Alabama rednecks pass a law to kick out all the illegals because muh skitskins takin our farm jabs, they cant get whites or prison niggers to do farm labor, Alabama's agricultural labor suffers and the law is slowly rolled back

Then they didn't offer correct wages. It's really that simple. There are plenty of whites who would catch chickens or pick apples, you just have to pay them appropriately.

That's a lot better than paying illegal mexicans who only pay FICA taxes because they used a stolen SSN and claimed 4 exemptions on their w-4 so the feds don't withold anything else, then they send all the money they earned back to mexico through western union.

The money leaves the country, Americans aren't working jobs that should be reasonably paid, and the cash leaves the country.

It's a huge fucking scam, fuck bullshit hit pieces like this no surprise it's from (((vice)))

"I like my $7 mellons!"

root of the problem. We put in all these rules for American employees and then when it's convenient not to pay for said rules hire illegal labor.

If the farmer needs to pay more to harvest he needs more subsidizes or to charge more for his product to the factory or wholesaler. And in the end, also the price of the final product.

It would go on much deeper, in this market farmers don't have much room to play with and any expense is kept as low as possible due to necessity.

>if the farmer has to pay a market wage for labor then they can't make a profit
maybe they should try something other than farming?


Leftists don't understand the difference between cheap products, and actually having a job that lets you afford to buy the product at its true value.

you know thats were our food comes from

The robot farm workers will come soon enough.

To be fair a lot of whites have a misguided sense of self-worth.
Many see farmer/blue collar jobs as 'beneath them' and believe their college degrees in English should get them a management job.

thank the boomers and the (((media))) for that.

Fifty years of television calling tradesmen buffoons will do that.

highschoolers shouldn't be that entitled the goal is to do your shit jobs in highschool then go to college to get real jobs

Actually the illegals should be gotten out, and the niggs (and whites and others) in prison could be doing that farming.

You could save lots of money by having the prisoners do the labor, and then the profits go torwards the prison system instead of taxes, and also believe it or not, the inmates would be thrilled to get 50 cents or a dollar an hour... That is good money for commisary. I have been in the pen twice and I everyone I know would have been glad for a job making 5 or 7 bucks a day...

That is enough for smokes, coffee and eating a good meal every other day.

>To be fair a lot of whites have a misguided sense of self-worth.
t. City fag or dumb nigger

I'd pay the prisoners as much as you can without completely fucking the prison economy. Make it one of the best paying prison jobs.

And I say that with a general distaste for paying prisoners so little, but I do understand some of the whys.


yeah okay memeing aside, if they started being honest and said we need illegal immigrant slave labor because our economy is to trash to supply a proper wage to Americans based on current laws, then I'd be okay with it.

I want my own Mexican slave desu.

I'm a brogrammer by trade, but I'd quite like to harvest apples or whatever as a side job, as long as it pays like $10/hour and the working conditions are good. Hell, there are tons of trendy white people who would probably pay you to let them harvest your organic fair trade apples.

this is what is supposed to happen ffs.

>true value

Have fun buying apples at $2 from Publix you fat cuck.

Spot on. Greed is what destroys nations, and people at the top will gladly let their country be bled dry to make a couple extra bucks.
>no one ever thinks about the long game, Trump does I think, that's why washington and the ((((elites)))) hate him.

This is why democracy is retarded. Some people have no idea how anything works outside of their little bubble.

This is what we should be working towards instead of bringing in wage cucks that send the money to other countries.

The last 12 years there were no shit jobs for high schoolers because the economy tanked during the housing market crash so bad, all the oldfags who lost their jobs went back to flipping burgers or illegals kept maintaining the city agriculture and foliage, at least they did here in California

t. High schooler from 2008-2012

What's wrong with a $2 apple? How many fucking apples do you intend on eating? Maybe if you stopped giving money to whores on Patreon you could afford that $2 apple.

Better yet, plant a fucking apples tree and become wealthy.

You act like people never ate apples until some Mexicans showed up and began picking them.

>as long as it pays like $10/hour
Lol no. That takes no skill or hard labor.

>muh redneck insult
>probably believes that racial slurs are bad but redneck is permissible to this peabrain


Fucking hell it's so simple. fucking Sup Forums should be running the government judging by the quality of this thread.
Step 1. No more illegals and migrants sending money out in exchange for cheap labour.
Step 2. and until step 3 is perfected
Step 3. Step 4. Profit and abundant cheap food.

Cherry picking. I've met plenty of lazy "immigrant Mexicans".

We either have laws or we don't.
We either have a country or we don't.

You want to sellout your country for a few "hard workers" whom will birth lazy offspring? Sure, the immigrants will be hard workers but their children born in the states will be lazy and the cycle will repeat itself. This propaganda only think about making a quick buck.

Bingo, you can get white people to do farm work but you've got to pay them a wage they're willing to do it for, and you can bet it'll be higher than minimum wage because working in the fields is a lot harder than working at a cash register or in a department store.

Farm owners are just not accustomed to having laborers who are in a position to bargain for better wages because they've been exploiting illegal workers since the 50s.

>>Paying $2 for an apple when i can pay $3 for 5 apples

No thank you

Yeah we charge people to pick apples at our orchard and then charge them by weight. Then we use the left overs and make it into hard cider.

The apple business is pretty competitive, there are constantly changing tastes you have to keep track of and anticipate. Especially in the last 30 years. You constantly have to uproot trees and replace them, constant pruning, constant picking, spraying for bugs, etc. You're probably better off investing into a real estate trust.

farming is heavily subsidized by the govt

Apples are $1/lb in America.

Equals 2 euros / kg

Illegal hispanics are by far the most useful of creatures. They do thankless labor for shit wages, and even have the ability to be used as a scapegoat in times of economic hardship. I think it's a symbiotic relationship, even if most posters in this echo chamber tend to disagree.

Problem was high school kids couldnt get jobs because of illegals right?

>go to colombia
>see a tree with delicious fruit
>walk to tree
>leg blown off by a landmine

So why didnt the prison inmates experiment work out? Our jails are overcrowd and it seems like a good deal for them.

no shit, you need a nation wide regulation for things like this

>buying at (((exito)))
>not harvesting your own apples

I have no idea, I thought they already have programs like that. They definitely used to in australia and over here, maybe they were trying to get them to do metalworking or something and they made a shit ton of shivs?