Without a Syrian migrant you wouldn't have Apple

Without a Syrian migrant you wouldn't have Apple.

>White drumpf trash BTFO

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>Im a dumb shit who knows nothing

So you are saying that the world would not be flooded with Apple iTrash if we kicked out Syrian back then?

Fucking hell, let's just kick them all already.

Wouldn't that also prove Syrian migrants are cancer? Jobs didn't die of freedom after all.

I will bet you $1000 that Steve Job's deadbeat dad that abandoned him wasn't a Syrian refugee, but the son of a Syrian millionaire.

I didn't particularly care about Syrians but now I hate them. They're responsible for this.

He looks white as fuck tho, so did Steve.

Jobs didnt invent shit.Marketing is not inventing.

>suicide nets outside of Apple factories in China
>extreme pollution and detriment to indigenous flora/fauna of China
>price gouging and Monopoly tier business practices
>engineering products to break intentionally so consumers are forced to replace them, cash
>endless backstabbing, selling or using your personal information for financial gains while you live in squalid poverty by comparison
>endless lying to federal authorities
>endless lying to consumers

Boy golly gee, can't picture life without Apple products.

cell phones and tablets contain conflict minerals from the most war-torn region on earth
the deadliest conflict since ww2 was fueled by the trade in these minerals leading to 6 million deaths

so a Syrian migrant helped cause another shoah

I don't really enjoy it and honestly I could live without both if I lived in a country free of dunecoons. a very small price to pay.

smart phones make you a fucking zombie connected to it 24-7.

His father was still whitier than most Americans

Maybe refugees aren't so bad after all

Lol Moor'd.

Fuck Apple

Your move Antifa.

??? Steve Job's didn't even invent the iphone lmao

Fucking bait thread/10

Typical pol intelligence tho

This makes me hate them even more

And I am a Muslim.

>one Syrian migrant made Apple
>we should therefore let in a terrorist because he will make Apple


More cowbell

Fuck Steve Jobs. Apple products are a fucking cancer. if you like Apple, you also like big dicks in your ass.

It doesn't matter, he was a visionary and made the most valuable brand and company in the world from nothing. That counts for something

>tfw I never bought an iPhone or iPad, or iAnything, and iNeverWill

I use samsung

>Capitalism is sexist and racist
>WTF I love capitalism now


Apple products are Shite

He was abandoned by his Syrian ""father"" and adopted by a white family. How retarded are you? Please die of AIDS
