How can we make this country atheist?

how can we make this country atheist?

nuke it.
That is pretty much the solution for every problem with turkey.
Just nuke it.

Roaches aren't affected by radiation.

but by pressure and heat.

we would need to Raid it

>Just nuke it.

it's like a catchphrase

could have been Trumps cathcphrase to egt elected.
Whenever someone brings up how trump would settle problems with a specific country, he could have responded "just nuke it"

forget atheism. What you can do is castrate islam. work towards that young roach and you shall be rewarded with prosperity.

Islam aint christianity,you cant just remove it and they say ok.

Ataturk: "I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-men."
What the effing fuck happend?

Introduce Liberalism.
It worked with Christianity.

> Free Quran right here

Assassinate Erdogan.

Islam is Arabic Imperialism
A free thinker is a free man

Embrace Pagan Shamanism.

that was the old religion, nobody will go back to it after it was put under piles of shit

maybe would need some outside intel for it

didn't reach the lower parts of the society, without a foundation that was hard to maintain.

Than revive it. Find a Turkish Varg (actually already exist with Nihal Atsiz).

Crash it with no survivors.

religions are useless. better when people think.

yea you wouldn't know any better