Scientists test how smart animals are by using the mirror self recognition test: they put some paint on the animal's forehead and let it look at itself in the mirror, and see whether it realizes it's seeing itself in the mirror and that it has paint on it.

Some scientists tested children from a few different cultures to see whether they could pass this test. It turns out that Kenyan children weren't too good at figuring out how mirrors work:

They try to spin it as the test not being valid across cultures, but I think we can all see what's going on here.

Other urls found in this thread:

>2 year old from the US can recognize himself in the mirror
>6 year old from Kenya can't
>"There must be something wrong with the test, or maybe it's just a difference in culture!"

>A 6 year old Kenyan fails a test a dolphin can pass

why didnt the same happens on all of africa if blacks are truly stupid?

>Dolphins apparently have western culture


Tanya Broesch and her colleagues began by taking a simplified version of the mirror self-recognition test to Kenya, where they administered it to 82 children aged between 18 to 72 months. This version of the test involved a small, yellow post-it note rather than a red splodge, and children weren’t given the usual verbal prompts such as ‘who’s that in the mirror?’. Amazingly, just two of the children ‘passed’ the test by touching or removing the post-it note. The other eighty children ‘froze’ when they saw their reflection – that is they stared at themselves but didn’t react to the post-it note.

Next, Broesch and her team took their test to Fiji, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Peru, Canada and the USA, where they tested 133 children aged between 36 to 55 months. The performance of the North American children was in line with past research, with 88 per cent of the US kids and 77 per cent of the Canadians ‘passing’ the test. Rates of passing in Saint Lucia (58 per cent), Peru (52 per cent) and Grenada (51 per cent) were significantly lower. In Fiji, none of the children ‘passed’ the test.

So, what’s going on? Are children in these non-Western nations seriously delayed in their mirror self-recognition. The researchers don’t think so. First of all, they deliberately tested a wide age range – in Kenya up to age six – and they think it’s highly unlikely mirror self-recognition could be delayed that far. ‘Our impression,’ the researchers said, ‘was that they [the children] understood that it was themselves in the mirror, that the mark was unexpected, but that they were unsure of an acceptable response and therefore dared not touch or remove it.’

>‘Our impression,’ the researchers said, ‘was that they [the children] understood that it was themselves in the mirror, that the mark was unexpected, but that they were unsure of an acceptable response and therefore dared not touch or remove it.’

That it happened at all is... pretty fucked up. I've seen kids recognize themselves in the mirror before they can fucking walk, less than a year old.

they didn't test any other African countries

Kenyans were the only blacks tested in this study.

> 88 per cent of the US kids and 77 per cent of the Canadians
US has more blacks than Canada and performs better.
Are you sure the success of the mirror test on kids isnt highly dependent on upbringing or economic success of a nation?

Or perhaps maple syrup stifles brain development.

How would upbringing or how rich your parents are influence if an 18 month old kid can pull a post it note off their head?

They tested black kids in the US too.
>but blacks kids are the ones that failed the test in the US
Canada has only 2% black population and only 77% of the kids passed compared to 88% in the US.

Fucking ANIMALS can pass the test. I guess the economy of the cimpanzee nation is doing better than Kenya? Or perhaps dolphins were better raised by their parents and so they could pass the test? Maybe elephants just have a better developed culture than Kenya, that's why?

Dolphin culture is racist

I doubt the kids in Kenya ever seen a mirror before in their lives. Kinda hard to find that tech when you're living in literal mudhuts without electricity and clean water because their gov is a piece of shit.

Does that make Obama a 10%er?

>Dolphins, elephants, chimpanzees, and ants see mirrors on a regular basis.

>comparing adult animals to human children
Adult kenyans can recognize themselves in the mirror just fine.

>Tanya Broesch and her colleagues began by taking a simplified version of the mirror self-recognition test to Kenya, where they administered it to 82 children aged between 18 to 72 months.
So it wasn't the same test?
>This version of the test involved a small, yellow post-it note rather than a red splodge, and children weren’t given the usual verbal prompts such as ‘who’s that in the mirror?’.
Where the other children given verbal prompts?

Sounds like it might be a bad study in all honesty.

yes, it's unfair to the animals.

it seems like it was the same test for all three groups they tested, it was just simplified from the normal version of it that uses paint

and like america, canada is successful DESPITE having to take care of Africa inside their own borders, not because of it

Wild chimpanzees of all ages take some time with mirrors to understand that they're looking at a reflection.

The process usually take days with them showing aggression on the mirror image.

Fuck off Mike, your comics are all shit.
Malaysian rangeban when?

This is entirely unsurprising. Niggers are beyond retarded.

How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't!?

Being to stupid to recognize yourself in a mirror is a social construct.

I would not be surprised. I've been to Tanzania twice and the elephants I saw displayed much more care for their babies than the Maasai people did. There's a big problem with eye disease because parents don't give enough of a shit to wipe the flies off of their kids faces, so they get fly eggs in their eyes and shit and grow up thinking its normal to be covered in flies

Im pretty sure that my 4 year old dog recognizes himself in the mirror.
And he a french bulldog and borderline retarded.

>Is an Aussie
why am i not even surprised

And Koko is still unable to write.
Africans are capable of scamming you on the internet. They're also capable of using firearms, install roadside IEDs and end the apartheid in South africa.

I, and my Womyn's Studies LGBTQ+ABC group discussed this test and it shows, 100%, that Kenyans were smarter than White Privileged Males. Obviously the Kenyans knew that the White Rapists that ran this test were trying to bait them in to looking stupid and they protested by not participating.

Kenyans 10
White Devil Males -10

>Adult kenyans can recognize themselves in the mirror just fine.
Citation please

at least they can operate ak's and shit.
who needs mirrors when you got ak's to pop zebras and silly niggas.

B.b.but were all the same.

>wah I'm being raped on the internet wah mods pls ban this guy
How is life being a bitchboy?

In the paper they say that a number of kenyan kids had been seen independently using mirrors in their daily lives. I highly doubt they were the only ones.

>Africans are capable of scamming you on the internet.
>Malaysia admits falling for African prince pishing mail

top kek

That's because Africans have kids to serve as fly attractors. Get a kid, put it in a corner and the rest of the hut will stay free of flies.

I wouldn't know, I don't draw the worlds worst comics for less than $70 a month.


Because not all blacks are this dumb

The further traveled inland in africa the IQ drops significantly. North Africans are the only ones with brains.

Kenyan poachers are mostly natives using AK's. Trained chimps struggle to even use basic knives.

Yeah. Devious rapist brains.

But but but there is no difference, everybody is pretty and smart!


That was pretty good. (You) for you.

Hold on, lets think about this rationally. All races are equal, so lets try not to imagine that it could be that sub-saharan africans are cognitively inferior to caucasians. What if they are actually aliens who know better than to play at human tests? Both theories are equally likely to get written up in the media.

Using tools at a different time rate does not negate lacking other human level intelligences...

The huts, bomas in the case of the Maasai, were actually fly free. I've been in one, and the flies don't like all the wood smoke. We got invited to the village matriarch Yaya's boma and they're relatively clean, but dark and cramped since there's no windows or anything. It's when you're outside that you have to worry about all that, but the kids are always outside since they're basically used as free labor from the time they can walk to watch the cattle

>In the paper they say that a number of kenyan kids had been seen independently using mirrors in their daily lives.
Cant find it.

Yes, africans are really smart. For some reason most of them here knows how drive cars and use smartphones something Orangutans, dolphins and koko the gorilla cant do.

because le nigger lolololopl XDDDD who isn't le nigger because le shitposting autistic faget nigger le ate my le KFC turducken fried watermelon and I le shot him and ate his nigger ass XDD!!!!!!!! because nigger!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDD nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger le who doesnt le hate le nigger because theyre le niggers le XDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!

Yet not as smart or developed at certain stages as other humans on average....

Why are you not getting this

Because he's a muslim.

If chimps know how to use human tools, they would be killing each other with stolen machetes by now.

Not a single reported case yet.

unsurprisingly, it looks like most of the dumb niggers in this thread can't fucking read
>Children have access to the mirrors as they are on the floor, and
infants were observed by E1 exploring the reflected image

so they clearly are capable of recognizing themselves in the mirror
it's just that they don't know what'd constitute as a proper response to this test

c'mon guys I know niggers are dumb and fun to laugh at but it seems like we're really just grasping at straws here
It's painfully obvious from reading it that they have a sense of self

They haven't tested out rural India, China and Russia yet.

Some serious butthurt here.

Canadians stare so hard they see through reality

I mean...yeah no shit they're going to be stupid as fuck they're still living like fuckin cavemen in an underdeveloped shitty country

listen man, the shittier the environment someone's raised in is the dumber they end up being

it's pretty simple

A gorilla smarter I ridiculous. This is racist hogwash!.

And the same can be said towards the Kenyan children considering how many times they've seen dead bodies of people dying from famine, diseases and conflict.
Like a flashback whenever they see their reflection in a mirror.

Trudeau is going to start bringing in Kenyans

Nigerians can be good immigrants as well. Most of Africa is an absolute disaster though.

maybe they thought it was warrior paint

White children pass 80% starting age of 21 months
White children pass 100% starting age of 24 months

They went up to 72 months for nigger children and still with exception of 1 out of 81 not a single would pass the test and they stopped the test and didn't even go further.


>b-but its cultural

holy kek

This, literally all the smart blacks I know happen to be Nigerian.

Or downtown Cleveland.

The shit that pissed me off the most, is that you fuckin faggots BELIEVE this shit.

>omg even dolphins and monkeys can recognize themselves in Mirros XD niggers are dumb!

Fuck. The shit pisses me off. You people circle jerk each other over how much you think black people have no mental abilities

it'll be buried and forgotten because anything that proves how Africans are fucking stupid, usually is.


Chimps can't us machetes?


reported for shilling your shit comic again. hope you get permab&
also, eat a dick Mike

The races are not equal, this has always been known. That being said discrimination based on race is unnecessary, instead we should discriminate based upon intelligence.

The stupid blacks and the stupid whites can both be shipped off to Africa and left to their own devices for all I care.

>tfw partially illiterate with a confirmation bias

Its the only thing they're good at


the truth hurts, maybe you should return to tumblr

is there a second half to this post?

You see him throw that thing?

Fuckin practicing to be a jungle ninja

How is a 2 year old aware of culture at all to begin with? Oh I forgot my baby is born racist.

One thing that can be confirmed is that black children mature faster than white children. This study can very well be apathy from Kenyan children but what do u know, bullshit study has bullshit parameters

Yep, maybe we should go and train all those apes to keep these niggers at bay. It seems to be working in Uganda.

Canadians are vampires.

we know that dogs can do it

Chimps our best allies?

>end the apartheid in South africa.

pretty sure it wasn't them that made it happen

Better than negroes. Chimps won't invade our countries and subjugate our civilization.

>recognizing your own reflection
>cultural differences


Here's my second half.

Get a life you sad circle jerking piece of shit.
>wow look at all these statistics
>omg IQ
>omg mudhuts
>fuckin niggers
>I'm so obsessed with niggers
>I participate in nigger hate thread every day on Sup Forums
>this is my 15th post today talking about niggers
>fuck niggers
>fuck niggers

>they were unsure of an acceptable response and therefore dared not touch or remove it.
So their natural state is that of a slave, waiting for its master to give it permission.

>tfw partially retarded nigger projecting

>77 per cent of the Canadians

The best allies would be dogs. The white man and dogs go way back. Apparently there was a study released that showed dogs remember the same way humans do, specific events in time, and not just rules. They also understand humans and work with them.

Honestly they are better than most people


Do you have a counter arguement to this legitimate scientific study, or just denial of facts via passive aggressive shitposting?

failed the test eh?

This only gives me further justification for my desire to kill all sub-saharan Africans and turn Africa into a giant nature preserve.

Muslims black dogs are the devil

A somalian can? A Tanzanian can? In Rwanda and Burundi can?

many african americans can find caucasian blood in their family trees
