Bumble Bees

Trump just killed us all.


“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would have only four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.”

― Albert Einstein

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Fukushima already killed us all

if this one species of bumblebee is endangered they're not doing much pollination to begin with

>kills a specific already endangered type of bee native to one very small area

Nice proxy leaf.

And half of you faggots want to mix with these animals. People how cause pin on animals are subhumans.

Bumble bees are wasps though, not bees.

that quote by einstein is as real as the holocaust, as is the premise that people could not survive without bees

I want to end this piece of shit, sub-human chink fucks.

>see image
The Chinese are going to become a superpo-
The average Chinaman is little more than a peasant, barely above a Pooinloo

>heard this shit lamented on npr yesterday morning

>Holy fuck, are they actually going to pretend this is a thing??

Does putting the bee on the list make more of them? Does it improve the species circumstances? Have you tried not being a faggot?

I'm about as liberal as can be but man I HATE fucking asians. They're all subhuman mongrels who don't deserve to fucking live. As much as I hate Trump I hope he fucking nukes those fucking chinks. FUCK I HATE THEM.

If I see an image or vid with a non white and an animal I refuse to open it. Soulless filth

don't worry white boy, you don't have to think or witness all the animal cruelty that happens in animal farms and fur farms. white master ranch XD

>Does putting the bee on the list make more of them? Does it improve the species circumstances?

Makes it easier to ban stuff that hurts the bees even if it makes potatoes more expensive.

It's funny how the wind is the number one polinator by 5,000,000,000 times yet muh bees. I ride a motorcycle, FUCK BEES!!

Liberals need more bees to make up for stopping the wind.

You know millions upon millions of windmills are gonna fuck shit up.

The Chinese doesn't have the same attachment to fido as other countries. If he did that to a cat, I would've been a little upset.

Yeah and I don't buy into this premise that one creature is super paramount to the entire ecosystem. How the hell did life survive so many mass extinctions if that was the case? I'd like to think nature is a lot more resilient and lasting than the human imagination gives it credit for.

You guys know your own countries' meat industries are indescribably cruel as well, right?

Basically this.
Nice totally related pic, faggot. Link the fucking vid of that.

Can we get a Chink hate thread going?

Ah yes, they are famous for torturing animals instead of straight up killing them.

>but muh slaughterhouses

not an argument, vegan cuck


everytime there is a chink torturing dogs video some fucking relativists hippy jack off has to say "HURR U EAT MEAT DOE IS THE SAME THING". Fuck off chinks

I can't even deal with how disgusting the Chink hate threads get. We seriously need to wipe them out for the good of the Earth.

WAIT so he halted a law that would somehow protect this particular bee species because it wasn't fully implemented yet? I fail to see how his will have an effect on the survival of that species, exactly. What are we gonna do, give the bees stimulus funding?

Whenever there's a thread about chinks torturing animals people willfully ignore the barbarism that serves them the animals on their plates

You guys only allow yourselves to have empathy if it doesn't upset your worldview

As we all know, Albert Einstein was the authority on bees.

>No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.”
There are other insect pollinators out there. Ants, flies, moths, butterflies, the thousands of other bee and wasp species, even some birds and small rodents. Oh, and a lot of human domesticated crops are self-pollinating so...

what the uck, this cant be real

>leftists do not understand allostasis or evolution, pt. 665


never found the video.

What that kid did to the man?


I really don't racist, but this has me second guessing if they have human souls or are just herded animals.


It kinda is, you are just detached from the cruelty that produced your food.

holy shit. chinks are worse than jews.

> file name

>implying our governments were doing anything about CCD

Fucking hobbyists have aggregated more data to determine the causal factors of CCD (and solutions to CCD) than direct federal government funded scientists.

Before you autists, start having a dumb fit, the Chinese have a law if you help anyone, you'd have to pay for their medical bills and "emotional" distress like what Americans have to pay when they get sued. That's why you see the woman stopped her friend from touching the little kid on the second webm.

First world people don't usually endorse needless cruelty no matter the animal. Your contrairianism doesn't add anything to the discussion.

It is not their problem. There are no good good samaritan laws in China, so if you want to "rescue" somebody, be prepared to pay the hospital bills and be imprisoned.


'If the hospital in Xian finds no big problems then he will return to us,' said the boy's parents.

No it isn't, a fucking rail gun to the brain is instantaneous.

He had more brains in one finger than your entire family

Yes, yes it is, carnie cuck.

Need the feds to restrict usage of the right pesticides though.

Instantaneous slaughter is not cruelty

Fuck off kike lover


Thanks, my good Flip. I had no idea their country incentivized life that way. I guess money really is everything.

If they figured it out and gave the solution to the government, they wouldn't keep getting big fat government paychecks no would they?

They're not going to do shit about it until the human population growth starts going negative.

Fuck you Chink, you belong in an oven.

Don't even try to fish for pity here.

That's only one of the five contributing factors, and not even necessarily a direct one at that (it's thought that the pesticides suppress the immune systems of the bees and allows for death by bee mites). Another very likely contributing factor has to do with government subsidized monocrop farming practices which 'starve' the bees.

Again, previous administrations have done far more accumulative damage to bees than our current president could even imagine to attempt.

It is though. A meat eater literally cannot complain about animal abuse.
>b-but this is unnecessary violence!
So is eating slaughtered meat. It's perfectly possible to live off plants in an agricultural society like ours.

The Chinaman has a high enough IQ to see past the facade and you don't.

Unlike whites who genocided many animals or hunt for sport?

This if nobody cares enough to help the Japanese fix the mess.

>tfw we nuked Japland instead of China

We need to kill off the chinks

Fuck you chink, go die in a fire.


People even abuse it, some try to get hit by a car intentionally just so they get paid, smart ones have dashcams on them. There's probably someone here who have that webm of those Chinese who hilariously run towards a car on fullstop just so they can say they got hit.
There was also this woman who had her head stuck on a railing and when someone helped her, she sued him.

Pollination is literally only about seventy to eighty million years old. Life survived without it and it would survive without it again, not that killing off bees would actually end pollination, as opposed to reduce it.

If bee's are getting rekt and the world is gonna end without them why haven't we just started factory mass producing bee's? surely with 21st century tech we could make bee farms that could churn out billions of those danger flies yearly

Your kind of an idiot.

Slowly torturing a live creature to death is different than instant death. Eating or no eating.

Take your hippy shit grade school false dichotomy back to the soon to be walled off Calipornia.

Escalators is a test of courage in China.

Let videos like this teach you, NEVER let chinks into your own country.

They are stealing parasites and vile sadists, don't let their calm and cool demeanor fool you.



Agreed, the only good chink is a ded chink.

He was just upset than nobody did anything about the traffic jam. Americans would do the same if the cops didn't take care of protesters.


anyone have that webm of the woman falling into that part of the escalator? pretty gnarly

Torture and clean death are on opposite ends commie.

Like East and soon to be exited West coast. Where your dumb bare foot and empty brain reasoning spawned.

>Chinese people torturing rats because it's the only thing lower than they are:


STFU chink.

Existing. To the Chinese, everyone of them is expendable trash (except for party leaders)

that's it, Drumpf's executive orders have gone too far.

>that picture

Poor pupper. Chinks truly are subhuman. Japs should've Nankinged the whole fucking country.

I didn't know Einstein was so good at ecological entomology. Plenty of geniuses say shit about things they have little or no comprehension of. Africanized honey bees will never be killed. You worry too much...

But we had to get ride of those kikes !

an actual post that provides actual information Sup Forums

Chinese cockroaches need to be gassed, burned, and then nuked into the earth.

You realize that your pic is more interesting than the thread right?

Not that I think it's unimportant.

Not a problem. We'll just have to form Right-Wing Pollination Squads.

four years? sweet. end it already.

You come for the chink hate but you stay for the bees.


But according to the article it seems like the bees don't stay for us



This is Korean! Korea hate should be in its own thread


>Bees have always existed alongside humans and we cannot survive without them.
>except during the ice age
really activated my almonds


Kek, what was this retarded chinkfat thinking?

>Wind turbines have a significant impact on the wind

Aren't honey bees really versatile and can pretty much live anywhere? Just nurture more hives of theirs.

Fucking Amerilards trying to kill us all again with their stupidity. You're no better than the Chinese. You're illegitimate mograls who deserve to swing from a lampost. Why the fuck can't you be more like Aurtaralia.

I hope that puppy suffered alot
dogs are subhuman

>Trump hates bees

Also, if you hit anyone with your vehicle it's incentivised to kill them. It's cheaper to make a one time payment to their family than having to provide lifelong medical care.

Implying bees do the pollution for the crops