Which state has the best plates?

Specialty plates allowed too if they're available to the general public.

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this is a board for politics
Sup Forums shit belongs on Sup Forums


Only answer

Washington has always been a personal fav. So simplu.

Wyoming is straight buck wild.

OP said, "state", not walrus commune.

not bad

That Maine plate is old.

My neighbor growing up was a doctor of biology and an artist and in 1999 drew the chickadee on current Maine plates.


New Mexico for sure. New Jersey is fucking lame FML.

>tfw wisconsin

New Hampshire would win easily with their motto, if not for the mediocre plate design.

I'd have to go with the Maine Chickadee plate, although I'm probably a bit biased given how it's my home state. I don't care for non-white license plates, and the other white plates are either too plain (California, Virginia, etc.) or tacky (Hawaii, Oregon, etc.) in my opinion.

deleware god tier


Texas is obviously the best one. Very simple without it being over-designed and flooded with colors and very /comfy/

Arizona by far has the best, you can deny it all you want but its the ultimate truth.

>that stupid fucking sun KY plate

thank god that shit got canned quick

>hawaiis fag plates

>famous potatoes

Better than clogs and tulips.

That Maine plate you just posted is the current default, dumbass.

We don't have clogs and tulips on our goddamn numberplates, Cletus.

Right, you have the Koran

ah fuck, i just looked through the plates and it doesnt seem to exist anymore


Was Delaware really the first state? Seems like it's probably a technicality, like it was alphabetically the first out of the original colonies, or something. But I guess Connecticut would come before Delaware, so, who knows.

reminder that NH is cucked


Weird, mine says "Politically Incorrect," not "Politics"... Did you try refreshing?

Fags were triggered by the mushroom cloud
I think this one is still current

DC and NH, both solely for the mottos.

It was based on ratification of the Constitution, dumbass

Definitely New Hampshire

The only one displaying their major asspain over their cesspit of a state having such a retarded slogan is you.

NC plate is old. The new red lettering and backgrounds look goods


Why did Delaware come first, though?

North Carolina reminds the world of White Supremacy.

Whites were the first humans to leave the ground.

>8 posts by this ID
Where am I from, newfriend?

This one.

go read a fucking history book, Jean-Pierre. Calisse de tabarnak

they were the first state to ratify the constitution

I think we can all agree that Oregon has the best plates.

>a fucking salmon


This is my favorite plate in Washington.

Hisssss :^)

You must have a lot of friends.


Did she die?


I really used to like this plate, but it has since been replaced with a shitty blank plate.

Hate the state, but California's plate is pretty good. Simple, high-vis, cursive is gay though

NY now has these god awful orange plates.



>Muh prairie land
>Muh oak forests
>Muh covered bridges
>Muh comfy blue skies

Beaucoup des bonnes amis, oui. Regardez mon drapeau, svp.
Se baises ton trou d'ane. D'accord?



Sadly no. It's from a dumb fucking movie. Jamie Lee

Montana has something like 130 different designs you can choose from if you don't mind donating to whatever group it's for. You can even get NRA plates just to trigger libtards if you like.


>this triggers the redcoat

As shitty as the state is, Commiefornia has the best plate. It's the only plate without a tag line or additional art, as if to say the name of the state itself is its own merit.

> It's the only plate without a tag line or additional art
