Vote for Trump

>vote for Trump
>still support him
>but hate 90% of his other supporters and hopes he puts them into special camps

Who else feels the same way?

Martial law will come before anything else, you act like America isn't a corporation that shareholders heavily invest in.

well I am an atheist who hates 99% of other atheists. (trump supporter btw) so I guess I can sympathize.
But I wonder why you hate them so much. I mean other atheists are 99% libtard communist shills but why 90% of trump supporters?
and possibly bait... morgan freeman lol may have got me user.

>im an athiest

so what ? you're like less than 3% of the population.

Probably because most Trump supporters are extremely obnoxious retards.

26% of no religion voted for Trump, dumb fuck.

exactly. I don't care about it, and I don't think it makes me euphoric or intelligent. I simply can't believe. Not wired that way. and 3% sounds low but It doesn't matter. I hope it is that low cuz we could use a lot more christian values tbqh

You stupid idiot.

Those 90% are our useful idiots. We need them.

no worse than the average leaf

I've met other Sup Forumsacks IRL and have to agree

Much worse. Leafs at least sometimes contribute to discussions without using fallacious arguments.

recent statistics show that 100% of all trump voters are useful idiots

no not really but a lot of people these days are ant-white so it's not an uncommon belief

so 74% are libtard shills?
Yeah I should really feel stupid for calling the majority of atheists liberals.
you have to be stoned or something dude. Please tell me your drunk or something, fuck you should hope you are drunk, cuz otherwise you are just an idiot.

Fuck off retard. Trump is the best President US had since JFK and Coolidge

interesting new technique Crew


Fuck I knew it! shouldn't have engaged.
god speed

>refuse to lose

reminds me of a certain man

>people still praise JFK
>a jew italian mutt until the end
>rebelled against his handlers

Bay of pigs invasion, wew!

Coolidge was alright.

>a jew Italian mutt
JFK was Irish and Scottish mong.

I'm glad Trump won but I'm not stupid enough to pretend like it wasn't mostly for wrong reasons like fearful old people and evangelical conspiracy tards.

I also don't think this will have a good result. The establishment is too strong, so strong that it will demonize and attack Trump at every turn so when it comes to elections the pendulum swings heavily left.

Handled by jews, dealt with the mob, placed into office by good bad company.

70 years from now niggers will still praise obama. They just refuse to admit to themselves that they were conned.

>handled by jews
How? He admired Hitler

trying out a new one?

>puts them into special camps
You sound like the kind of person I want out of my FUCKING COUNTRY, user.

Didn't Morgan Freeman fucking shill at the DNC or something? He voted for Trump?

I like Trump, mainly for his inmigration policies, but I just cannot agree with him on other issues.

It was a no-brainer that he was the best candidate from the start but he's far from perfect and the things that he has right are arguably the most important ones but I hope he doesn't fuck to much with thing he clearly cannot comprehend in his 4 years.