>Interview George Zimmerman On The 5 Year Anniversary Of The Trayvon Martin Shooting

>He'll answer the top 10 questions with the most cash on them.

>February 26, 2017 will be the five year anniversary of the day that neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense.

>It will also be the day that the WeSearchr team sits down with George Zimmerman for an exclusive video interview. But there's a catch:

>We won't be deciding the questions we ask him. The questions we ask George Zimmerman will come from you, the people.

>That's right: George Zimmerman will answer the top ten questions with the most money contributed to them, as counted by contributions to this WeSearchr bounty.

>To ask your question, simply make a contribution to this bounty and write your question in the message box when prompted.

>The top ten questions with the most total money on them (counting ALL contributions together, as seen here) will be asked and George Zimmerman will answer at length. Your contributions will go directly to George Zimmerman minus fees, as per our rules.

What do you think faggots? I think we should get the PRAISE KEK question to #1

Zim Zam Video:

Donate link:

Other urls found in this thread:

Charles Johson is the true savior of the white race tbqwy familia

I'm not spending money to trolll

Well we've just gotta know his thoughts on Trump.

Wtf he's fat again

>paying a murderer to tell you what you already know

Ask him what his favorite handgun is.

So are we going to come up with a question and pool our money together to be certain he answers it. There is no way we can let this happen without Sup Forums getting a question in. We're his biggest fans, after all.

their are some richfags here user

inb4 all questions will be SJW tier questions that borders on harassing him.

but then they would have to pay him a lot of money (which they don't usually have)

I think there's plenty of reason for harassment, considering mn he's a murderer and all...

Self-defense isn't murder.

Thread theme:

It's murder, though it can be justified.

Shit has it really been 5 years?

Why is this piece of shit always trying to cash out on his bigotry?

This is like the third time I've seen him asking for money directly, selling extremely overpriced items and other sociopath bullshit like selling a gun that was used to kill trayvon

Are conservatives mentally ill? What kind of sociopathic, mentally unstable crowd would draw joy from owning a gun that was used to kill a poor kid? Why support all this shit in the first place? You're basically marketing murder

What a fucking money grubbing piece of shit, you have to be an abhorrent piece of trash to make money off a sad event

Sup Forumstard white niggers will celebrate this


You are just a pussy jóse

How do I get a job with animal control?

It is not a strawman, you guys openly cheer whenever he exploits the incident and even throw money at him

You're basically a bunch of niggers trying to fund more of this bigotry

Fuck you, not being a murderous cunt who hates blacks blindly is normal, well adjusted behavior

Keep funding violence and bigotry you piece of shit

It is what gets me out of bed in the morning. Now back to real issues don't you have a wall to build?

This guy is like a real life Ferrangi. Never missing an opportunity to make some profit.

But they'd have to pay him to get their questions up there. The paywall will almost certainly block the majority of those kinds of questions.

Let's get some scratch together and ask if best girl is Rei or Asuka.

What's a good question to ask?

Which one of you faggots was it?

When will he strike next?

Are you /ourguy/?

Literally who? Dont answer because i still dont care.

casuals out

Was getting caught part of your plan

this is degenerate animal shit.



Where are you from? Don't answer or come back this is an american website.

What did he usually had for lunch during the trial

>paying for memes

It's not self defense when you start a fight with a stranger and shoot him when you loose.

The gunman who makes Simo Häyhä look like total pussy.

>It's been 5 years

If you faggos can find decent questions to ask I'll support but don't bring meme-faggotry out in to the real world

How do I best prepare for the inevitable attack from the black menace?

I would ask you if you watched the trial, but it's apparent you did not. Don't lie and say you did. Instead, step back calmly from the keyboard, internally reflect on the dangers of blindly accepting a false media narrative, and come back when you're ready.

Will you arm me? Train me? Make me a fascist?

He's not a murderer.

Wait, 5? I thought this happened in 2013. I don't remember seeing this Trayvon Martin shit on tumblr in 2012. Wasn't it brought to public view in 2013/2014?

You think anyone else wants to have their money tied to this man? All the questions are going to come from pol.

Do you blame John Good for going back into his house instead of helping you when he saw you being beaten up by Trayvon?

>5 Year Anniversary
>Traytray died before Obama's 2nd term

A lawful killing is not murder you fucking beaner retard.

Ask him who his favorite character was

Jesus, has it really been that long?

Did zimzam ever end up boxing DMX, or did DMX get arrested before the fight? Whatever happened with that?

Do you wish you were browner so nobody cared about what happened?

>it's been 5 years already

>5 year anniversary
Holy fuck time flies. I remember shooting pool with my buds and seeing the verdict on TV and smiled greatly.


What brand of cigar is george smoking?



>There are people posting here who don't like Georgie
Get the fuck out you bunch of newfags. His trial was this board's golden age and rivaled only by the Trump victory of Nov. 8th.

You can't best the West.

I was going to reply to your comment, but im going to need to charge you 9.99 USD in advance to help pay for the wall.

What did TrayTray lead with?

>Zimmerman getting SJWs to give him money to ask 10 "harassing" questions at most

I love him.

>5 years later
god damn where does the time go? Here's to you George, thanks for some of the best Sup Forums threads of all time.

Ask him if he's white.

>We never got one of these for the 2016 election

Sup Forums really fell.

wesearcher is right wing though, so most of the people that know about it probably aren't SJWs

this, deshita. i remember shit posting with you guys all the way through it. good times were had.

I can't stand looking at that (((faggot))).

For the service he did the world and the shit he had to go through because of it he should by all that is good be receiving a monthly stipend sufficient for him to live comfortably for the rest of his days. If you did the math, it would still be less than what the system would have spent on Trayvon and his inevitable life of crime and incarceration.

Because we live in an unjust society though, he has to rely on these kinds of stunts to get the rent he so rightly deserves.

>being this mad


>half jew, half Hispanic
>be 2 thousand miles away, be white, get attacked by dumb blacks, for what this "white" guy did.
Sounds about right.

I'm going to contribute. What question should I ask?

A) What can I do to protect my neighborhood? Do you have any plans to start a neighborhood Watch school?


B) Who would you rather plow - Beyonce or Trayvon's mom?

Not gonna lie, former white person here.

flag checks out.

Right or wrong. His behavior since winning his trial has been extremely tasteless to say the least.

>Hates gays, niggers, women, muslims, Asians
Sounds like a typical Mexican.


He's a coward and only autistic faggots like John "Jin Saotome" Mallamas think he's a hero. Snowden is a real hero.


Nigger, you are fucking with a true American hero right now.

Due to the orchestral chimping of the nigger community in this country, Zim Zam doesn't have very many options. He's a marked man, doomed to walk the Earth for the rest of his days with a target on his back for every dindu with a skewed perception of reality.

The least we can do is support him for cleansing the earth of another criminal shitstain who probably would've caused the death of a white person once he reached prime criminal age.

But then again, you're a leaf, so what would you know about heroism? To you, Trayvon won.

>His mother was from Peru,South America
>She was Hispanic and even had little Black ancestry
>Her son gets called White racist

Ask "What's the best thing that has happened to you since the incident?"

a fucking leaf






That Evil White Man who is the most Whitiest looking person ever killed unarmed baby just because that fetus was Black,

a fucking beef

He was literally closest thing to Hitler since the actual Hitler


He's obviously a pretty big idiot.

Doesn't change the fact that his shooting of Trayvon was textbook self defense.

Why did they say you were white on the news?

To be fair, the US is a mongrel nation to the point where all rural areas are seen as hillbilly shitholes.


Zimmerman looks like a red pilled man now.

I remember at the trial, and his photos from before the incident, he looked pozzed as fuck.

The lefties have given him the 1,000-yard stare.

Someone needs to ask him why he bought a Kel-Tec

This should be the only question, everything else is pointless and will distract from this.

your time is money

there are many organizations that pay people to post here to promote their views

Does Zimmernman have a job? What did he do before he was an obsolete farm equipment recycler?