Do normies and celebrities have incredibly existential moments, suffer from depression...

Do normies and celebrities have incredibly existential moments, suffer from depression, etc and just hide it really well? Do they make their lives look better than they actually are by selectively posting things to social media so that they look perfect but never let on that they often feel terrible inside and sometimes wish everything would end?

I'm wondering if how I feel about my own life at times is unnatural, or rich people and the "cool kids" are just really good at "faking" how their own lives look and we're actually the same.

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look at those big chocolate muffins

some do, most are not reflective enough or don't have the mental processing power to reason about the state of their lives and the world enough to make themselves sad

Yes to all that. Also holy tits. I heard Jada lets him fuck any girl he wants, pretty crazy.

Well will smith is gay with jay z puff daddy and all the other black stars so I'd say no

As Lena Dunham was born a boy

Barring extreme circumstances your level of happiness and content'ness with life balances out to whatever you're experiencing at the moment.

If you won the lottery after the initial rush you'd get used to it and feel much the same as you do now. Humans aren't meant to be ecstatic 24/7.

No, most "normies" are really unintelligent beautiful people that get used by intelligent, ugly people.

For example, Willard Smith is a tall handsome well liked black guy whose boss or studio head is more than likely an ugly, ghoulish jew.

They are rich.

Rich people dont have problems.

Life only sucks for us poor whites who arent even allowed to have our own country and have to pay taxes to support lazy niggers and pregnant mexicans.

Depression isn't really the opposite of happiness or excitement, it's the complete loss of vitality and desire to do anything.

Basically 75% of Sup Forums.

Leaf asking a serious question for once and we get a shitpost from a bong.

Polack on holiday in PL but raised in bongland here.
Living pretty normie life, enjoying my stable job, qt gf, still depressed as fuck.

This. I would pity them, but then you're reminded they contributed to society's near downfall.

Leaf, leaf-descendant here. Since I was 14, I have worked in positions geared towards human interaction, from retail to education to clinical. I've always had a knack for connecting with others, because I genuinely like people and can be objective about their imperfections and accept them as individuals. My take:

Most people in our society are secretly miserable, regardless of whether they fit the subjective lens of others' criterions for being "good" or "bad" individuals. This is because almost everyone, except those with requisite self-awareness and intellectual/spiritual fortitude, are generally incapable of emotional self-sufficiency. People need the support of others to feel fulfilled and form a coherent, pleasing self-image and post-modern society has knocked out the established communal pillars for millions and millions of Westerners.

Going to hop on my PC to expand my thoughts.

Are you retarded? Have you never heard of Robin Williams or Kurt Cobain or other depressed rich famous people who killed themselves?


Pretending is what they do, pretending everything is great is easy for a while but they can't do it forever.

Most normies are very confused and scared deep down inside, it's why they're so susceptible to consumerism and addictions.


Yes I saw Will Smith in teppanyaki with man...he was faggin with. Gay gay gay closet.

This is true and also why buddhists are right in letting go of attachments

Interested in hearing more senpai

Was Kobain a failed normie?

how about antinatalism and the will to extinction? both crucial aspects of buddhist thinking.

here canadian i warmed up a bed for you

kurt cobain took the buddha (boddah) pill. he was way beyond ordinary normies, man. he saw the horror.

who needs existential moments when you can afford to be coked up 247 on a beach

Please share more about your experiences. Retail workers always brutally honest about the human condition.

All right, let me start over, full armchair expert mode. I am only recently content with myself. I'll be 28 soon and I'm a pudgy virgin with only average facial aesthetics, a job that pays just well enough for me to save some money in this high cost area and essential no prospects. Why am I content? Observation and belief in truth (a value Sup Forums has helped codify, oddly enough.) Because many of my friends who make more than me, have better (re: any) sex lives than me, are more attractive than me are unhappy. And I imagine this truth exists for many others on Sup Forums. So, if the metrics of material success do not equate to happiness, what does?

kurt had the looks of a normie but that was it

he as a whiny depressed irresponsible faggot that would act out in order to get attention because his mummy and daddy didn't love each other

Don't know about that other stuff but Will Smith really is super gay. I had no idea until I lived in LA. He has boyfriends and stuff.

The more I learn (and yes Sup Forums has helped in this regard) about life, the more I realize, as you said, one must find happiness and fulfilment within himself. You can't expect other people or things to make you happy. You must endure through the tempestuous waves to find solace in your life. Blindly consuming and lusting isn't going to bring happiness and long-term emotional stability. That's why most people are miserable; they try to find inner equilibrium through external stimuli. It's an unending game once you fall for it too; people always want more and more and more, thinking that the one extra thing will make them happy, when in reality they're digging themselves deeper into existential despair.

She is lesbos he is fag. Movie beard marriage.

He pretty much said so himself. I think he was asked what made him such a mess and he said: Divorce.

most people in first-world conditions don't see the pain of reality until stricken with a malady of the body or the mind. They soon find that a mansion is meaningless after becoming trapped in a pain-stricken body.

I have no source, but I remember hearing about Cobain having terrible gastric pain and vomiting bile. This may have had more to with his desire to die than anything else.

this short story describes the feeling well

Cool. To give more work/life experience quickly, since I think it's valuable in understanding how I arrived at my conclusions:

>grew up rural area
>parents grew up Catholic/Protestant, but raised fairly secular
>mom a military brat, father a air force mechanic and decades long finance officer for local legion
>worked many retail jobs
>worked with children at summer camps and volunteering and daycares
>spent years as a support worker for the developmentally disabled, seen all kinds of shit.


A person is a series of emotional impulse piloted by intellect. Having worked with kids, and seeing how they strive at a young age to please others and grow, I believe that adults are still those children but with layers of conditioned behavior and experiences building complexity on that original child. So I look at what kids want to see what people want and:

At our core, we all want three things: to feel secure, to feel appreciated, and to feel capable. That last one I think is what separates us from animals (and honestly there's probably an argument to be made that the desire to feel capable may not exist in some human populations, but I digress.)


He's /ourguy/

yes, he was a grown ass man and a father that was still whining about things his parents did in his youth.

i was a huge nirvana fan during my teen years but looking back now his entire life story is really cringeworthy and pathetic.

the music wasn't that great either

this man has intuitively grasped the aryan truths of the buddhas.

Krist knew

So is James Franco. House of friend overlook his and we watch with long range examination device him fagging out young men in tiny swimming attire next to pool. Having them dance and gyrate and threaten to remove tiny garments while he reclined having beverages. Also caught archer man from comic hero movie groping with kissing man in market aisle hidden from most of store view.

they do have these moments, like everyone else

normies are human beings too
women are human beings too

They have unlimited funds. And want for nothing. So its like bieng a teenager with no parents. And unlimited allowance

normies are just as fucked up as we are
it's why they're so self destructive

compared to the average Sup Forumstard most normies will suffer more crippling disease resulting from their life choices, like a club whore with cirrhosis


They're all fucked up.
They're on drugs.
They're drinking every day.
They run up medical bills.

Think about what a normie is, its everybody.

They hide it. Social media is not real.

All my ex's looked like happy goddesses on social media, but were depressed trainwrecks behind the scenes.


damn. did I tell you about the time i had to stop fappin because people started banging on the wall.

no fap.

...go around!

damn the guy was ahead of his time.

although troubled.

The far left one is fucking perfect damn

I agree totally and that is the point I'm arriving at, actually. You can't find an external solution in the material world to an internal problem in your spiritual/emotional realm.

Marcus Aurelius and Ralph Waldo Emerson are the two most important writers I've experienced on that point.

Those three base impulses or needs (security, appreciation, capability) obviously overlap and feed into one another in all kinds of ways but from the metric of WHICH IMPULSE SATISFIES SELF-FULFILLMENT AND LEADS TO CONTENTMENT the desire to feel capable is without contest the most important of these desires to hone in on and cultivate.

As Stoics will point out, nothing is sure in life except yourself and even that is only sure in the present moment. So, a person should strive to be as capable, self-sufficient, and self-reliant as they can in order to be content in each moment, drawing on their own mental, physical, spiritual reservoirs for contentment and inner peace.


Sometimes I wonder if tinfoil hats really work, and the government put shills to ridicule it so nobody would actually use it.

Copper 1/4 wave mesh sandwiched by pseudo air gap insulate material would more effective within the theory of this.

no, they stop being normies and start getting weird once those things happen
>t. former normie

To your question And my original point in We in the West who value self-reliance are witness to an age, a generation, an entire paradigm that is geared towards despising the concept of self-reliance. I grew up on a farm and was the city son according to my grandfather because of my love of books (and something about the way I walked.) but, though I'm the least capable on the farm, I get looked at like I'm a fucking wizard by my middle class millennial associates and coworkers when I reseal a sink after reading how to do it online or fix a drawer in the kitchen by getting under it and tightening ONE screw my first day at a group home.

There is a serious, serious case of mass arrested development where millions of educated white middle class millennials are in-debt up to their eye balls and they know so much about knowing stuff without knowing how to actually DO a god damn thing for themselves. This has to be the least capable generation of people that has ever existed. And what is the result?


although mine seems to not work anymore.

..which is a shame because the beard doesnt work either.

maybe i need sunglasses? "/

I have no idea, but you're probably right since you're Asian.

>genetically gifted
>have so much money you'd need a hundred lifetimes to spend it
>millions of people adore and can get virtually any women you want
>"boohoo i'm so sad"

cry me a river you sons of bitches, i'm a genetically inferior human being and i have to go work right now at my menial soul-crushing job, sorry but not sorry if i don't pity them

From my three emotional impulses concept, many of my friends and many people in society cannot satisfy their desire to feel capable, so what do they do?

Well, in times past, you had a church or a stable family to help you out with that stuff. You were connected to a community in some way. I thank god I grew up in a rural area so that I have the perspective to see what people in urban areas are lacking, especially in my generation: a sense of continuity.

My friends grow up, can't find good paying jobs here, move away to places where they don't know anyone to make more money and are totally miserable because they don't know the people, they don't know the place, and the people and the place don't know them.

>And what is the result?

Guys like us offer undercut professional services that offer to "fix computers" and assemble furniture or do anything that isn't intuitive or user friendly.

>genetically gifted

To think this: you = very weak and very ugly.

Well yeah, he said that himself. Dumb nip

Everyone has emotional issues of some kind, but that's not what social media is for, it is to present an image of yourself to try make yourself look good to your friends and family, it's a status symbol

I'm getting incoherent I feel, so I'll be stopping after this post.

Basically, people don't know how to do anything for themselves and the established social and community structures that used to reinforce a sense of self and stability have been denigrated and eroded by post-modern moral relativism.

People who can't feel capable have to find surrogate fulfillment in security and appreciation. How does this happen in our generation?

1. Because traditional modes of identity have been devalued, some fall into an -ism because blaming others is way easier than looking at yourself and the world honestly. I mostly mean SJW-progressive identity politics when I say this, but I also include reactionary right lunatics as well, who will shit post on this board about niggers and jews without turning a critical eye on themselves.

2. Material indulgence. Buying gadgets, going on fancy vacations that max out your credit cards, spend spend spend consumerism.

3. Toxic relationships, because nothing is healthier for two individuals who hate themselves than to be in relationship where they can hate each other.

4. Booze, drugs, whatever to mask the existential pain.

You are sad case as well. IRL the fakers look strange but they phototranslate well to large sector consumer. Usually have giant heads.

I like you, but you have to step up your English game

that farm was only allowed to exist undisturbed because somebody is keeping the killers at bay. Self-reliance is a meme. There is no self reliance when you're broken to pieces on a roadside. Like or not, we enjoy our comforts thanks to society and men with guns and large scale planning. Most of us would not last exposed to the worst humanity has to offer.

Life is brutal even with these things, but the self-made man bullshit has got to go. You have to live in the decadent west to think like this in the first place.

Top lel

Since Kek/Satan have continued to bless me, I will actually go on.

The only people I know that are MY age who I consider to be genuinely happy as individuals, are those who:

1. Are involved in a Christian or other religious tradition involved with community outreach and doing good work.

2. Came to a stable relationship with another person by being themselves a stable individual beforehand. This is so, so rare in my experience for people my age. In my circle of friends, there is one married couple who are good together while there are two unhappy pairings raising kids they weren't ready for, several people whom are already divorced, and tons of people hunting for poon and wang (most of whom are in and out of bad relationships or habitually drinking.)

3. Have a job they find fulfilling, without regard to the money made. I have three close friends who have recently moved (an accountant, engineer, and professional chef) who all make close to or over 6 figures a year and are all unhappy with their jobs, their living situation, or other stuff.)

man i feel sorry for his dick
so many opportunities
yet he has a wife and sons to be a model father
he could fuck like 10 bithes a day and spawn army of kids

>tfw too smart to be happy

Some people just have nice lives, user.

Depression is lack of purpose or lack of acceptance of purpose.

You're misunderstanding me. I fully appreciate that self-reliance in a material sense is not plausible or preferable. I'm not some anarchistic, back-to-the-woods primitivist: man is made for society and society is made for man.

I mean "self-reliance" in a spiritual or intellectual sense. You can live in a society, trade and work with other people, but not need their esteem or regard to validate your sense of self-worth. You should be a good person to them and they to you because it is right to do so and it is good for the society you all exist in for you to do so. But, when you derive your self-worth from them, that is not good for your emotional or spiritual health because other people themselves - their esteem, regard, and material existent - are transient.

Self-reliance in the sense that you derive your intellectual contentment and spiritual peace internally is what I mean by self-reliance.

How much $$$ for your truth pasteover with lie profession?


the 1/4 wave copper mesh acts as a shield against EM waves to the point that it could probably (though not likely) stop an electro-magnetic pulse.

In other words, it just simply and reliably stops a variety of EM waves from entering or exiting the contained area within the mesh

Are you fucking serious? Lmfao you sound like such a moron, I'm cringing hahahahah

And as far as doing things for yourself and its relation to contentment, I can only speak from personal experience. My illiterate dairy farming grandfather who could be his own mechanic and carpenter seemed a whole lot more content to me in his daily life than hundreds, thousands of people I have met in my life who've made more, seen more, and know more than he ever did.

I fear you're confusing not judging yourself by other's standards with the WANT to not do so. You can only put that aside for so long before you realize that you're fighting nature. In-group acceptance is hard-wired. Sometimes, even if you've validated yourself and feel worthy, you have to measure that against a standard.

Everyone reaches a day when inner-peace runs into reality. You can love yourself for the time being, but make no mistake, you are trapped. The best thing you can do for your emotional spirit is avoid physical pain, but it'll come.

I say make peace in not suffering now because we all eventually will.

The true red pill here is that happiness is a meme. It means nothing.

What people should seek is engagement in life. Only then will they feel alive. Learning to stamp out self destructive behaviours and useless negative thought patterns helps.

I am normal af. I've fucked 19 chicks. Done other stuff with way more. Been in a frat. I'm engaged. I'm good looking. I was near the top of my class in high school. I went to a major university. I am at first blush a classic red-blooded white American male.

I drank, drugged myself into an anxiety disorder. If I don't take 0.5 mg of clonazepam everyday, my mind breaks down into an extremely pessimistic existential thought loop.

>Is there a point to anything?
>Does God exist?
>If not, wtf happened to get us here?
>Why do I care about anyone?
>Why do I care about my family?
>Are all my thoughts just a Darwinian trick to get me to do something?
>Is there an objective moral ethic?
>Does freewill exist?

It's paralyzing. No can understand unless they have been through it. Go to the doctor. A lot of people are over diagnosed, but it sounds like talking to someone could help you out a lot, man.

My mom always said, "Life's a shit sandwich; eat it or starve."

Most intelligent people, capable of deep introspection, have similar issues. You'll be fine.

>My friends grow up, can't find good paying jobs here, move away to places where they don't know anyone to make more money and are totally miserable because they don't know the people, they don't know the place, and the people and the place don't know them.

Where's the middle ground?

I don't want to be stuck in a 100 person community, where everyone knows everyone to such a degree where you can't speak your mind without it being the talk of the town.

Nor do I want to be another lost soul crushed by the giant city life, without any true friends, true love, or true meaning.

I think your point about self-reliance beats around the bush. There's something deeply wrong with our culture and social values, and knowing how to fix a car and not crying all the time isn't the answer we need.

You understand deeply. I was staying at Tribeca hotel talking on mobile on empty sidewalk very warm early morning day July 2001. Scarlett Johansson came out and started clog stomping in circles growing smaller around for want of notice. She is almost a midget and has huge alien head. My annoyance resulted in an exclaimation very loudly to my caller that "giant head girl from Ghost World is stomping around me in clunky shoes!" She seemd very unnerved and proceeded to glare at me while smoking cigarette. Needy people are fatiguing to all but others needing same and those who can profit from this or personally fantasise in a method removed from reality.

>probably (though not likely)

Good name for musik album.

I'm not trying to suggest that people not being self-reliant is the SOLE panacea our society needs, but people are too complacent in ignorance and external reliance these days. It is a symptom of our societal decay that also helps to cause it.

Yes OP. Human suffering is a universal people just lie a lot

Totality theme of existence is far too real for most because objectively you are slowly drowning between dead and dying in the pollution of your very life.

Listen to lyrics.

I also agree with this. Happiness is an untenable elevated state and if being happy all the time is your goal, you're doomed to fail.

I agree that unwavering lack of concern for others regard isn't possible because we are social animals and we derive pleasure from pleasing others, even if we can be objective about it. But my point isn't that we should all be logic driven self-reliant robots without regard to our social nature, my point is that VALUING emotional self-reliance and objectivity in dealing with yourself and others is something to STRIVE for because in my experience many people are either willfully ignorant regarding their deficiencies/dependencies or otherwise content not to address them. No one is perfect, but an imperfect being striving to better themselves will IMO be generally more content than an imperfect being masking their imperfections with consumerist trappings or collectivist dogma.

This desu

Celebrities tend to be depressed because of all the Jewish cock they have to suck in order to make it big.

That is why they tend to have self-destructive lifestyles.

>rich people
Stop grouping rich people with normies, they live shitty lives too.

why do darkies much oftener have bigger boobs than white girls?

Same reason more of them are fat?

>"giant head girl from Ghost World"


Fake smiles hide fake breasts. How can you not see this?

>will smith

>be a total loser in every aspect (no money, no friends, only hope for better days)
>see the facebook of a few "friends" with decent life
>they have money, a gf, are happy, can travel, have a decent job, etc
>saw one of them again even when I do my best to avoid them
>guy is rich as fuck, have a really expensive car, a giant house and a 10/10 gf
>he starts to drink and talk about his life
>his gf cheats on him, he's doing cocaine, he can't pay his car (an Audi) because he spent too much traveling and doing drugs, his house is all fucked up, his boss treats him like shit in front of others

I was speechless. Really. I keep thinking about and I get dizzy.

She was only a meter or two away from me and it was matter of fact with solid amplitude. I guarantee that she has not forgotten this at all.

How do you know that he's gay? Did you see him with his gay boyfriends?

thats is why maybe american porn girls have bigger boobs than average

how to be able to see a difference?

highly depressing kek

When I read in depth about consciousness I have freakouts sometimes. I try not to do that much anymore, at least not for extended periods of time.

LOL we need to remind her somehow. Is she on Twatter?