Can we have a comfy, feel-good and high energy PENCE thread? Post PENCE memes and stories. Here's a meme and I don't have a story, but one of my dreams is to attend a comfy rally where PENCE is the main speaker.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping with PENCE memes.

This is a small collective of autists who spam their unfunny memes endlessly in this board, hours and hours pass and hundreds of threads are made by the same person, just forcing cancerous memes down Sup Forums's throat. They can pass through sleep deprivation, malnutrition, diseases, and they will continue clicking on [creating new thread], wait until their threads get popular, and see if some /r/le_donald newfags popularize their memes. These sad fucks are not even being paid to spam memes 24/7, they merely do it because it is the only minimum amount of attention they will receive in their worthless lives. Maybe one day these "spamtists" will get their memes posted on Twitter or Facebook, so that they can validate their pathetic existence. Think about this: You are spending your time making and spamming cancerous memes on a Chinese cartoon image-sharing chatroom that was created by a teenager suffering from severe autism, is this really what years and years of nurture and care by your parents have led to? Or maybe you weren't cared by your daddy or your mommy at all, and this is why you spam memes on this site every single fucking day with no stop, just fucking endless images and texts containing the same fucking memes, pushing them until some band of 12 year olds on /ptg/ finally begin to use it. I seriously hope you are somewhat rich and pay people to spam these memes. No human should have to live through this sad pathetic existence. Anyone, please, put OP out of his misery.......

I like Pence a lot now.

Part of me wants Trump to do his big objectives: Improve trade, secure borders, and fix military in 3 years then resign so Pence can be president and help him to be elected for 2 terms.




feeling comfy

I was worried about Pence at first considering he appears to be a little bit of a war hawk, but he's pretty safely away from the Golden Throne as of right now. He's so humble, watching him speak makes me feel very /comfy/.

I do love Pence memes though. I'm gay and I always show Pence memes to my friends. It either confuses them or makes them very angry, perfect!




I feel like Pence is the guy who gives the motivational speech during a war movie.

He also seems like a genuinely caring man.

Please, give your energy to this thread, so it can reach the based silver fox. PENCE-heads unite.


original pence pic by me

I'm not a fruity homo or anything, but if he asked me to give him a blowie, I would. Just because he's so patriotic and based and for the reasons you listed.



post Karen too

I'll bet it was a comfy rally. I'm jelly. And the Roswell connection is cool, too.


Mike "Faggot medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence

Nearly hit like 10 deer and a herd of desert piggus on the way home. Also saw a pack of white dogs in heat, middle of the road in Palo Pinto. Awoo wanted my dick




I wish. I'm just your average Sup Forumsack.

This was one of the most epic debates ever. PENCE raped KaineCuck.

Nice bro. HIGH ENERGY that night, eh?

Kaine was such a creepy motherfucker there, so arrogant. I think Daddy Pence's humility was a great asset that night.

>We'll work with you when you go back to the Senate
Pence didn't get enough credit for that fucking act of savagery right there during the VP debate

All the white democrats are bloody creepy

Kaine just exudes a beta, child molester vibe. No challenge for the based Silver Fox.


The freak referred to himself as "Hillary's right hand person", not man, like a total cuck bitch.

Definitely. He's a big faggot too, needs to be shocked.


I have a hell of a lot fewer Pence memes than I thought, that's a travesty.

Please, we need more PENCE memes. A lot of negativity on this board recently, and we need to deliver some HIGH ENERGY to Donald and supporters.


Describe your penis for uncle pence.

That's why I made this thread. We all need more PENCE memes.

I'm all out brother.


Running low, if the thread dies, I will make a new one a few days from now with the new PENCE memes I've collected. Lend me your energy for future PENCE threads. And thanks to all who've posted and shared.


>you will never write anti LGBT executive orders outside Trump Force One while throwing around the old football with Uncle Pence

Only the highest of energies for you my man.

>user's I brought some Pizza to help us brainstorm those new executive orders on fag rights




Praise be Kek and good fortunes to the happy trap zapper!
Praise Pence!

Mike "don't jizz in the electric fence" Pence! Go forth and smite liberals to charge your batteries!


Almost forgot his name...

Mike "If you suck dicks, eat my 5.56" Pence
Mike "Put the gay in a Faraday" Pence
Mike "Turning Faggots into Maggots" Pence

Trump should just do 1 term then focus on Mike Pence getting elected.

This thread was blessed and damned comfy. I'm out of memes, but there will be a new, comfy PENCE thread in a few days. Thanks for the comfy, rare PENCE memes, men.

God bless you.

When I looked at Kaine, I could only think of him as "The Joker".

I would support that, but then after PENCE's two terms, Donald runs and wins another term. Found one another PENCE meme.

No, God bless you.


I like how he always includes his wife and Charlotte when he is thanking people. He's always got them by his side. Such a nice man

This thread isn't dying anytime soon.
>[Insert defibrillator meme here]

Those fake smiles man, you can see them from a mile away. They really put people off -- Cruz and Shillary are prime examples. No emotion in the eyes, absolutely soulless smiles. You can be sure the audience didn't like them either.

I'd do anything to switch places with that kid and have a based mom and PENCE as my parents. Hope reincarnation is real...


Best one ive seen

Why would you want it to?
Totally. From the moment I saw Kaine, I just knew he was a fucking creep. His getting fucked in the debate by PENCE was like witnessing a miracle from God.

Someone had a whole list of PENCE nicknames. Does anyone have that saved?


Why live?


>Why would you want it to?
I don't. It was just a long-winded way of saying "bump".

YES. Thank you so much, based PENCE-thread contributor.


Thank you Dahnuld. With your blessing of HIGH ENERGY, I can finally attain the priesthood's dream of ZAPPING EVERY FAG.

My bad and humblest of apologies, PENCE-buddy.

The only thing worse than a Hillary presidency would be if she died and that child molester creepy fuck Kaine became president.

Shit, forgot about that.

Thank god we're in the right timeline. Donald is assassinproof since we have Pence. If the left thinks Trump is an evil homophobe, they definitely don't want Pence. Great deterrent.

The CRUZ MISSILE would make a great VP or Supreme Court Justice under future-Pres PENCE. You're welcome, based TED.

We are witnessing inter-dimensional chess in this timeline. Donald just makes it look so easy.

haha get mad faggot


best /comfy/ is /thunderstorm comfy/

And there is only one chess player.


Here's my contribution.

He and president are closeted homos and trump is a known sodomite


Don't you see Mike's portable shock ring?

Donald's straight as an arrow now.

Hello satanist

Now you can fix his pedophilia

>no one has posted this yet

makes me want to do charity work and help my community, god I love this man.

Hello CREW.

Oops you love a man. Off with your balls disgusting faggot. But he's actually a feminist woman so you might be alright

Yes, but comf. I was sat to the left. Got my hat signed

>Hello satanist

Hello occulus. Hello project roman goddess
>i have morals i swear!