Is there a fence filter yet?
We need more illegals to willfully deport.
Hopefully this brown genetic failure wont be back
>she followed the law
what did they mean by that? she went to us illegally and stole someones identity.
>15 heartbreaking photos that will make you say fuck having laws and borders and shit
it means "muh feelings"
>follows the law
>broke the law getting into this country
thank god trump won, this woman would have received amnesty and a fucking green card from Clinton
>The only crime my mother committed was to go to work to give a better life for her children
i saw the article too, they briefly glaze over the fact that she stole someone's social and got them assraped by the IRS
I assume what happened was.
>Enter country legally
>Government determines that you have no right to stay
>Get deported.
How uterly racist/homophobic/fascist.
>she stole someone's social and got them assraped by the IRS
Pretty sure that's a felony.
>followed the law
>convicted identity thief
if I stole someone's social I would get my anus pounded in federal prison
if only it were that simple
I am now fully erect and will now go bed my wife. Please post more erotica.
>She was asked to come to the ICE office.
>Lawyer said she should not go because of deportation
>She goes to and im not joking "Prove a point" (CNN article)
And now butthurt faggots are sad.
Uh, yeah, that's how it works. You get arrested and deported for being lawful. When a murderer follows the court's instructions and walks into his prison cell, does that count as "following the law"?
>followed the law by illegally entering the country and stealing someones identity
this is viagra
>*in a country she wasn't supposed to be in using another person's identity
>she followed the law
From what?
Borders an' laws an' sheit.
Real talk, out of all the news outlets snapchats is by far the most slanderous and without standard. They know they are appealing to fucking tweens and no one is going to bother to fact check them or even cite them so they can make the news as scurrilous and mendacious as possible without fear of reprisal.
Many article from such high esteemed paragons of journalism such as cosmopolitan and vice, that don't know SHIT about politics now have articles daily on nothing but trump that are rife with misinformation and spelling errors everywhere.
I think we need to stop turning a blind eye to these losers publications and start holding them accountable because no one else will.
If shes getting deorted then shes not following the law now is she.
Send them all back.
It doubles as a redpill dose for Gen Z. People realize the shit they're up to, trust me.
That lad seems to be having himself a hearty kek.
>load up sc
>go to discovery tab
>see stuff like this
A disturbance in the timeline. . .
>make selfie
>look like a trap
fuck this shit
If you don't have anything as a reference, are you really redpilling anyone?
I don't doubt some are smart enough to see what's going on but I believe most just see it and go along with it since young minds are impressionable.
Literally platos allegory of the cave going on here.
Its basically buzzfeed
>tfw snapchat is a part of modern mk ultra
Boys I had my Social Sold when I was a baby to some illegal spic. When I started working at a bank they did a credit check and said I had some mexican using my social to rent property. Problem is I forgot his details as this was a while ago.
How do I get this info again so I can get this taco nigger deported?
>He has been here for over 20 years and thinks he got away with it
I'll be honest, I fudged with the last one a little bit.
I fixed the picture. It appeared the original creator forget to add in the details lol
spread it.
How does someone go about stealing an identity in her case? Can you link me an article that elaborates on this? I wanna learn more about this case
I deleted that shit as soon as it became a media outlet pushing shit like this and not a "send drunk pictures to your buddies" app anymore. I think the story to push me over the top was about how it's cool to wear makeup now as a boy. What the fuck?
>for these monkeys...
Which is why the stupid app is worth $3 billion dollars. The kikes know they'll have unfettered access to the youth. SC is by no means considered a media outlet, so they don't even need to fake a CNN-level pretense of """credibility"""
There are people who specialize in selling fake identity documents. Social Security numbers are printed on paper that is easily forged and IDs are easily faked. Vendors just acquire legitimate Social Security numbers and the name that goes with those documents, then make ID cards to make it appear that the illegal has the same name of the person with the Social Security number they're stealing.
>breaking the law is following the law
liberals never cease to initiate my hazelnuts