What happens to SJWs who realize they were wrong the whole time and everything they've been fighting for was worthless...

What happens to SJWs who realize they were wrong the whole time and everything they've been fighting for was worthless bullshit? Do they just implode into salt or can they go back to being normal?
Can they really just grow up and be normal adults?
Any of you ever heard or has any story of those beings every coming back to reality?

The ones I know that had this phase typically shift back towards being a moderate and are less prone to hypersensitive outbursts.

That's not how it works

Some would rather burst into autistic screeching than admit the possibility of being wrong

They'll grow out of it on their own in a few years when they actually have to do something with their lives

If they have progressed to SJW status it's not likely they will come around without some major trauma that shatters their beliefs totally. I used to consider myself a moderate liberal, but the overwhelming evidence became to much to ignore. Now I guess my former friends would call me a "Nazi"

It was just a phase, momâ„¢

I suspect many will just shrug and move on, losing all itnerest now that they get no recognition and victimhood points. The one's worst off who based their whole personality and identity on the movement may go through some small crisis but they will likely be better off afterwards. Many possibly will stay delusional, gathering into small communities and circlejerks the way they do now, just being less obnoxious and hating people passing them by.

They can get better, some of them at least. I had an acquaintance who was affected by SJW bullshit and with whom I even argued about it before - months later - hearing from her when she contacted me, apologized and admitted she got swayed by a complete bullshit.

Also, I am pretty sure someone made almost exactly the same thread before wherein I've answered in similar way. Spooky.

But there is no reason to have gendered public toilets. All public toilets should be unisex with only urinals. They make urinals womens can use.

women can use urinals though

and the same thing would happen if a dude just stood here and let his piss dribble out

crazy to think all those photoshops, trolling, copypasta, etc i've done here over the years has actually contributed to a genuine movement in the minds of some

I agree, but large bathrooms I don't.

I think you are right about them being able to come back, it's just going to really suck for the ones who cut their dick off when they were wrapped up in it! Not exactly like getting a tattoo you regret.

What do you mean by SJW? The definition is very large.

You're doing God's work user.

Good question.

I assume they shave their blue hair, get a job, and delete all their old social media.

Or suicide. I assume they won't realize they were wrong about atheism until its too late.

That's a pretty dumb comic to be honest.

>Can they really just grow up and be normal adults?

>biological reasons for having them?


Autistic as fug, learn some context and tone

It stands for Somebody Just Whining.

the reason they build the narrative of being part of some struggle against an oppressor is because they need to feel virtuous, to fool themselves into thinking they're good people. I think, on some level, most of them know they're irrational, unreasonable and retarded. they will never admit it because they're not driven by convictions or political beliefs. they're driven by their own childish need to be the center of attention.

I was never a SJW exactly, but I was a communist a couple years ago. Now I'm a monarchist/traditionalist. Many Sup Forumsacks have undergone similar transformations.

I'm referring to all those people fighting over stupid things such as fake feminism, rights they already have and who pretend they are superior to anyone they talk to.
E.g. : the bitch behind the 2016 hugh mungus meme

Suicide death cult. That's where they go to. Fucking Jonestown.