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no. he s just making a last stand. after motion 103 passed we're all fucked

Haven't seen this video yet but I doubt it. He isn't even recognizing the impending demographic change that will ruin western civilization forever. All he has to say to western people is "Sort yourself out". Any aggression from us to defend ourselves would remind the world of le ebil nazis in the past and is therefore forbidden. According to him we have to sit idly down and just watch our world burn and crash. Just "sort yourself out" and you'll be fine. Worked out greatly for all the other people and cultures that were conquered and subjugated by islam, right?


He's saying that because you can't figure out the right course of action until you've sorted yourself out.


He's Canadian? Well fuck, I hope Trump invades your country soon

Options are limited. Either you do something against the current mainstream ideology (being right-wing = "evil") or you just comply (centrist = "good"). I don't see how "sorting yourself out" is supposed to help in this situation and time is running out quickly. Of course we should at the same time try to sort ourselves out but this is far from being enough. Ironically this guy is actually suffering from his and his generation's passivity and mindless tolerance right now. He is speaking out way too late against the left. Furthermore, just speaking out is not enough now. He is trying to reason with people who will never change their minds.


Sort yourself out = return to Christianity

I'm familliar with his main talking points and i think he is right about that political ideologies are harmful while a religion like christianity offers a functional framework for a stable and peaceful society. But at the same time christianity does absolutely nothing to stop the flood of migrants rather the opposite. This is the main problem at hand which he continuously fails to adress. When ethnic europeans are gone, so will be western civilization.

Christianity has stopped the flood of Muslims before. We can't win militarily when we aren't winning ideologically.

Christianity is corrupted to the point where christians won't put up much of a physical yet alone a verbal fight anymore. The situation in poland may be different but that's only one exception. The church leaders in any other country including the pope are heavily shilling for "refugees" and open borders.

If you can't sort yourself out, how can you expect to affect any meaningful beneficial change on a wider scale?

So what you're saying is we need to sort "Christianity" out, aka return to real Christianity

People who confuse being a Hippy with being a Christian aren't culturally Christian anyway. They need to return to tradition.

Basically this.

There is nothing wrong with his suggestion and if everyone applied it society would benefit greatly. But this is just adressing the "internal" problems the west has. Right now we are facing a much greater threath from outside which he is unwilling to adress. Time and options to counter this problem are very limited and i fail to see how someone who "sorted himself out" is supposed to come to a different conclusion than the political right is offering now i.e. closed borders, no more migration from muslim/third world countries, remigration etc.

He's already addressing one of the biggest problems himself which is teaching about the function of morals. The white race in general seems to have this inbuilt egalitarianism that has become a pathology. Why did it get to this point? The destruction of Christian morals, and nothing to replace it with. People simply live on their egalitarian instincts alone, giving the happy merchants an in to pump in cheap labor from foreign nations to lower wages, without giving two shits about long term consequences.

Understanding morality becomes from living through various evolutionary processes. Not striving, means not evolving, means not developing ones own set of morals, means destroying western civilization.

Yes, like i said he is indeed adressing the internal problems our decadent societies are facing. I don't complain about that.
As someone who knows about this and should be already done with sorting himself out what are his solutions to the threat western society faces in the form of mass migration? He doesn't offer one. Either he is completely ignorant about the demographic changes or he is too cowardly to speak out.

Well you pick the battles you can actually fight. Coming out as a "Nazi" would immediately discredit him, even if it's completely irrational.

Make no mistake. The left is standing ready with their guns drawn. Even at the slightest hint or provocation they are going to pull out their entire shaming meme machine.

Fair enough. But i gave my opinion and answers to OP's question: He is not "based" enough.
Personally i'm just disappointed that such a great thinker who inspires a lot of young people right now to return to traditional values/morals completely ignores the much bigger threat to western civilization. I'm curious if he doesn't know or simply doesn't care about it.

This is exactly right. A lot of people on this board don't even consider the huge problems whites have in their own culture. We need to start weeding out this apathetic attitude before we can even consider making an ethnostate that is functional.

He's helped me on the path to sorting myself out. I am studying traditional Christianity and reading the Gulag Archipelago as well. In a year's time I'll be a true defender of the West

>A lot of people on this board don't even consider the huge problems whites have in their own culture

Maybe i perceive it differently but the majority of the posters on this board seem to be socially very conservative or even tradionalistic. I doubt he offers a lot of new input to pol users except for outright rejecting fascism/nazism.

Anyway, society will never return to traditional christian/western values. Decadence will get worse until a breaking point is reached and then islam is dominant in the west and will be hailed as the ideal cure for the decadent behaviour in the past. We have to block out Islamic influences completely while at the same time offering our own solution (traditional christianity). Otherwise we will lose this cultur war and Peterson fails to adress this factor.