Can I get some redpills on the holocaust? How many people actually died? Why is it so readily accepted by the populace? I'd like to see links or citations, and info graphs.
Holocaust Redpill
Probably around 500,000 most died from typhus.
I would also appreciate some infographics, I'm collecting them
here's one of mine so far
Why does does that number keep coming up?
Holy shit who the fuck cares, how many died in some war a thousand years ago. We're all going extinct at this rate.
I care about the truth achmed, sorry
The only info graph I have is this, I'd also like some stuff on Bolshevik Russia and Weimar Germany too if you have it
This is why
>Hello I'm 10 and an uneducated American who feels inferior to brown people and blames ze joos, please spoon feed me your hatred
>the thread
Ever notice how there all "holocaust survivors" exactly something's fishy.
t. brown person
Look if you have solid evidence that debunks the conspiracies present it, I want to see it
>I don't believe that 6 million Jews died
>Because the witnesses are Jews and you can't trust them
Germans know their history best.^^
Pretty much yea, what's your point again?
Here you go
You're a fucking idiot, that's my point
The 5 million non Jewish victims were made up by Wiesenthal.
Some people died from diseases/starvation or overwork much like in Communist camps.
Gas chambers were mostly Jew lie.
Btw it's called Holohoax
>Y-You're an idiot!
Y tho?
Yea I saw this, that's why I wanted to make this thread
It never made sense to me why they would take those pics, it's like me taking a pic of myself robbing a bank
anyone have the newspaper image of the survivor that survived the death camp six times? I need a laugh.
The point of that image is that most of the buzz words we hear about the holocaust have been tossed around by the kike media long before the (((holocaust))) ever actually (((happened))). It isn't one of the better points to discuss, in my opinion, but it is interesting that they seem so fixated on that number.
You're essentially rejecting the entire point of a witness. If a group of witnesses can't be trusted, who instead would you trust? The accused? Who by default will lie to defend themselves?
The Jews have nothing to gain by overestimating their losses. Nazis have everything to lose.
Clearly, you are making a mistake at some stage if you believe an event and the details thereof are reported at an earlier date than itself. Is this Man in the High Castle or something?
>The Jews have nothing to gain by overestimating their losses.
You might want to think on that again.
t.: provider of free submarines
>The Jews have nothing to gain by overestimating their losses.
cmon burgerbro
>Jews have nothing to gain by overestimating losses
It gives them a free pass to do whatever they want to the palestinians and yelling "ANTI SEMITE" at anyone who opposes there agenda
>witnesses are totally reliable sources
Lol ok, what were the Salem witch trial again?
While the image is convincing proof that the photos on the left are faked, it offers zero proof that the faked images are circulated by holocaust history books, and also offers no proof that the faked images aren't made BY the presenter in the first place.
>Jews gain nothing by lying.
Right. Nothing to gain.
So you think that the Nazis being universally hated across the whole world is merely a baseless witch hunt? Or do I read you incorrectly?
What I meant was that witnesses are not 100% reliable, that's why Rapists go to court and have a case instead of going straight to jail on an accusation.
It's more than a witchhunt.
Naziism is the weapon against communism or whatever veiled word they use to call it today.
This is not just a suppression of the truth, but a suppression of an ideology that could make a better world.
You know thats intersting from an American perspective.
We have told the story of the Holocaust for so long that no one questions it.
And if you do. Hell, your instantly ignored and labled antisemitic.
I dont know about other countries tho
Can we all just agree that nazi didn't kill jew before war went to shit and they couldn't afford that many rats.
>tfw you realize the entire holocaust was a lie and we're living in a kike controlled meme reality
60 million dollars isn't shit. There is no context for this compensation without knowing how many Jews were deported from France.
And once that is put into context, you then realize that all of that is split among the descendants anyways.
You think the Jews, who are supposedly those who pass the whole world's money through their hands, are turned on by 60 million dollars collectively? Give me a fucking break.
The holocaust to the Jews is a religious event. They want the world to share in the event by always bringing it up and making people pay for it in certain ways. They see it the same was as a Christian would view Jesus dying on the cross. Except one was fake and the other really happened.
It's redivulous in my history class we spent like 3 days on the actual war and time period then two full weeks on the holocaust
Thought the photos to the right were doctored by the Soviets.
Nazism isn't THE counter to communism, Facism is. Sorry my Autism made me post this
Maybe they're hated because they've been lied about by Jews pushing a globalist agenda who want to demonise nationalism and those who fought against banker cunts all while castrating the Germans psychologically, which they have, gee that really activated my almonds
That makes a lot of sense when considering messianic Judaism
This is about a French railroad. A very obscure part of the story. I hope I don't need to post 1000 newspaper clippings or website paragraphs to show how much compensation went from entities more involved in the jewish narrative to make you see the point.
Oh, so I see.
You'd instead like to give a false equivalency between a rape case and a genocide case. You realize how difficult it is to prove 6 million logged prisoners are all faked?
In a rape case, it concerns what happened between two people, usually alone. There is only ONE WITNESS to the rape.
In a genocide case, a genocide is such a massive undertaking that the number of witnesses and testimonies are correspondingly massive. There is no defense against this many witnesses.
A rapist has a chance. A murderer of 6 million shouldn't even bother pleading.
Because 6 gorillion is literally part of (((their))) religion
Jew were supposed to be deported but a country in war really can't.
Why should there descendants get money then? They didn't "suffer" like you did Rabbi
You're also instantly ignored or belittled for saying Elvis Presley is still alive.
It's just common sense. Someone tries to hold up a massive conspiracy theory, you place their opinion in the trash and move along.
>How many people actually died?
Not enough
Well, Fascism is an economic model. I'd say communism is an economic model as well as an idealogy. I'm not certain I'm right here but I never bother with semantics anyway...
You know, thats for the French Railway to decide. They did it because they wanted to. It's not like the survivors sued them. Get over yourself.
There was never such a thing as a holohoax or death camps, all the camps were concentration camps for hard labor. A lot of people died in there due to spread of disease, old age, but they had basic medical treatement (until Nazis started losing and couldn't afford anything)
Here you go
>Flaming pits of flesh
>difficult it is to prove 6 million died
I'm astonished that they were able to do such a thing considering the only mass graves that have been found were from victims of typhus
I've never understood why the holocaust gets the spot light when you have events such as the holodomor or better yet the Bolshevik Gulags which over saw the murder of over 20 million people. Is it because 90% of these gulags were administrated by Jews before Stalin purged them?
The ramifications of Elvis Presley's death are far different from the ramifications of a lie that has affected millions upon millions of lives and caused millions of people to actually suffer from it in horrific ways.
No I think both Facism and Communism are economic as well as social ideologies, you can have subsets of Facism (ex nazism) and Communism (ex Maoism)
Yes this and also to include. Allies purposely started bombing runs that targeted civilian populations to affect civilian morale. These bombing runs were also responsible for killing many civilians and noncombatants, including the Jewish.
Who sued them schlomo?
It wasnt that long ago that people were burned to death at the stake for simply saying the Earth isnt flat.
I dont question that some jews were killed. Merely that 6 million did not.
Thanks. This makes sense.
It has little bearing. The conspiracy theory is simply so massive that it merely elicits heavy laughter from anyone in the real world who doesn't take part in this echo chamber.
And to prove I'm right about this, one of my earlier posts in this thread got 4 fours. So even Kek agrees the holocaust happened, right?
I think I heard somewhere there were 29 mil. Civilian casualties is that accurate?
NP, and CHECKED my dude
What difference should it make to you, living in 2017? What do you really have to gain in our modern age from minimizing a genocide that took place in a completely different political climate?
Improve your reading skills.
>what difference does it make
Secretary Clinton, The Truth matters to us, what's more the Holocaust has been pulled up every time someone slightly Right wing does something in politics, just look at Trump, or "literally Hitler" as the left would call him
Unfortunately back in the day there was no internet for people to discuss these ideas and the prime form of news and information was the television and film media. And guess who controlled those?
Yes, you have a point the Jews are laughing with a heavy laughter. And I'm really glad you find this all amusing. But as long as internet remains free speech, truth will find a way to surface and it will undo the threads of misleading information that we have been bombarded with for well over 60 years. It will take some time to do that but when it does, and it will, there will be no laughter from any side.
>responding to your own post to validate your opinions based off of repeating integers
"I heard you goys like repeating numbers, right?"
No I'm asking who sued this company, you said the survivors didn't sue them, so who did?
Whoa, calm down there, bud. Reread my post before you start extrapolating and strawmanning. I never said they are reporting an event before the date itself. I mentioned how some of the buzz words pertaining to the holocaust (muh 6 million, for instance) have been used to describe many other things that jewish media have tried to make seem significant in the past. Regardless of whether or not any of it happened, it is an interesting point that the same vernacular is used over and over again when the kikes stand to gain from hyping up various events.
Everything is always compared to the holocaust or Hitler's Germany
>different political climate
Some could argue it's the same climate. People are still being mislead by the same entity. As long as that entity is in control to mislead people then it stands that we are in trouble of seeing them repeated.
>How many people actually died?
Several hundred thousand, I personally think around 1 million maybe up to 1.5 million at most died by all causes. Theres been so many lies built up over the years its hard to get more specific than that.
Its seems large numbers of Jews were killed en masse early in the war by Einsatzgruppen in the usual round of purges just after conquest. While at the end of the war logistical breakdown and appalling conditions caused many to die from famine and disease.
In between the jews were used as slave labor to replace the millions of german workers who had been conscripted to the military. Stories of mass murder by gas or other means are dubious. If such events did happen it was on nowhere near the scale that is commonly taught.
I've heard a lot of comparisons made between our current society and Weimar Germany, how do you feel about that? Is it accurate? Do you have any info on Weimar Germany?
It happened. The problem with it is that when people say "Holocaust" they mean mass murder of only Jews, while it took as many or more lives of people of other ethnicities in central and eastern europe.
Wait until Mongo Admin comes here to sperg
thats le joke mate
no one sued them, it was a willing compensation, a token of good will.
no one takes repeating decimals seriously. it's called "tongue-in-cheek", something you should have a very firm grasp on being someone who browses Sup Forums
> mogo admin
Who that senpai?
Majdanek Camp Debunked
Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor Camps Debunked
Treblinka History Channel Lies Debunked
Watch any of those.
>mfw Sup Forums believes itself to be an authority on the history of the Weimar Republic
>And to prove I'm right about this, one of my earlier posts in this thread got 4 fours. So even Kek agrees the holocaust happened, right?
You said this. Sounded like you were pretty serious, and autistic about it
The admin of that page will come on this thread sooner or later, shit all over the discussion and come back on his page claiming "AH AH I WON SO EASELY POL BTFO"
You don't check you're own get either.
Who said it was an authority on it faggot? I'm just asking this user if he has any more info/sources on it