This is for you America. Yeah you, user, reading this post


Why isn't ragebait a banable offense. Shit is so tedious.

what it say I cant read im a dog

>african niggers sell other niggers to America
>only 3% of Americans owned slaves
>white people ended slavery

>niggers have proven to still be subhuman even with the same "privileges"

>niggers fill the prison cells themselves by committing a fuck ton of crime

How does he not realize the immigrants are unwanted, it's like asking why a King won't accept farmers into his castle.

>taking a picture of a screen

I take everything back that I've ever said about leafs.

If only 3% of whites owned slaves, then what was the other 97% doing about it for hundreds of years! Smh senpai. Srsly, white folks be evil as fuck to this day.

Niggers should thank us every single day. Without them, we'd be much better off; without us, they'd promptly starve.

One good post does not wash out the bad.

Rake -1'

>If only 3% of whites owned slaves, then what was the other 97% doing about it for hundreds of years!

Minding their own damn business.

As a percent of population, more free niggers owned slaves than whites. The first slave owner in America was black

I wish we could enslave liberals.

if only they knew the vast majority of the slaves went to south america, not the US. some even went into europe and OTHER FUCKIN AFRICAN COUNTRIES.

africans traded africans, which is not what you'll be taught in "school".

Every dindu today, inculdeing the ones in prison, is better off than the ones dieing of aids in Africa.
Even the ones throughout history, as slaves and second class citizens, had a better life than the ones in Africa.
The laves had food, protection, and only got lashings if they stepped out of line.
African Dindus don't have food or protection, and catch aids if they try to reproduce.

>an entire race


>filled two thirds of our prison cells with them until today

Nope, we just respectfully punished them for thir niggery behavior. They're the ones who had it coming.


Now do it!

Fucking Jews

Actually, that is precisely what I was taught in school. What the fuck were you taught? Some gay musical shit where white twinks were running through the Serengeti catching some strong bottoms with butterfly nets?

That should be added to post. Also wasn't 3% it was 1% also Africa is shitty as fuck and will be for a long time because, black people. Yes


Even that picture contains things invented by whites

That's fucking grim.


Let me get this straight, niggers.
You are willingly subdued, enslaved and degraded by people you claim have no biological superiority to you.
You allow yourselves to be removed from participating in the politics of your own country without protest.
You commit the highest percentage of crime, despite being part of the minority.
And you're angry when we don't applaud your history.

No shit that's why they should go back to their beloved African homeland, OR Shut up, Stop Complaining, and Embrace White Supremacy

Yeah, white people totally made Jerome commit all those crimes. If only he had more money fo dem programs n sheeit

Ending slavery.

>Guys, niggers are great! Look at that one being good!

But the US has only been a around for 241 years slavery ended 89 years after the country was founded.

I told you we should have just sent them back to Africa


Thanks for that spicy meme, roach.


>300 years
slavery lasted 80 years


I guess we can send them back to africa.

Only seen this about five times

Shitpost twitter and facebook bait should be a ban

What do you do thats so great, really

>enslaved for 300 years
83 years
>ban them from your privileges for the next 100 years
Depends on where you were living
>Fill two thirds of your prison cells with them until today
Stop stealing, killing, and violating the law. You are accountable for your own actions
>and you're angry when they don't applaud your history
I don't give a shit

stole my idea fucker

>then what was the other 97% doing about it for hundreds of years
Trying to make a living for themselves.

What is it with these people and the inability to write the word "though"?

I also think if it wasn't for Schubert on hard days Mahler would confidentially shit all over Mozart.

Who is "America"? Exactly who is "getting angry" they black people don't "applaud" US history?

The irony is that it is currently black history month, wherein we all celebrate the African cultures who sold most American slaves and practiced slavery for thousands of years.

This illiterate fuck should tone down the virtue signaling and pick a book up.

dude is just simping for some black pussy

Ban them from our privileges?
Ban them from our PRIVILEGES?
It's a fucking privilege now to basically fucking create modern civilization?

That's what white privilege is. When you construct a first world civilization, of course it's going to be to your own benefit. If other races were able to construct first world nations, they would have privilege in those nations too.
Japan is built for the Japanese, and caters to them.

I wish we never enslaved those niggers so they would've stayed in Africa and died from starvation and AIDS.

They should be grateful.

shaping and creating a powerful country you retarded fucking nigger, so years later after the mistake of freeing you: you can then destroy it kys nigger

I can leap walls

Once again, it was the Jews who were slave traders. And they are not white. - -''

They fill our prisons with themselves.

It`s there history too, they were just on the wrong side of it.

>the entire black race was enslaved by america for 300 years


>it's another OP starts a bait thread and never posts in it again episode

I wasn't responcible for any of that shit.

Barbary slave trade faggot. Do whites have original slave sin? Nope. Eat shit.

>what was the other 97% doing about it

Where I'm from, slavery was illegal from the beginning and we STARTED the Abolitionist movement then sent 1000s of young men to go fight against Johnny Reb.

This, also being slaves.

Dont buddy, thell disappoint you tomorrow

That's kind of hot