Did fdr stop the great depression?

Or is it just a meme?

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The depression would have ended when WW2 started, regardless of FDR's actions. That said, he may have alleviated some of the issues until WW2 caused the economy to bounce back.

FDR was a classic liberal, ultimate bro tier

He signed more executive orders than any other president. Agree or disagree with his methods, he pulled America out of the shitter

>trump is the next fdr

War sparks and fuels economy growth. Even before we joined in the Nazis and the Brits, French and Russians were killing one another. You would be mistaken to think we werent funding all sides for our benefit before we got dragged in.

remember that tax rates under the new deal were as high as 90% for some people

i think he did pretty well to hold america in one piece, but otherwise social security and medicare have fucked this country over pretty bad.

so probably not

FDR extended the great depression. It ended years earlier in most other countries.

Dont let your muh libertarian blind you to have badly the great depression crippled this nation

Extreme times call for extreme measures

Its objectively true the new deal propped us up until the war boom

Yes because we never sold weapons, supplies, and materials to both the Nazis and Brots at the same time. While also fueling the French resistance at the same time we were whispering in Stalins ear.

Fdr was without a doubt the worse President we ever had. Evil Motherfucker.

>the (((new deal)))

There was no such a safety net in the 30s. The CEOs were fine, they continue to sell their guns and what have you.

The normal people, ie you and me, were fucking starving all over America. Absolutely unacceptable.

Had he not died in office and Truman assumed the presidency, we probably wouldn't have had a Cold War for 50 years. Truman was a little faggot.

>implying that stopping communism shouldn't be our number one goal at all times.


Stalin and FDR were good friends. Stalin was said to have paused and held the hands of the American ambassador, taking a prolonged moment of silence at the news of FDRs death. FDR used to pretend to fall aslep when Churchill and Stalin would argue about Poland, much to Stalins pleasure.

If he would have lived theres no telling the timeline wed be on right now

We had recessions before that one and they corrected quickly, but FDR decided to get the government involved at levels that had never been attempted before, and surprisingly the recession lasted longer than any recession before it. Woopsie poo.

The war stopped the great depression. FDR just drove us face first into modern liberalist economics of government handouts and money printing

Wrong question. Ask why the depression started in the first place?

>Did fdr stop the great depression?

not even close

the great depression was merely the massive flow of money from america to fund hitler/germany for the purpose of creating even more wealth

fdr allowed pearl harbor, allowing the money powers to make money from war

start here

here some more, if you like

Truman was a plant by Tom Pendergast. He was a fucking hat maker. He got into office and the people he brought with him controlled his every move. You're right in saying the world would be a much different place. I hate that fucking guy.

>under the new deal
Under the new deal?

For a whole 50 years, the tax rate of the highest revenues in the US was over 70%, with peaks at 80% and even 90%, and the American middle class was the world wealthiest and had the highest quality of life.
Then you guys decided to kill yourselves and elected Reagan.

He did

FDR stopped a commie uprising.

No. FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate


Are (((economists))) complete fucking retards?

t. economically illiterate

>FDR stopped a commie uprising.
Yeah, while his administration was filled with soviet agents. Google "Venona", they managed to decode soviet spy materials and revelaed AT LEAST 357 commie spies in FDR administration.

Sorry, kiddo, go read some books.

Do you really believe the horseshit that comes out of that whore mouth of yours?

are you fucking kidding? LOL

>t. economically illiterate
t. politically illiterate

what was the 1929 stock market crash?

Damn right common core has to go.