How does Sup Forums deal with this fact?
How does Sup Forums deal with this fact?
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>Terrorism started 20 years ago
I hope no one is actually that retarded
Islam has been beheading people for centuries because they don't believe the same way, how does True Activist deal with this fact? Seriously though, Islam needs a reformation like all other religions. Moderates need to speak up and be the leaders, not the fanatical ones.
>humans are 10000 years old
>"racism" is only 100 years old
>started when inferior people moved to superior cultures
I guess blacks are the root cause of racism then?
>Terrorism started 20 years ago
>20 years ago
>terrorism started 20 years ago
>Muslim conquest in Spain and parts of France
>Ottoman Empire trying conquer everything
>Barbary pirates
And everything else in between
Jihad began 1400 years ago. Jihad of the sword, which is terrorism, since it is forcing political change, existed then when Muhammed began at the battle of Badr and onwards, conquering Medina and Mekka. Study the life of Muhammed. Allah considers him to be the perfect example all Muslims should follow. He's easy to understand and it is easy to understand those who follow him what their actions motivations lie.
>Terrorism started about 20 years ago
Fucking hell these alternative facts
from the mouth of the prophet
"I have made successful through TERROR"
"I came to you with BEHEADING"
they're correct, the jews are the real problem.
The reason they hate the west so much is because the west backs the zionists. We're controlled by Zionists and our state department is influenced by zionists. We're destabilizing the middle east for Israel's benefit and middle eastern muslims know it.
>Terrorism started 20 years ago
Bingo bongo
The Battle of Tours in 732 was only 20 years ago?
Oh but they are.
It was the Jews
Islam is THE religion of MASSACRES.
the difference is that it was not called terror back then
Islamic terrorism is a direct result of America being involved in wars i the Middle East. Shouldn't have gone there in the first place. Now that is a fact.
>Muhammad creates Islam
>immediately sets off to conquer the world by the sword
>m-muh terrorism is 20 years old
I knew libtards were ignoramuses, but fucking hell come on.
>terrrrosm 20 year old
haha, im using the shaving foams!
All of the people in this thread that are trying to place the blame solely on Islam need to go back to the_donald.
Conquest != terrorism
Liberals say it is though, whites need to apologize for all the places that we conquered
It is partially the west's fault, but most of it lies with the Israeli lobbyists in American Politics. We were nothing more than pawns for years.
>blame on Muslims
Conquering the world is literally how the religion began. To say that these actions only began 20 years ago when the west invaded the middle east is asinine.
>Terrorism started 20 years ago
Yeah, invading a country to convert them to your religion and killing or enslaving everyone who resists is much better.
It's kind of hard to blow yourself up without gunpowder and you look different so you stand out.
The point is that this Ideology brings out the worst in people.
>>islamic terrorism started about 20 years ago
The bottom picutre is missing one
on constantinople
Terrorism began long before 1997.
>Moe's first act as Prophet of Islam was to conquer Arabia and slaughter anyone who opposed Islam
kek. Islam has never changed and never will. Muslims will lie to your face about their true intentions, while preparing to stab you in the back. You can tell they are related by blood to the Jews.
>Islamic terrorism is a direct result of America being involved in wars i the Middle East.
Wrong. Islamic terrorism is a direct result of Muslims being in our countries. No Musilms = no Islamic terrorism.
it CAN be
or, then modern middle east conflicts are just conquest
The modern form of Islamic terrorism is less than a century old.
The concept of Islam as an enemy of the West instant on conquering all its land and slaughtering its people was an idea formed at its inception by its founder Mumomahamomumad.
Can we move on now?
How mudslimes do with fact of 8th century genocide of north africa?
I may be mistaken, but I don't think that the Umayyad Caliphate expanded into historically Christian regions, and forcing an extortion "tax" on nonbelievers peacefully.
Beat me to it.
remember that time islamists destroyed the Roman Empire?
mm sure muslims have only been attacking us for 20 years
>Terrorism started about 20 years ago.
Citation needed.
>terrorism started around the time of the first and second WTC attacks
Not really. There has been a pause in their attacks in Europe over the last few centuries around the beginnings of Imperialism but before that and especially after Islam first broke out of the Arabian Peninsula, Muslims have been attacking Europe for centuries. Spain, France, Italy, Spain (Conquered for SEVEN HUNDRED YEARS) and the Balkans. You're utterly wrong if you think Islam wouldn't attack us without provocation. They simply didn't have the means to project their forces and campaign anymore. That's why they're shitty bands of guerrilla fighters that rely on covert ops for their Jihad and not open warfare.
They didn't completely genocide it. As you can see here in Egypt, the North African Y-DNA haplogroup still represents the majority.
They've been head chopping for centuries you cunt.
>In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:
>"It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once."
400 years ago. Before we started bombing them.
OP do you even history?
>Terrorism started 20 years ago
Literally why we're walling you off
To add, in reference to your point about Zionists controlling the Middle East, I get it, but it's only the catalyst driving Jihadism, not the source. The source is and always has been the doctrine of Islam.
it is its own citation
>t. mexican intellectual
the jews own mexico?
>islamic terrorism only started 20 years ago
American education ladies and gents
>terrorism started 20 years ago
How do you deal with the fact, that cherrypicked genetic markers are even less accurate, than craniometry?
Islamic terrorism started with Muhammed. He was a fucking war lord, you idiot.
>racism started in the early 1900s
>not during European colonialism in which it was actually the superior ones invading contrary to what you described
>Islam is 1400 years old
>Islamic terrorism is 1400 years old
Or is Mohammed not a terrorist?
Mexican intellectuals, everyone.
>terrorism started 20 years ago
This is the double standard of the left. They ignore all of Islamic history but are quick to cite western history as justification for their barbarity.
Instead of acknowledging the problem within their own religion and communities they tell us that it is up to us to change and accommodate their backwards values.
>The word "assassin" is literally arabic for an 11th century Islamic terrorist organisation
Really makes you think.
If you mean "suicide bombing" and 37 years ago, then yes.
And in that case you need the relative age of lightweight bombs that a person can detonate quickly and easily. The age of Islam is irrelevant.
Spain was Muslijm for a long ass time
some truth to Moortugal yea?
I don't think they are. Invariable areas on the Y chromosome are good for phylogeny, but of course do not show the whole picture. But the methodology is very robust and accurate enough.
Terrorism is kind of hard until the invention of the commercial airplane, then you just ram that shit into a tower mayne.
So the Muslims conquering by the sword pretty much since their inception is irrelevant?
ok calm down akhmed
It seems the catholicucks have received their marching orders to defend their gnostic Mohammedan brothers...
You know, that's the name we gave it but muslims used another term for the longest time.
It's something you might've heard of called JI fucking HAD, and I'm pretty damn sure it's not something that started 20 years ago.
Goddamnit liberals.
I think you're projecting nigger
The terror started before Mohamed even finished The Quran, geniusbro.
nah they've been using bombs before 9/11. The west just woke up to the fact that 1.6 billion people are a ticking time bomb waiting to subjugate us all given the opportunity.
>Terrorism started about 20 years ago
Fuck that is just hilarious. That people actually believe that.
The definition of terrorism is government by force or coercion.
Some people actually post these pics unironically
>The background pic
>People thinking they're smart intellectuals while posting or sharing this
>Circlejerking it with their leftist friends while they all pat each other on the back
Humans need to go extinct
>How does Sup Forums deal with this pseudo fact?
With knowing history and not being a gulible idiot.
I see no facts to be dealt with juan.
wait, do you really think the brits started conquering 100 years ago? Like during World War 1 they were just now conquering America? Typical german education
impossible. then it isn't islam.
Terror did not start 20 years go, shit Israel was formed int eh 40s, and they also had a lot of terror in those days.
In fact, the very start of Islam, was Muhammad as a war lord killing his way to victory, including personally beheading 600+ Christians in a "ditch" he had his people make.
The Quran is the word of god before creation, it can not be changed, any suggestion is a punishable offence. I suggest you read op on Islam before making stupid statements on the internet
by voting out the corrupt politicians who were responsible for setting the middle east on fire.
oh wait, we already did that.
I never read so much of muhamed, your idol in my life, Akhmed
0% islam here btw
>Terrorism started 20 years ago
>1997 was already 20 years ago
Islam has been trying to violently conquer the west for 1400 years. The only times they haven't been engaged in killing and enslaving Europeans was when the Euros got pissed at the constant multi-century aggression and shoved their shit in.
The Wall just got ten feet higher.
your so fucking braindead for posting this go fucking kill yourself juan, fucking taco cunt. This is why we don't want you in America, you refuse to learn the history but want to use it as the base of your argument you fucking ignorant beaner piece of shit. fuck off.
>not knowing the 3rd president created the navy and marines specifically to combat muslim terrorists.
Fucking cunt m8. srs
Jews started the terrorist movement not long after invading palestine
Fucking this. Normies think he is just jesus for sandniggers even though even a cursory understanding of history shows he was a warlord who now has over 1 billion followers.
well we saw an easy target of a group of idiots worshipping a rapist warlord operated under a barbaric set of laws, they also had a bunch of oil and lithium and other precious metals, and because Russia was way stronger we couldn't take them over instead.
wew, iam so tired after channeling a Rothschield
They are, user. sadly.
kek seals his approval too.