Sargot got BTFO
Credibility destroyed
Sargot got BTFO
Credibility destroyed
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Sargon has been btfo since he debated Destiny and lost
>implying he was ever credible to begin with
anyone who listens to yt "intellectuals" is a fucking retard.
Hi hbomberguy,
But why you shilling your shit here tho?
Also why are you such a faggot, as in fag-fag, not just annoying.
>another male feminist cucklord attempts to warp reality to fit his indoctrination
"Centrists" and "classical liberals" will always get BTFO by competent far-left debaters since they are arguing from their framework.
>literally has trigger warnings
>makes a point of insulting people who are going to call him out on having trigger warnings
He's never had any credibility.
>gives a trigger warning
annnnnd i closed it
>there's now liberal equivalents of these pseudo-intellectual faggots
Sargon and Hbomberguy are both pretentious faggots. At least Sargon isn't passive aggressive about everything and doesn't have an ego the size of the moon.
>trying to show me leftycuck videos
Kill yourself
I find it hard that destiny out debated anyone.
So the creator of the video narrows in on a very particular topic of feminism and uses character assassination against Sargon to prove his point saying that the survey that Sargon uses is inaccurate which he decries Sargon for doing and goes on to assert that this proves feminism is infallible?
This kid is full of horse shit.
Nah, he became shit before that. On one stream he said your money should be capped at around 70 million dollars. He makes weird scenarios to debunk concepts he disagrees with and preaches a morality he doesn't live up to himself. There's some other sophist tricks he pulls as well.
you wanna come on and defend that point on stream? I currently have around 2k viewers.
DM me your skype on twitter :)
Oh and he doesn't leave people the room to respond to his arguments anymore either. There's tons of videos out there debunking his videos (some I agree with, some I disagree with). He of course doesn't have the time to respond to every single one of them, but right now he only seems to reply to the retarded ones.
why do people want to suck off sargon this bad? he doesn't even take any real position
How is it horse shit? The study Sargon sites is less broad with it's definition of rape.
Extreme leftwing faggot marxist, disagrees with slightly less leftwing marxist faggot. God I can't wait for this intellectual heavyweight slugfest.
Sargon is right wing more than anything.
Destiny should debate either Ryan Faulk or Sean Last of the
Is this you Ryan/Sean?
He is a cuck loser nigger-loving faggot....cant even do propaganda right...kek.
>this guy again
In regards to the claim of 1in4 (or w/e), wether or not the girls reporting think it was sexual assault or not doesn't matter. It was interpreted by the people making the study. Have you had alcohol and had sexual contact? Have you experienced sexual advances which you didn't consent to? If all these are considered as sexual assault then I've been a sexual asault victim on numerous occassions. Yes those "surveys" are stupid.
Don't agree, I've literally heard him quoting the labor theory of value as his view on economics, while in the same discussion ridiculing people for calling him a marxist. He's either not being honest, or extremely confused.
Furthermore I always get the idea he's not so much outraged at liberal idiocy because of the idiocy itself but more because it gives rightwingers ammo in discussions and leads to a backlash against idea's he actually supports.
he honestly looks like a school shooter
Male feminists are literally worthless as human beings.
>I've literally heard him quoting the labor theory of value as his view on economics, while in the same discussion ridiculing people for calling him a marxist.
Doesn't make him a marxist in the sense Sup Forums uses it.
Re-read my post
he looks like a bird.
>Fat, bearded guy hiding behind the avatar of a Mesopotamia ruler.
This alt-right shit is the 2017 version of the 2010 fedora tipping Athiest
this guy is such a fucking cuck. can imagine beating the shit out of him
Sargon is shit.
Watch pic related instead.
i did, you're just crying about defamation of character
every single one of those "persona anti-sjw youtubers" is shit.
All they ever do is just repeat an opinion that is already popular among the right and thats just it.
They bring NOTHING new to the table.
>guy in second video randomly starts shitting on neo-nazis without offering any evidence of why neo-nazis are bad
I used to think that, but Black Pigeon Speaks is actually good.
He doesn't go full redpill (he'll attribute some racial differences to "culture"), but he doesn't shy away from hard facts either.
He also covers less-discussed topics like the negative effects of mass society and diversity in particular:
My only problem is his MRA stance on sex issues. Seems a bit juvenile to me.
Why are all britbongs such cucks? Sargon is as conservative as they come over there.. and thats not saying much.
stefan molyneux is a valid source
I watched the first 8 minutes of that first video and concluded this guy is a total disingenuous retard. And I don't even give a shit about Sargon.
He talks as if he has superior understanding of the studies in question but he never even bothers to look at the methodology of the studies, and that's where the largest problems lie. Those 1 in 5 studies ask vague questions about having sex under the influence of alcohol and count that stuff as rape. They also never ask the people surveyed if they were raped/assaulted, but rather ask questions about what they have experienced and decide for themselves whether the respondents were raped/assaulted. There's also a huge sampling bias in some of those studies, as in they weren't random samples of the population but rather people who voluntarily wanted to participate in the survey.
Sargon was cool once but he has become so fucking biased. I have never seen him criticize the stupid actions of the right wing in his "this week in stupid" videos. All he does is takes some incident of leftist chimpout and portray it to be the norm in leftist politics in modern times. Also I loved how he got banned from Twitter because of sending unsolicited gay porn and then whined about censorhip without telling everyone what he did. Lying by ommission is the worst kind of lying.
How could anyone lose to Destiny?
its strange how lazy leftist are towards debunking neo nazi ideas.
The guy who made this video doesn't understand the difference between some jackass university making a survey and the NCVS. The NCVS is many times more accurate and has access to a larger number of people in more diverse areas. They have the questioning down to science.
There is a huge difference for anyone that has taken one second of a class on crime data.
Who the fuck cares?
I hate Sargon but the fact that anyone would praise Joe Biden and look at him as a source for accurate info is laughable. What sexist laws is he even referring to?
It doesn't help that all of his sources are gone.
>I have never seen him criticize the stupid actions of the right wing
yea it's kinda sad that he doesn't. I vaguely remember him saying on a stream that he would critique donald trump. Haven't seen him do that either
What's the issue?
same, i couldn't make it past
>if I keep making feminist videos I'll get sex
Questions like "have you ever had sex while intoxicated" are extremely vague and were included in the Original study while questions like "have you been unwillingly penentrared vaginally while intoxicated" are included in the NCVS.
That's why the NCVS is the gold standard for surveys of crime victims! It has a broad appeal, a broad spectrum of people and takes place over the course of many months with thousands of correspondences.
not all surveys are equal. Your surveymonkey of a liberal institution or 2 isn't the same as the government sponsored NCVS.
This guy is either disingenuous or a complete moron. Sargon fucked up but that doesn't mean he is wrong. A poorly argued point can still be correct
Destiny didn't up to now none of these faggots have ever been able to btfo sargon. He's still a stupid quadroon who claims to hate far left but insists in supporting shitty socialist policies.
>gay feminist rant
into the trash it goes
Sargon's or this faggot?
>a couple of valid critisisms on intellectual honesty and nothing but ad hominems when it comes to actual positions, all presented with a cucked way and forced laugh
>people actually go to Youtubers to tell them what to think about politics and current events
fuck this fat guy
has anyone seen jodan's and molymeme's talk yet?
eh, I'm an authoritarian leftist but I like Hitler
That hitler bomberguy is such a fucking lefty.
>looks at claim
>thinks for a milisec
>just make a shitty joke mate
>the argument is invalid if I make people lul
fucking lefties. Retarded feeler niggers.
who? link?
Well I'm 3 minutes in and this guy is already a retard. He seriously believes men need to be taught not to rape. How retarded can you be? Do these idiots think if you tell a rapist, "Hey don't rape" that it will actually work and will somehow convince them not to do it? No. It won't. All that crap does is treat ordinary men like they are little children that need to be lectured about a crime they have never, and will never commit.
haven't seen it yet, gonna do so tomorrow
Most rapists in the West realize that rape is bad.
He is a socialist. Who cares about this faggot
on election day someone posted a link to Styxhexenhammer666's stream and i've been watching his videos ever since.
this guy made so many accurate predictions it's astonishing.
>radical christian autist
No thanks
I briefly tuned in and destiny was getting away with suggesting muslims are necessary for european economy.
this guy is a faggot and so is sargon
Exactly. The real reason feminists want to "teach men not to rape" is because they want to send a message that men are impulsive imbeciles that need to be lectured by women. They also want to make men feel bad about crimes they have never committed by making rape into a gender issue.
If Sargon can't correct this guy, he's worse at arguing than I had originally thought.
this nigga knows whats up
That's the most pathetic description I've ever seen.
What a petty faggot.
>talks about virtue signalling
>starts virtue signalling
>pro feminism
>trigger warning
The memes are real. Why did you show us this shit? Just to make us laugh about this cuck?
The thing is is that men who know that rape is bad still rape for different reasons. It could be just to get their rocks off and feel powerful. That's why most rapists try to keep their acts discreet, but end up making dumbass decisions so it's not discreet whatsoever.
>Sargon had credibility in the first place
Literally baby's first red pill. If you still watch Sargon past first coming out from being a normie you're halting your own progress.
After he posted interracial porn on his twitter for like a week because people were calling him a cuck I don't think anyone could take him seriously.
What the fuck did I just listened to?
And those men will never give two shits about a feminist holding a sign saying "STOP RAPE"
This,Stefan Molymeme is the only Sup Forums approved youtuber after redpilling.
But Sargon is most Sup Forums of any youtubers
I thought he sent gay porn to someone to fuck with them.
I subbed to him when he was saltmining the libtards after Trump won. He's at least still good at that and shitting on antifa.
Molymeme is a retarded cultist, fuck him
sargon is an idiot and comes across as mentally unstable desu
>post-ironic review of shit nobody takes seriously
I'd put a bullet in my brain sooner than listen to a feminist cuck.
Sargon's still a faggot who cares more about his community of retard shills than doing the right thing, but this guy seems like a cuck and an idiot.
He recently filmed himself taking the political compass test. Deep in the green.
God this guy is fucking awful. People on our side are guilty of making disingenuous representations of the other sides argument too, however with this ugly Britcuck that's literally ALL he does.
Holy goyim, should I unsubscribe from sargon? I mean, he got really rekt.
Who cares what you do Romania
Sargon is fucking lame when you consider that female jewtubers like Blonde in the Belly of the Beast and Roaming Millennial are far more rightwing than he is while still being able to maintain a facade of 'centrism' that Sargoy of Blackdad strives for.
Roaming can argue her points on the fly
about as solidly well as Styx does. Unlike Sargon who just relies on "But ur stupid and this is why ur Stupid because you're stupid!" logic.
Molymeme is decent but too longwinded & overdramatic. I love to keep Molyjew's streams playing in the background but only halfway pay attention to it.
StyxHexenHammer666 gets straight to the point and is far more versatile. You just have to get over his spergeness first. Although that is part of the appeal of his channel. He's cringe as fuck, but he doesn't give a fuck that he's cringey as hell.
the only other thing of yours i've seen is your retarded bloodborne/dark souls analysis, so i can say with supreme confidence you are a moron.
pls stop shilling ur shitty channel.
thank god he's not in the red