Daily Reminder
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Sup Forums ABSOLUTELY btfo
ya fck white people and their ketchup and cheese sandwhiches
>nazis wanted jews dead
no they just didnt want them in their country
nazi germany was allied with muslim nations, hitler praised Islam
see above, he didn't care about "people of color"
>disabled people
he euthanized people with serious inheritable diseases, this is still a practice for most children born in countries around the world
how do you defend the world against people that actually contribute to the world?
reminder to SAGE in the options box
Its not that we want them dead, its just that we want them existing somewhere else.
Problem is according to Antifa, anyone who voted for Trump is a nazi
I saw them at Berkeley, they just go around looking for anyone who is pro-Trump, call them a Nazi, then beat the fuck out of them with poles and mace
tfw the statements from satan's people are moronic
I remember when I was new to Sup Forums too :^)
O Shareblue, Mindless devil and damned devil's kith and kin, slaves to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are thou, that canst not slay a cup of jello with your naked arse? The devil shits, and your comrades eat. Thou shalt not, thou children of a whores, make subjects of American sons; we have no fear of your army, by board and by media we will battle with thee, fuck thy mother.
Thou sperm dumpsters of Saudi Arabia, Cum guzzlers of Qatar, brewer of idiocracy, cock-suckers of China, cuckolds of Mexico, pigs of Africa, Child thief, destroyer of morals, hangmen of innocence, and fool of all the world and underworld, an idiot before God, grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw thine own mother!
So Sup Forums declare, you lowlifes. You won't even be herding pigs for the Americans. Now we'll conclude, for we don't know the date and don't own a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year with the Lord, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our arse!
Reminder that anyone they don't like becomes a "nazi", including a gay jew with a black boyfriend.
>Commies want those who arent commies dead just for existing
>Nazis want antifas dead because they are aware of the above and want those people safe in their own countries
>It is not "the same thing". It is not "more hate. It is defending the world against people who want most of the people in it dead
Sure. Nahsees.
>Commies want those who arent commies dead just for existing
That's the real truth.
Antifa wants anyone who isn't Antifa to be dead.
I sometimes wonder why we are fighting Islam
why we are against abortion
why we are against degeneracy
Islam is the answer
let the left kill themselves.
>this cartoon acknowledges nazi are intellectually right
really makes you think
Thats fine and all but the trouble is they think literally everyone who does not agree with them is a Nazi and therefore, deserves to die.
>daily reminder
But you make this shit thread every hour
That is why I keep posting this to them.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi!
That's why they failed the election and that's why they're losing their grip of the dominant culture.
What also baffles me is the fact that leftists always think of muslims, jews, gays and disabled people as one coherent group who stands together for a gommon interst.
But in fact, this isn't the case, quite the opposite actually.
Muslims are the most antisemitic and homophobic people on earth, afroamericans have a subculture filled with misogony and homophobia. And everyone who spent some time among turks or arabs knows that they're very often racist as fuck against blacks.
That's how it is in Germany, is the situation different in the United States?
Lets not mislead like they do on our own forum. They want non-commies dead because they disagree with them, not simply for existing.
Hitler only hated Jews for fucking up there shit. Not people of different color.
We are fighting radical Islam because they want everybody to be Muslim or have the choice of giving up most of their income to not be killed and then be killed anyway after the first payment, or be killed right away because they just aren't Muslim.
We are against abortion because a life should not be ended just because you don't know how to properly implement preservative measures against pregnancy.
Islam is the answer to "who really is the enemy trying to kill us for being different", so yes. It's the answer.
I doubt anyone would catch this reference.
>implying any of those people have a right to inhabit a nation made by pic related
You gotta admit it is funny though.
for those who still don't fucking get it
Muslims want Jews, Christians, atheists, LGBTQP people dead just for existing.
Conservatives want Muslims dead because they are aware of the above and want those people to be safe.
It is not the "same thing", it is not "Islamophobia", it is defending the world against people who want most of the people in it dead.
No, people just ignore this.
I think it just goes back to, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." or some shit.
Oh please. The Resistance (aka: Antifa, or Communists), who I do not know, want the disabled killed more so. They just prefer to have the state do it via abortions.
Daily reminder: Antifa espouses distinctly fascist ideals.
I was reading about the Triple A in the Argentine Dirty War and I want to start the American Anti-Communist Alliance really bad now.
the nazis had islamic collaborators in the middle east, national socialism literally started in what would then be considered "gay bars", and people of color weren't outright killed they just were told not to inter-breed.
So new the goy can't even say sage goes in all fields
I think it is rooted in the effort that leftist and feminist have made to make their movements intersectional.
>that unbroken 100 year streak of mexican immigration to california
Antifa are faggots and commies.
Antifa is garbage
I sometimes wish gamergate never happened and pol was still a discussion board ;_;
How does that explain antifa trying to murder Milo and his fans? The "nazis" they describe don't even exist.
Sup Forums is a discussion board just don't be surprised when your beliefs are BTFO
It really goes back to "I like blacks, I bet they like me too. I mean I'm not a CIS het, i identify as a Nubian Transprincess, so I'm one of them"
It's like the guys that think they can climb into Wild Animal cages and play with them. It is a mental disorder, not being able to view the world as it is.
Yea, its pretty disgusting, but my point was that no other nation has the right to live in another nation just because they want to. Or because of a weaker and failed administration that did not took into account racial, and philosophical enemies properly.
Removing unwanted elements is pretty common for many nations on this planet. Its more or less the norm, so yea. We fascists do want to remove all of these people. These people probably wont be killed, but they will be deported.
So yea, you lefties reading this, you will be deported too for being such traitors to your own nation if the winds keep on blowing more favorably our way.
Muslims were also nazis as well
We all know about Zaporozhian shitscrolling
joot just delet pol its dead
I blame disney movies like Beauty in the Beast. From a young age little girls are brainwashed into thinking beasts can be tamed if they are just loved enough
Yeah but the problem is those antifa faggots consider everyone, even other leftwing people, as nazis.
That's the problem.
Yeah I have heard them say straight out they hate classical liberals even more than they hate conservatives
Basically they want a genocide on everyone who isn't a communist
Pretty much.
They say "its okay to punch nazis because they are intolerant and want to genocide people!" But these antifa fags are the most intolerant people to anyone who slightly disagrees with them and they're the ones who push for white genocide (they literally call for it) and believe they're the good guys.
They're just retarded.
Except they want white straight males dead and extinct even if they agree with leftist Narrative.
Commies want to turn our nations into third world sewers. Alt-right is aware of this and must stop them.
No. The story was meant to not make chicks into picky whores that think they deserve everything.
What fucked us is the American Doctors Association removing being Gay from the list of mental illnesses.
This set on the wave of them trying to make it seem like it was normal, see for example all the pro-AIDS stuff mid 90s, which turned to "gays deserve equal rights when it comes to family planning" to what we have now.
>I'm justified in everything I do because I'm fighting a made up enemy
I think those people should read Mein Kampf
Oh yea here
>The Declassification of Homosexuality by the American Psychiatric Association. DSM-II.
>The American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality from its official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1973.
Guess I'm a nazi
>Ethiopia in South Dakota
This was Obama's doing, right? He purposely pushed shitskin immigration into the midwest to disrupt the white majorities.
I'm always amazed at the speed Sup Forums spins propaganda to find the kernel of truth. Well done.
Do you consider me a nazi for thinking LGBT are gullible or need mental help?
Or for wanting to live in a city that's homogenous with my people? I don't want anybody dead, and I definitely want every person to take pride in their own race in their own land with their own religion and culture.
If ANTIFA continues provoking they risk awakening the sleeping giant that has been dormant for decades.
We really ought to learn from the 20th century, and not just take from it that "nationalism is bad".
Except Trump could literally become like Hitler and Sup Forums would cheer him on. At what point would you believe sjw's aren't crying wolf?
>Didn't want Jews dead
>Kill Jews
Can someone explain these gymnastics?
But Muslims want most of those groups dead as well.
Why are antifas so stupid?
I wouldn't cheer him on if he started putting people in death camps or began invading Russia. I am not a nazi, you see.
The world would be better without leftists, shitskins and degenerates desu.
>invent a dehumanizing class of citizens that you can classify anybody who disagrees with you as so that you can justify your violence and animalistic behaviors
Trump isn't Hitler and would never become like Hitler.
If you can't see that, you are part of the problem.
>Trump could literally become like Hitler and Sup Forums would cheer him on
leave your fucking basement every once in a while
zionists funded hitler because they wanted jews to get removed from europe
>Not wanting to get rid of the degeneracy that plagues the world
Absolutely disgusting
We don't believe them crying wolf ANYMORE. that is your problem. Us not condoning it anymore is because it went like this
>"Hey can I have a dollar?"
Yea here
>"Thanks can I have your car?"
No but I can give you a ride though.
drives off
Memes aside what has Trump ever done to be anti-gay? He's more accepting on this issue than any Republican president prior and arguably moreso than Hillary until only a few years ago. Whenever I press someone on this, they have no examples but bring up Pence's opinion. Trump needed Pence to win with evangelicals, that isn't proof of shit.
>At what point would you believe sjw's aren't crying wolf?
When people like you are being hanged on lamp-posts after express trial.
If you think that gommie rioters could easily burn down cities in Hitler's Germany while German press praising it you are fucking retarded.
The mere fact that CNN still running with anti-Trump propaganda 24/7 is 100% proof that Trump regime is not authoritarian even slightest bit.
Trump's done literally nothing for gay people. They have reason to assume he likes them either.
>tfw no antifa gf
Trump is pre WW2 Hitler, he is getting the country fixed up and in better shape
Obama is WW2 Hitler
He turned a good country into shit within his political career
Story behind pic
It's called "intersectionalism".
It's really not that complicated.
That seems to be a large assumption on your part.
white people help
Judging by how those bodies look, they were probably found frozen
Dude hahahaha chill Sup Forums is satire, remember?
Fuck off. That's what they want. For yall to fuck off and leave them alone. That's it. It's that simple. Also sage.
But muslims want all of those groups dead as well....remind me again why liberals fail to see this every time.
>dems are literally reenacting the German Communist Revolution
>expect not to be killed
You're the ones burning the cities and vandalizing good working people's property.
You do deserve everything that's coming to bring you its judgement.
Youre right, we deserve our country to be made great again and Trump is the one that will fix this nation
The dems are idiots, they are rioting and destroying their own towns and cities while folks like me are watching these assholes ensure democrats will never get power for a long long time
Can somebody tell me when the annihilation begins because I have to book the time off work
>why we are against abortion
>why we are against degeneracy
We're not against them doing those things, we're against them selling those things as virtues to our children. They're already free to kill themselves.
Is there any other kind in Liberals?
>hey do you have a job for me
Sure what are your qualifications?
>I'm a street musician, I sing harmonies in a quintett
So, no job experience whatsoever? This is a sales job
>I know people, We stand outside a shopping mall all day long
Ye you're really not what we're looking for
whoa, please just leave
>*proceeds to push over several displays and lamps
I'm gonna call the cops
I am not so sure that this didn't happen at least once.
I simply can not comprehend how they think violent protest is protected by our laws or how attacking people is going to give them any sort of support
i don't want them dead i just want them to fucking leave me alone
>not wanting to live around them
>wanting them dead
>didnt want jews dead
>put them to work as slave labor in LABOR CAMPS
>allied carpet bombing destroyed all infustrature, prisoners in isolated camps starved to death or died from disease due to a lack of supplies
hey retard, you dont put tatoos on prisoners you intend to genocide. You dont waste valuable resources shipping them across europe when a bullet to the back of the head and dumping them into ad itch you made them dig is way easier (this is what the russians did)
5 seconds of critical thinking disproves the holocaust. People died in ww2, tons of people. but that doesnt mean hitler literally had a plan to genocide anyone.
>deny muslims entrance
>muslims wont be shooting up gay night clubs anymore
thats way more than obama ever did.
>supports a woman's right to murder their unborn kids for any reason, including mental health reasons
>gets upset when someone says 'why dont we just kill the mentally disabled'
really makes my melon rattle.
Do we really need more humans in this world
Starving communists in Soviet Russia eating their kids and selling extra human meat for shekels. Literally