Wee lads,looks like I'm suddenly a NEET. My local BP where I've worked under the best manager I've ever had was bought out by an Indian couple. This afternoon as I'm getting ready for my shift I get a call, saying pajeet and shejeet are now working all of my hours and none of it's original workers, save my manager, have employment there.

>ftw they were talking poo poo every opportunity about how they were gonna give us the axe
>mfw I have no face

Shit lads.

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Mexibro here.

Here a free you. Since no ones responded to your thread. Sorry about your job bro.


Taking this with stride and start looking into trade school

Thanks Mexibro. It sucks for me but it's worse for my coworkers, we were all pretty comfty. One of them is a single mother (husband an heroed), the other has been working there for about 6 years out of high school. I was already making a move and I have an interview in about a week and a half, still doesn't feel the greatest.

I've got a factory job on the horizon, pays pretty good for gravy work and it's just a stone throw away from where I live. Trade school isn't a bad idea though, it'd be nice to have something useful.

I've been saying for a while now, Mexicants aren't the threat to jobs, those spics take all the shitty ones like farm work, it's the fucking poo in the loos we need to push the fuck out of the country. Murrica got tricked.

I've never had a problem with Indians, but I got some bad vibrations yesterday. Even said to my mom, "I don't appreciate them not speaking english when they are around employees, makes me feel like I can't trust them." Lo and behold. I live in a town of 2,000 people, once the locals find out what happened, business will drop.

Yep. If you work in the hotel industry and it's not a 4 star or higher hotel watch out for it to be bought out from under you and they fire everyone.

Happened with 3 I worked at. One of them they kept me on. Let me work whenever I wanted doing laundry randomly and just sitting around the lobby. Had 2 housekeepers for a 150 room hotel.

Don't rent rooms from Indian owned hotels, they DO NOT change the sheets after each guest. It takes blood or huge stains for them to change them.

Now you've got a chance to get a better job user. I know it sucks. Take it in stride.

>those spics take all the shitty ones like farm work

OP's job isn't good either. He should work in a job where he's not easily replaceable.