#Vault7 Investigation

Here are some clues derived from @theswimswam twitter feed, and videos from the channel known only as "look" on Youtube.

For the videos "Come, stay a while." and "America the Wretch (Bulunsky)" Look for comments from a user called "Ruth Osorio", who has dumped alot of info.

Other urls found in this thread:


1) Ecuatorian airlines- Ecuador is the embassy of Julian Assange. This could be a coded way of letting us know that this video is indeed Assange or one of his proxies letting us know that we are "invited to a great event", as the narrator announces. In other words, something big is coming.
2) Maxwell House
3) HOTEL spelt out cryptically within "don't ask don't tell"
4) Hillary saying "don't worry I won't" indicates Hillary involvement (unknown significance of press conference)
5) this is a scene from a movie called "the room", with a conversation b/w characters Johnny and Lisa.
6) 68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 65 6e 2e 77 69 6b
69 70 65 64 69 61 2e 6f 72 67 2f 77 69 6b 69
2f 41 69 72 62 6f 72 6e 65 5f 4d 61 72 63 68
converted to text is https:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airborne_March
7) This last clue may be related to the video which talks about "fallout". It may mean that something is going to be AIRBOURNE in MARCH this year. Or something else in the article may be of relevance.
8) LISA may be an acronym. Here is a list of possible explanations for this acronym
Little Scholars of Arkansas (North Little Rock, AR) is of interest, as Bill Clinton was the former governor of Arkansas, where he and Hillary are responsible for many suspicious deaths. So much so, the name "arkancide" was given to this phenomena surrounding the Clintons. Just a thought.
LISA also stands for "Local Integrated Software Architecture". This could be a reference to something electronic that is going to go Airbourne in March that will tear apart the Clintons.
8) Final 2 shots of the flag and globe (which turns toward the US) indicates this is indeed concerning events and individuals operating within the United States.

America the wretch clue video

1) Ground/trees are stock horror footage sourced from here

2) An image of someone in a demon mask. Sets the scene and perhaps used to describe the kind of individuals this video concerns. Source here imgur.com/idp3qlr
Apparently people see things like this during sleep paralysis. Unidentified (youtube channel?) logo in bottom right. Source needed for logo.

3) Man riding bike next to stream. Source needed. Perhaps the date and time is more important. Potential code. 2011.12.09 1549 hours
EU treaty and debt crisis at this time. See link

4) Woman dancing from
"Jet National / Miami Go-Go" Boeing 727 National Airlines Commercial circa 1965
Link here youtube.com/watch?v=2WBRltv3UpQ&t=4s

5) Man lifting weights and squatting. Unknown source.

6) Woman dancing from
"Jet National / Miami Go-Go" Boeing 727 National Airlines Commercial circa 1965
Link here youtube.com/watch?v=2WBRltv3UpQ&t=4s

7) Unknown ritual/dancing

8) Woman winking from
"Jet National / Miami Go-Go" Boeing 727 National Airlines Commercial circa 1965
Link here youtube.com/watch?v=2WBRltv3UpQ&t=4s
Says "ARE WE PUTTING YOU ON?" ...suspect quote.

9) American Horror Story: Freak Show | Teaser #7 - "Open Wide"
Link here youtube.com/watch?v=b-t5fsAF9cU

10) 9/11 Flight 175 hitting the South Tower

11) Nuclear Bomb explosion. Source unknown. (Another "fallout" reference?)

12) Ronald Reagan "we the people" farewell address. Content of speech HIGHLY RELEVANT to this video. Link here youtube.com/watch?v=GlgTwp93E48

13) Hitler in "Triumph of the Will". Another WILL reference.

14) Skull and bones photo, containing George Bush Senior. Nazi connection. 322.

15) George Bush Junior laughing. Video is from interview with Jay Leno. Link here youtube.com/watch?v=aChLi6_AfjM

16) Obama impersonates "Frank Underwood" character from "House of Cards" in front of Abraham Lincoln mural at White House. Link here youtube.com/watch?v=kUjbb9Vj_G4
This video was shot for April Fools day, at 11:35am

17) Hillary Clinton has a seizure just after being asked about Obama endorsement. June 2016 on campaign trail. Link youtube.com/watch?v=bkEJ4M6-f9o

18) Anonymous- Guy Fawkes mask.

19) Lynch mob/burning/gathering. Unknown source. Unidentified network logo in upper left hand. Source and logo needed. 18 and 19 are probably a message that Anonymous is coming for Clinton, Obama and Bush, and that they are somehow implicated in 9/11.

20) Putin pooped on by bird during speech unveiling monument in Moscow commemorating 100th anniversary of WW1. It is said that the bird poo was faked.

21) youtube.com/watch?v=-O1P8fnBVvw
Army of Ukraine, BM-21 "Grad" vs Slovyansk
Appears to be footage of Ukranian army attacking Solvyansk, around 2014. The city was one of the focal points in the early stages of the 2014 pro-Russian conflict in Ukraine. It was retaken by Ukrainian forces in July 2014. See relevant links here. This is related to Putin.

22) This eagle (or hawk) is featured in a music video by a band called "New Order". The video can be found here youtube.com/watch?v=nTI9ssgV1w0
Unidentified species of eagle or hawk. Faces camera. May be a rough-legged hawk.See this forum, scroll down for picture. photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=380988

Obviously this is a message to tell someone they are being watched, "like a hawk".
"You're nothing anymore". Obviously a message to the people this video concerns.

Hah thats my image. I've been doing a lot of investigating myself.

Also the image in OP has been solved, its an old picture of a website thats on wikileaks check out this Tweet thread:


Its meaningless and to be honest hes building up a lot of hype. I don't think theres much to these videos, its a big LARP.

More info



The first link pretty much explains it. Its a website from Israeli's from 2008. The image is not new and has been hosted by wikileaks since July 10, 2008. On July 15, 2008 after getting a lot of hits they changed that 1 image to this for some reason.

Nice, an ARG!
Good idea Assange.
Have we made a subreddit for the ARG yet?

Maybe you are right, and it is another LARP game.
Still, whoever did this is obviously working on the same page as @Anonscan
Also, alot of effort has been put into this. I suspect there really is something more to this, and that @theswimswam is perhaps a proxy of wikileaks or one of its affiliates.
I say this because in order for someone to construct such a consistent arc, they would need to have either written out a storyline beforehand to string people along on, or simply be slowly unravelling the truth in a codified fashion. The video "oops, I forgot my keys" youtube.com/watch?v=OzNyUZW7ToU for example, indicates that something more substantial is coming. Judging also by the regularity and consistency of the posts from wikileaks, anonscan and theswimswam, I would say we can assume this to be real.

Well nothing indicates that hes timing it with anything. He could just be a wikileaks fan hyping up wikileaks releases. He appropriated his old video to be relevant toe #Vault7 but theres no evidence anything is relevant to actual wikileaks releases.