>country is 56% white
>army is 99% white
Can some Americuck explain this phenomenon to me?
>country is 56% white
>army is 99% white
Can some Americuck explain this phenomenon to me?
It's also 99% conservative.
only good goys fight for Israel
our niggers are lazy
they'd never serve when they could be getting gibsmedats
Were not a cuckscription country. Only the hard, only the strong can called themselves american soldiers. Its why only 2.5% of the american army died to 29% of the german and 32% of the russian, brits are honorary cause they only lost 3%
niggers can't fight. the only time you'll see niggers win a fight is if they heavily outnumber the opponent or have a large size advantage.
Whites love fighting for Is- I mean the US
The Army is 40% white
>OP is 100% guaranteed to be a faggot who pulls shit out of his ass without any sources
>Sup Forumstards are 100% guaranteed to believe it because muh whitehood
Shouldn't ypu be shilling for trump and his middle eastern aggression, kike?
well, coming in late after the bloodiest battles helps those odds, but anyways, I get your point.
>Marines are like 30-40% Hispanic and growing
Lol nope. The military is extremely pozzed. Whites are a minority. That pic is just the white men who volunteered to go on a mission to somewhere where it was snowing.
The Army and Marines are full of Hispanics. Niggers join the Navy for some reason.
Only white branches left are the Chair Force and Coast Guard
Being in the American army must be nice. Knowing that there are patriots in your country.
>American Army 99% white
Are you dreaming
> Our population is 63-65% white
> Our armed forces are 75% white
I better get my ass to Israel
Marines aren't army user
they are also the ghetto branch of the military
I remember looking into this a couple of years ago after some liberal made a comment about minorities dying in war. Turns out that the racial makeup of the US army is pretty close to that of the population, but the combat arms was actually more white than average.
>army is 99% white
This, OP confirmed faggot
>twig gets destroyed
thanks for proving my point, you daft nigger.
this, combat arms are mostly white and some hispanics
niggers are all working in warehouses and peeling potatoes
Regular army is very diverse. Our top tier units, Seals, Rangers and especially delta are overwhelmingly white. The exscuse give by delta guys, according to mark bowden, is that blacks fail the swim test, no joke.
Marine here. Our military isn't anywhere close to 99% white.
dirty bob schrijber was an old school badass. even wand was afraid to brawl with him.
>country is jewish
>needs foreign aid
Can some Israelcuck explain this to me?
I recognize that fortress. This picture was taken a few meters from the Russian border lol.
>country is 56% white
Only SOF is that white.
>turn up late
>basically spend the war as the worlds delivery boy and most jewish of jews selling stuff
>be surprised when hardly anyone dies
honestly i'm shocked we brits almost beat you, considering we were in the whole war
Light infantry and spec ops are predominantly White.
Lots of niggers, women, spics, etc. in Combat Support and Combat Service Support.
Even in the Army, niggers and women still serve the White male. Just like White males built the civilization, we are the only ones whoever really defend it.
You can't enlist if you have a criminal record
Cream rises to the top.
This. there's lots of shitskins in the army. They just don't apply for arctic deployment.
Why pay for something yourself when you can make the goyim pay for it for free!
The military is so non white.
Only our special forces are majority white. like around 95% if im not mistaken, but im pulling that figure out of my ass.
>making retarded statements out of your ass just coz you want to cozy feefees inside and a narrative
End yourself white supremacist cuck
That guy was buff as fuck
Right- because you leafs went Island Hopping with us.
Someone have to fuck their wives when they are away.
This is bait....right?
T. 500mg testosterone enanthate weekly
it's rare to see jew on Sup Forums
And that's exactly why the "marine corps" are a meme now. They were once pretty badass but now that they're in video games and spics/other mongrels overrun them, along with the highschool kiddos in JROTC, they're a fucking meme.
>Marines = Meme
>Army = Dispensable
>Air Force = the most important asset
OP to answer your question, it's because our shitskins are lazy and worthless. + whites have historically been the only people to actually win wars. Whites conquered every other people at some point or another, so now we fight each other.
>wahhh my fee fees dont fee fee good until I get my source, MOMMY THEY DONT GIVE ME A SOURCE WAHHHHHHHHHHHH
Fuck off you communist
You're trolling so im not going to reply.
>Downplaying the importance of the 6th fleet
Nigga cmon.
And the simple explanation for that is other colors of people aren't capable enough of making it in special forces.
White pride world wide
Definitely not lol retard
>t. Mexibeans intellectual
Why this wasn't first post I'll never know.
oh americucks.
how deep have you fallen that even sweden BTFO you.
facts > stormweenie feefees
Actually not a bad point kek, can't really argue with that.
It's 70% white stop throwing around random numbers like a bunch of illiterate shitskins
Please see We are laughing at you doggy-d
>Shows up in the last minute of the 4th quarter after 95% of the war is won by soviet soldiers.
>Muh KDR
A rare sight to see, and one which I hope to never see again.
Marines: Fodder
Army: Land logistics crew and wrecking ball
Navy: Backbone of everything due to carriers
Air Force: Chair Force
We like to kill mudslimes legally. Sadly, conservatives don't know about (((them))), and even love (((them))).
>95% of the war is won by soviet soldiers
Truth > Mexican fee fees.
That's been something I've been grappling with recently.
So many republicucks bend the knee to (((the tribe))). Makes me wonder.
>The exscuse give by delta guys, according to mark bowden, is that blacks fail the swim test, no joke.
That's funny as shit and probably 100% accurate. Blacks cannot swim.
Special forces are almost all white because minorities are too retarded to get in.
no it isnt
The US military is 57% white.
Ex-spic Marine here. The Marine Corps has a lot of Hispanics in its ranks and the armed forces as a whole is getting more and more non-White by the hour. I have a White wife and a nice suburban home so life is pretty comfy for me tbqh famm. Just accept that America will suffer from the same catastrophes that the Roman Empire suffered from and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Hispanics will be Americas fighting backbone in the next several decades like the German auxiliary's were for Rome.
See again
Literally the only other post you made in your own thread is completely unrelated and just trying to normalize Jewry on Sup Forums
You people are absolutely worthless
See again.
Army is the most non white branch.
Marines is the most white.
Learn some history.
Can you name the biggest/bloodiest/deadliest battle of the 20th century? (stalingrad)
Can you name the biggest military offensive ever performed? (operation Bagration)
What was the biggest tank battle in all of history? (Kursk Salient)
The Russians handled 90% of the entire war, and were destined to fail, but somehow made it out.
But claiming to be a superior force after joining the last 3 months of a 4 year war is acting like a little nigger bitch senpai.
The only reason they even Brought the US forces in was so the Soviets wouldn't take over the entire European continent.
This is a free speech board,and most shitposts here are by burgers like you. if you don't like it,kys or leave.
Even blacks who live on islands can't swim, it's puzzling.
No one knows how to swim in Haiti etc.
There is truth to this. The parallels between theodosius' decision to dilute the legions with germans and the US decision to open the floodgates is striking.
I did time in the Navy, some blue side before becoming an SO. There are lazy blacks everywhere on ships, they are disrespectful to their superiors but since it's the Navy the superiors don't do anything about it. Then there's black guys at the teams who are motivated as fuck and I trusted my life with them.
The ones that do make it are fucking great people.
It's because they think that they're God's chosen people, despite God saying that Israel has become a Gamorrah, and that all nations of the Earth are chosen.
I'm not a Christian, but I can see how so many Christians can't understand their own damn religion.
They won because of our supplies, I understand the argument against the US bragging about our K/D, but seriously Russia would have lost without our supplies.
Sooo tolerant and progressive. I cant wait until Russia nukes your multicultural melting pot.
31.6% of enlisted personnel were of a minority status.
Hispanics are not listed as a racial minority according to official US military statistics. 11.3%. That’s the total percentage of the active duty force that is of a Hispanic ethnicity
>literal 90-100 pound idiot trying to fight someone who is twice his size
You shouldn't drink and shitpost Ivan.
Without lend lease, your glorious USSR was finished.
Awesome horse v. Tank battles don't win wars.
Someone is completely ignorant of the dire straits of the red army prior to 43. Also, Lend lease nigga, look it up. Im not saying Russia wasnt invaluable in winning the war, but if you think they could have won without American help, youre delusional.
That's because we're actually 77% white. Not whatever that retarded meme pushed by Euros is.
America really needs to have a second civil war.
Then maybe they would stop arguing shit when it's done and they have experienced modern war on their hometurf.
56% is mexishit.
>Isreal is 100% subsidized by a lie (the Holohoax) and other extorted governements
Can some Jewparasite explain this phenomenon to me?
Speak for yourself danecuck, one of the most inconsequential countries on earth. You faggots didnt even bother fighting, just gave up and spread your holes for nazis.
>this is white in america
We don't want negro's fucking anything up.
While the lend lease definitely helped, I'm not going to argue, the fact is that US equipment was fragile and often misused (international trucks were used to deport circassians and Georgians for example, instead of helping on the front lines) and once it broke, couldn't be repaired.
As the Saudi army is showing, good equipment is useless when combined with shitty soldiers.
The Red army by 1945 had built up so much strength and momentum that they could have pushed all the way to Portugal if the Allies hadn't landed in France. That's the reason Patton wanted to fight against them so bad, but was denied.
Actually there are shitloads of niggers in the army, and coincidentally no coward kikes
No it isn't. They're considered Mestizos or for the latter, "spics".
There's nobody in America that considers them white.
No we just fought for the right side on the eastern front. We had no problems with the nazies until 43.