Who here /Trump/?
ITT: Sup Forums in the year 2000
lol, i'm here in the world trade center and i know bush is the best candidate
i know his father did the persian gulf war but seriously how could trump win?
Just you watch, faggot.
Did Y2Kfag kill himself after seeing that the world didn't end?
The Reform Party has no chance, they should've ran Jesse Ventura. I really like Bush's non-interventionist foreign policy, so I'm going for him. Seems like a smart guy too.
No way Bush is getting elected
Who here #buchananbazooka
I love this Japanese Board you have going on, can I have the source code to make my own?
Y2K will only happen once 2000 has been completed! that's when the computers will all fail
I love getting through the airport quickly and efficiently!