Do ISIS militants even know they're working for a mossad-cia shill?
Do ISIS militants even know they're working for a mossad-cia shill?
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The majority of ISIS militants are Russian-speaking, former Russian conscripts
Explain what Russia is doing teamed up with Mossad.
Explain why mossad is recruting subversive russiam muslims
Explain maidan
Explain fake gas attacks on syria by saudi secret service
We can go on and on
militants in Syria/Iran probably have no fucking clue; they get paid, they get to shoot people and they get to rape.
militants in the western world are just corrupted fools damaged by racism and brainwashing.
>Explain why mossad is recruting subversive russiam muslims
Pro-tip: they aren't. Russia is playing both sides
>Explain maidan
Russia destabilizing the region before they invade. It's a textbook Russian tactic.
>Explain fake gas attacks on syria by saudi secret service
The gas attacks weren't faked you dumb Ruskie. Syria was forced to give them up in 2013.
>We can go on and on
Please do
That makes no fucking sense.Russia supports Assad, It was the West who supported this terrorists for regime change in Syria and the region
Syria is not having a revolution against an oppressive ruler by it's people. Foreign powers are trying to overthrow the government with terrorist proxy armies.
they have common interests, they all want to destroy shias who are russia's ally and saudi's ennemy. doesn't mean they're friends.
Russia has deserters/traitors
Some of those certainly would consider joining the other side
Why is this guy not appearing on ISIS videos? Is there any other appearance of him besides the short one from OPs pic?
russia wins absolutly nothing at all at playing both sides.
probably not
because he's taking more acting lessons from the CIA, Simon has to work hard you know.
I even took the time to find the most legit news sites possible and you fuckers vanish
bump for truth
im still here
Shills tend to dump threads and hope they archive when they get BTFO
Its israel and ashkenazi jews who are russian. Look at every author of every ISIS news article. They are Jewish. It's all a psyop to destroy now OPEC oil producers and establish a Greater Israel.
Non OPEC. Its a Saudi Israeli alliance. The Bushes and Clintons are both in on it. They are using Islam for money and power. Its not a religion, it's a tool of OPEC
Linking me Voice of Russia links and fake news sites like nsnbc other blatant propaganda isn't going to convince me of anything.
It has everything to gain from destabilizing the entire region of pro-US countries. ISIS isn't limited to Syria. It is a multi-country, multi-region threat. Containing it in pro-Russian countries is obviously in their interests.
Its why they hate Iran and shill that they are terrorists. Iran is a competitor. Its just another form of the illicit goods trade. Its always about territory and profit.
And don't forget that Trump is following along as well.
Travel ban on Saudis? Nope.
Move the embassy to Jerusalem to help the Israelis in signifying that is a part of Israel? Yep.
Going after Iran, whom also wants ISIS gone? Yep.
Russia and America are OPEC competitors. Trump appears to not have oil interests so he is willing to partner in Syria. The news rags run opposition articles because they are run by israelis and funded by saudis. Thats all public records. Israel wants the land and the Saudis want the oil monopoly. Its also the reason saudis are exporting extreme islam. It's to destabilize their competitors.
I agree he is going along. The real question is if he is just biding time to get his house in order or if he just doesnt care. My bet is he is waiting for a mandate from reading his books before he goes after that group. I could be wrong though. Either way, Israel is a terrible parasite like Mexico and China and Japan and Europe on America
I don't trust Israel and Saudi Arabia either, but they're not chanting death to America. Iran is not your friend. They are pro-Russia and anti-America.
Trumps dad and mentors were die hard patriots which leads me to believe he is. Its just a question whether the jews have him by the balls on something.
He better step up his game fast, he's playing the supreme leader of a nation role.
His image is supposed to be bombarding the media, yet all we saw from him is this few seconds clip of him preaching (we don't even see if there's audience in front of him).
Of course their not our friend. Neither is Russia. The question now that America is paralyzed with debt, is do we walk away from the world? My bet is we do, especially when we get rid of the last of the filthy neo cons aka the saudis and israelis government plants like mccain.
But isis only destabilizes countries who are pro russia or pro iran
I think he is under real threat of assassination. All the last attacks on US presidents happen while thes news creates a commotion. His proposal for a new news room probably is an awareness of that.
Reagan was shot while mobbed by reporters. Coincidence, probably not. Its a perfect opportunity whoever is setting it up
I see
Isis are modern day Hashishin.
Israel and Saudis have actually killed americans. I would take chanting over attacks like those two treacherous snakes did.
If Chchen rebels have links to ISIS that would certainly explain a few things
Why go after Iraq, and now Syria? Whats the motivation? Check pic related and connect the dots. Trump is part of this plan, anti muslim hysteria worldwide needs to be engineered to the point where people will go insane and gladly spill blood so that israeli merchants and zionists can expand their territory
No they are a group of mercenaries hired to disrupt pro russia or neutral countries for land and oil. The atrocities are Jewish fabrications to bait the American public to stay in the Middle east as a if you dont stop them here they will do this in your country threat.
>America is paralyzed with debt
You're drunk on foreign propaganda if you believe this.
>I can't refute your arugment so I'm going to babble like a retarded nigger.
Good. Get rekt, albo, day of the rope is nigh.
>But isis only destabilizes countries who are pro russia or pro iran
I didn't realize countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Afghanistan were pro-Russian and pro-Iranian, but tell me more. Why has ISIS declared provinces in everywhere but in Iran?
ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
gtfo (((JIDF))) shills
who's behind this post...?
Because their shites?
It is because Iran are shiites.
But my point is, he said ISIS is only involved in destabilizing Iran and pro-Russian countries. It's the exact opposite. It's hurt pro-US countries. Then Russian shills will tell me US is doing this to hurt our own interests.
Its israels job to stir up shit around them so they can put in govts of their own interest for the sake of the 'greater israel' land grabs.
I'm not familiar with ISIS origins, but right now they seem to be their own faction.
Why hasn't ISIS attacked Israel yet, it is fucking right next to them.
I've got two comments on this. First, I've never seen that guys face associated with ISIS. Second, ISIS is fucking up the Middle East, Africa, and is inspiring attacks in the US and Europe. Do you really believe the US, which spies on its own allies, wouldn't be aware of what Israel was doing if they are behind this? We'd have disowned them and cut all funding and support to them ages ago. ISIS isn't the junior varsity team Obama made them out to be. There more expansive and more established than Al Qaeda ever was. They have way more funding to do terrorism in the US if they chose to.
They don't care. They are literally mercenaries.
>implying hamas isn't cooperating with ISIS
ISIS isn't going to have a dominant presence in a primary jewish population anymore than Iran's primarily dominant shiite population.
does Sup Forums know Islam are catholic shills?
It's more like Catholics are Islamic shills. The interfaith dialogs are a mistake. Building bridges doesn't mean what the Catholic Church thinks it means.
>Its israels job to stir shit up around the globe
>fucking brainwashed dipshit retard posts FB tier meme that's already been proven false
No wonder people don't take this board seriously lol
>implying such an attack wouldn't be a massive pr stunt for ISIS
you really have that backwards. the goal is control of the world