Anyone else regretting voting for Trump?
Anyone else regretting voting for Trump?
Carson Carter
Isaac Anderson
no one voted here
Ian Adams
What stupid asinine reason is giving?
Really letting Muslims in is bad for my dogs but it still happens
Jose Lee
No one is, faggot. More people are wishing the voted for him. Fuck of CREW cunt.
Levi Murphy
Keith lost Katy in a bar
Isaac Wilson
Isaac Hernandez
So GQ employs Keith Olbermann, who was dumb enough to get fired from MSNBC, AND the "Dear White People" writer?
Charles Bennett
Rape yourself, nigger breath.
Dylan Gray
NYC Arab/hispanic here... nope Voting for him was the right thing to do... and id do it again. only POTUS that has actually tried to keep his promises...
>now how bad has Democratic party become the someone like me would vote for Trump?
Jonathan Adams
Holy shit, AND he's a cuck?