry exam

the military is full of retards

take yourself for example

I thought I was a gifted child but in retrospect it was probably the fact I went to public school with niggers and spics that gave me that impression.

Yeah boi, they had me in a gifted program all the way through middle school and high school. It was pretty fucking lit. Got me out of class twice a week to real philosophy, write essays, and occasionally just fuck about with whatever bullshit my teacher had brought in that week.
Jr/Sr year that class was where I received the majority oy redpilled.

a few when i was younger
don't know what constitutes a weird encounter
sitting on my ass all day on pogey and partying on the weekends
smoked weed and did drugs and now i'm just average, pretty good welder though

The answer is no. Nobody here is smart and nobody here is white.

The O Corps is a little different, but whatever

Just finished my degree in Chinese studies (25). Aiming the join military. Wrote some good poetry. Had some relationships. Made an ass of myself. Traveled places. Definitely on that mid level of intelligence between smart and supercomputer. There are a lot of things that are beyond me. Feels kinda sad.

Navy, Army or Air Force?

Cringe post man

I'm shooting for UVa

Probably army enlisted for a couple of years then back to uni with the money to study science, or officer training if I like it.

I wish I was a prodigy
Not really
Average but it pays well
I got an upper middle class lifestyle

tl;dr Not a failure on the surface, but certainly on the inside.

This. Always got bad grades even tho I tried my best but my mommy said that "you are just intelligent in a way that those exams don't test".

Sped detected

What the fuck is a sped? Special ed?

I was an antisocial autist until I went to college. Now I'm getting a PhD.

Yes, sped. Don't you have a short bus window you should be licking, sped?

was in gifted program

IQ 138

left in 8th grade bcuz wanted to be c00l

smoked pot and did some mild drugz

had lots of fun w irks and parties but should have stayed in advanced programs

22 now, average state school, 3.4 GPA. literally just average I'm sure my IQ fell

>Were you a gifted child?
>Were you in a special school program?
No. Norwegian school system forced everyone into the same shitty mold.
>Have you had any weird encounters in your life?
Yes. Not my blog.
>What is your current life like?
>Did you do anything with your extraordinary intelligence?
No. Again not my blog, but a school that forces the intelligent and the people who have to focus on breathing to share a curriculum leads to people dropping out.

Everyone Sup Forumsack should fucking read this:

But don't take this as another means to motivate yourself...
As much as I hate Shia he is really fucking right about the
>just do it

Please read this and start doing shit otherwise you'll keep being depressed and unhappy about your life amd everything.

Also there should be a selfimprovement general everyday on pol.
This is the ultimate red pill to satisfy our meatflesh cages.

inb4 this turns into a spoopy thread about GATE/Tavi*tock

fucking typos

Are you saying you didnt changed much?

>Were you a gifted child?
Yes. IQ of 136 in elementary school. I had advanced communication skills and was studying high school physics and math at 11 years old.
>Were you in a special school program?
>Have you had any weird encounters in your life?
>What is your current life like?
Spending extra time at university to compensate for my horrible work ethic so it doesn't screw me over later.
>Did you do anything with your extraordinary intelligence?
Currently developing proprietary technology to start a company.

Read my other posts in this thread you dropout loser.

We're way higher than animals and we should hold ourselves to higher standards, but yeah, deep down I knew that part about routines already. You made me realize this fully. Thanks. Maybe you took a part in restoring some autist back to society.

Yes, I was GATE.

137 iq.

Complete failure in life because bluepilled people disgust me.

100 percent racist.

>lying on the internet

I could read and do math at the leven of an 8 year old when I was 5. Thing is, I was never really gifted. My neighbour was a girl who was 4 years my senior, and we would play school all the time. She taught me how to read and write well before any of my classmates could. My headstart faded as I got older. But it was nice being 'the smart one' for a while. I've had plenty of weird encounters. It's my dream to build bridges between people, averse to conventions. A man's reach should exceed his grap. Current life is pretty comfy, all things considered.

same here
Well, I had no niggers, but my peers were lazy and not interested in learning and I was autistic

I was never tested but my sisters were. I assume this is because I am a male. I believe that we were all gifted, but my older sister can't handle money worth a shit and my younger sister fell into nigger culture so she turned out pretty dumb.
I feel that I have a good head on my shoulders, but I am lazy. In school I got by sleeping in class, but eventually I said fuck it and dropped out because of the constant stupidity i was faced with.
I once jokingly said that gold was a gas in chemistry class, and the girl I was working with believed me.
Now I work at home, making just enough to get by. I have a wife but never really leave my home to see anyone else. If it weren't for her I'd be a total Neet.

I did own a construction and carpentry business, but i couldnt compete against jewish owned companies that were hiring mexicans for 8 dollars an hour to do work that people would pay 30 dollars an hour for before the illegal invasion.

>Were you a gifted child? Were you in a special school program? Have you had any weird encounters in your life? What is your current life like? Did you do anything with your extraordinary intelligence?

What about you, op? Answer your own questions.

By most accounts, and certainly by my own assessment, I might be slightly more intelligent than average, but when I was a child I attended an inner city public school surrounded by niggers. By comparison, I was a genius, and literally, the smarted child at the school. By the time I finished 4th grade they made me skip 5th grade and move straight to 6th grade at some private school for free.

>barely passed elementary and middle school.
>got summer school ever year, and was thrown into "special" programs to evaluate just how "special" I was.
>they said I was normal but my teacher told me I would never amount to shit.

I am getting my doctorate and starting my 100k+ job in a year,
I wonder if I should send her a copy...

>average intelligence
>for some reason can pick up playing musical instruments easy as fuck

Why did I have to get stuck with the shit-tier "gifted"?

What are these weird encounters you people keep talking about?