>This is Sweden's Minister of culture, Alice Bah Kuhnke. >Gambian father >"Swedish" mother >Member of Miljöpartiet (Green party), literally the worst party. (They thought refugees should be allowed to TRY being a doctor without proof that they are one for a YEAR because it's "hard to prove it")
I cannot stress this enough. We have a Gambian nigger as minister of OUR CULTURE.
Can you red-pill me on the history of the Jewish people on Sweden? While researching our former president General Eisenhower, I saw that his classmates at West Point referred to him as "the ruthless swed-jew" in writing in his year book. Because honestly the only Swedish who would marry a nigger would have to be a Swed-Jew, right?!?! Jews in America are obsessed with niggers too. I think it goes beyond just the oppression and social justice thing into something, perhaps, biological.
Mason Morales
Evan Cruz
Like the phoenix we'll rise out of the ashes.
Nolan Reyes
bitch probably doesn't even like sill and smears her kaviar on the wrong side of the knäckebröd reeeeeeeee
Christian Wood
>without proof that they are one im gonna have to see some proff on this insanity