Whenever I see Shilldog memes, they just come across as terrible
Sup Forums, why is this?
Why are hilldawgs so fucking awful at creating memes?
Whenever I see Shilldog memes, they just come across as terrible
This is a small collective of autists who spam their unfunny memes endlessly in this board, hours and hours pass and hundreds of threads are made by the same person, just forcing cancerous memes down Sup Forums's throat. They can pass through sleep deprivation, malnutrition, diseases, and they will continue clicking on [creating new thread], wait until their threads get popular, and see if some /r/le_donald newfags popularize their memes. These sad fucks are not even being paid to spam memes 24/7, they merely do it because it is the only minimum amount of attention they will receive in their worthless lives. Maybe one day these "spamtists" will get their memes posted on Twitter or Facebook, so that they can validate their pathetic existence. Think about this: You are spending your time making and spamming cancerous memes on a Chinese cartoon image-sharing chatroom that was created by a teenager suffering from severe autism, is this really what years and years of nurture and care by your parents have led to? Or maybe you weren't cared by your daddy or your mommy at all, and this is why you spam memes on this site every single fucking day with no stop, just fucking endless images and texts containing the same fucking memes, pushing them until some band of 12 year olds on /ptg/ finally begin to use it. I seriously hope you are somewhat rich and pay people to spam these memes. No human should have to live through this sad pathetic existence. Someone, anyone, please, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes
Because Leftists are the victim party. And making jokes about ones genetic circumstance is hypocritical.
Oh sweetheart, so sad to see you get so upset over small brushes of genuis. Come back when you are a fraction as productive, farmboy
Shut up, fagmo. Sup Forums isn't your personnal opinion army or a collective hivemind circlejerk. Just ignore them if they get your fallopian tubes in a twist. Fucking r/The_Cuckold ruining this board GET OUT!
This is accurate
The left understands that memes are modern propaganda, and that they helped Trump win the election.
The left barely understands what the meme is, let alone why it works or how to make a good one.
These are the tadpole eggs to our frog god.