
Can anyone tell me why people are putting art with STEM?

Is art really that important?

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No one is doing that.

Not really.

sorry leaf, but your art degree will only get you that starbucks job, no matter how you try to change the reality


america doesnt take kindly to its hat making piss poor jokes.

brought to you by the people who believe there are multitudes of genders!

I'm assuming you're obviously joking, but
you cant think logically with these retards, just imagine always thinking about who's being victimized and then you'll start to understand.
Oh, STEM fields are the only serious ones? Well that's mean to artsy people, we should lump them in with it too. Ignore that it's completely retarded and doesn't make sense, logic doesn't matter, feelings matter.

steam is just a load of hot air

>why people are putting art with STEM
You mean trolls. Nobody is seriously doing that, but I'm sure baristas with art degrees will start taking it seriously.

lol over here an arts degree will only get you a student job at Starbucks, the one near me will only hire people with commerce and business oriented degrees

posting in a cointelpro thread

They're desperate to seem important. Read any book of the "soft" sciences like cultural anthropology. Nonstop circle jerk about how they're a real science.

It's important but should be an optional supplementary minor to other studies
t. went to one of the best private art schools and it was a tremendous waste of money and time, am now going back to school for math
Good, traditional fine art is mostly taught in ateliers anyway.

>implying the term "STEM" was coined because those subjects are most important

It used to be important, now it's just indoctrination. Can't say I know of many good artists who actually went to art school, and weren't just good artists in the first place. It's a shame really, always wanted to study art, history etc along with my EE, but it's poisoned by liberals. Can't take a class without "fuck whitey and why white men are the root of all evil"

You do need STEM for art (real art, not modern art) but you don't need art for STEM.

Bingo. Some of my friends are hitler-tier artists and made sure to avoid BAs like the plague.

I also know some shitty crayon-and-sticky paper faggots that could have done real degrees but went with arts so they didnt get triggered.

Daily reminder

God tier:
Top school business degree

Great tier:
Top school finance degree

OK tier:
Average school STEM and finance

Meh tier
Non-top school business degree

Shit tier:
Political "science"

"I got a $100k loan and wasted 4 years of my life to stay unemployed and get even dumber meanwhile" tier:

>STEM = $$$
>Arts = minimum wage job at walmart
>Lets group Arts with STEM, since STEM jobs only have so high pay because they are in STEM. Surely this way we can get some money for our worthless piece of paper.

yup. All of the people with talent just honed their skills, while trust fund kiddies and degenerates just party and pass off shit on a canvas as high art. Most of the professors encourage the retardation for various reasons. The people who are successful after graduation are usually already somewhat wealthy since it is all about connections aka knowing the rich jews.
I have a close friend who majored in art at a regular state university and I guess it was even worse there since the teachers aren't even mildly successful artists to begin with.
If you're really interested I recommend just finding a tutor, or like I said find an atelier near you and go to some classes. You could also sit in on/take figure drawing classes at a nearby community college. (Those are almost always propaganda-free and the best way to learn to draw.)

thats like adding "straight" to lgbq shit

It's right there in the acronyms. One is STEM, an acronym for the spine that makes up the base of human knowledge and advancement. The other is STEAM, which is humid hot air.

Okay, so apparently the use of this acronym has gone far farther than I thought it would and apparently it is mainstream, so I have some two cents to drop on this.

At the high school that I attend, it is my senior year this year, we have a computer lab that has been adapted for use by a robotics team, a robotics team that I am one of the founders and lead members of.

This lab jokingly has been referred to by myself and others as the "OG Tech Lab", but the school decided to remain it to the STEAM Lab, with the A referring to the Arts i.e. the 3d printing and modeling that goes on there.

Originally in the email they sent us about the name change, I jokingly referred to it as a typo of STEM, before I realized that they were serious about the name.

Other than the fact that my high school has turned from, through the course of the Obama presidency, a relatively conservative high school to a Leftist orgy with circle jerks in the form of affinity groups, here are the issues I have with this acronym, STEAM, as someone who is going into engineering.

The A simply does not belong there. When it comes to engineering, the "art" of it, "art" I'm assuming here is the beauty of the human intellect that goes into a piece of work, is something that doesn't need a letter as it exists in all factors characterized by the acronym, that being science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

However, if they are referring to the "art" of it in terms of what their "art" typically is, referring to a intellectual inquiry into the human construct or a statement or challenge to the political shifts and variables of our time, then that simply does not belong in engineering, in science, in mathematics, in any of the factors that make up STEM.

Because now women can say "I'm in a STEM field and still get paid less than men". Obviously painters and physicists deserve equal pay right?

In creating consumer products, art is important. This is the art that designed your toilet brush, not the art that hangs in art galleries. It is a focus on practical art to produce ergonomic and attractive products based on science, technology, engineering, and math.

>Arts gets added to the STEM group
>Lots of women get art degrees
>No more "need mo womenz in stem" shoved in our faces

I don't see a problem with this

Though, that is not what I would consider art, that is what I would consider design philosophy.

Wow, I can't believe you guys don't think art is necessary in civilization building. Just wow. Every civilization has it's artistic visionaries, therefore it's justified to shovel millions of misguided students into the arts, hoping that maybe 0.1% of them turn out to be valuable artists who define the era.

It's totally worth it. We can just export our STEM industry to China, India, Japan, etc. Then we can all become artistes and they can do the hard stuff while we live decadent lifestyles selling painted mannequins to eachother.

Speaking of which, does anyone want to buy a painted mannequin? It's got lightbulbs wired up inside it so it has this eerie glow going on, and I glued some clock parts and circuit boards to it. I'm only asking $450 for this groundbreaking artwork.

Eh, I am doing art with computer science and don't really see why it is bad to make more use of your brain in different ways instead of over specializing into some fucking sort of robot.


> 1:25

Fucking bread gave me nostalgia.

Art is fucking useless

Putting art in STEM doesn't legitimize it, it just makes STEM a useless term

>irrelevant appeal to emotion

considering most faculties of art have a logic course, you're not even doing that "use of your brain" stuff very well

At the end of the day, the primary reason why I feel "art" doesn't belong in STEM is because if you are using "art" as a term for the relative beauty of the human intellect and the work it can achieve, then it is such an abstraction when it comes to maths, sciences and engineering that it really doesn't need to have a strict letter attached to it.

Anyone who has seriously studied those fields can tell that this "art" is there, and they learn to appreciate it.
>The mathematician learns to appreciate the "art" in a proof or the perfection in a equation.
>The scientist learns to appreciate the "art" in the universe, through the experiments he carries out and the theories that he postulates and investigates.
>The engineer learns to appreciate "art" in the architecture of the systems around him, in the efficiency of a circuit, in the conciseness of an algorithm, in the orchestral perfection of the engines that drive his world.

The "A" for "art" simply doesn't need to be there because it is already and implicitly sensed by all who are in STEM.

>Can anyone tell me why people are putting art with STEM?
>Is art really that important?
It's useful for biology, but that's about it.

In my head cannon, the A stands for architecture.

Art is extremely important to our sense of culture and identity.

Hollywood and Mainstream music are not art. It's a product vomited out to sell merchandise.

I'm a liberal arts major and I can tell you art does not fucking belong near STEM.

Why does Sup Forums get so triggered by art?

Art is important due to it stimulating creativity. For Engineering and Technology that's somewhat important to come up with ways to make breakthroughs in the field. Art by itself? Not so much. da Vinci was an engineer in addition to being an artist. Michaelangelo was an architect in addition to being a painter, poet and sculptor. Nearly all Artists throughout pre-Modern times had a multitude of other fields they studied and worked in. A person solely dedicating themselves to art is useless without anything practical to sustain themselves on.

Should Arts be included with STEM? As it's own thing, hell no. As pointed out, it's already incorporated into the fields of STEM.

Sup Forums doesn't get triggered by art, it gets triggered by """(((art)))"""


>" business " degree

fuck you twat
you gotta be autistic to not realize the importance of humanities and history in particular

when (((they))) include art to stem, that encompasses literally all routes of education. It was only added to not hurt the feelings of art majors, seriously

Has no one on Sup Forums actually seen this show on Netflix??? It's pandering, sure, but rather effective in the message it tries to get across.

really makes me ponder

art is only important when there is nothing left.

it's simple, they want to mix out the objective rigor of science with the subjective bs of "art" so that they can inject maximum Marxism, this is a takeover

Yeah, the HBS grads that actually finance the stuff the STEM guys do.

This fucking shit right here, this shit fucking pisses me off to a degree that nothing else comes close to.

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are all objective fields. They are definite and factual, there is no room for interpretation in them. Your opinions in these fields are regarded as pure bullshit until you back them up with hard evidence and proven data. You can not shit out some half-assed research and call it a day while getting pats on the back from others in your field.

Art is the very opposite of this. It is subjective, it is never based on facts or figures any more, nor is it built on the foundation of proven mathematics. Art is the very last fucking thing that should have ever been added to stem.

Problem is the left has the stem community by the balls with affirmative action. They demanded more women in stem, so the fields pushed for more women. They got some, but we're still overwhelming male. The next logical step, demand the introduction of a totally unrelated and bullshit field to the stem group to meet the absurdly high quota they had to meet for affirmative action. The liberals killed three birds with one stone: muh wimmins rites, devalued the stem field, and diluted it with people who have no right to be there but will scream and bitch about how their art degree is now just as valuable as someone else's doctorate in chemical engineering. It will discourage people from majoring in AL of those fields too, lest they be seen as sexist for contributing to the sausage fest and what not.

Fuck steam, fuck adding art, and fuck the people who pushed it. Unless you plan on going back to the style of art based on things like the golden ratio, get the fuck out and stay the fuck out. We have no need for loose cunts who just want attention while they piss in to a bottle for the sake of 'art'.

Honestly i think they should drop the 'S' from STEM, make it more exclusive. Most of what passes for science these days is utter shit.

The future is TEM.

Not real, won't allow it to be.

>one of these things is not like the other

Art, unlike those other fields, can actually change the world

a bunch of liberal arts majors saw all the grant money going to STEM, and said "hey we want some of that too!" and pushed this STEAM bullshit, and all the STEM people were too beta (and all the liberal arts people too chad) to say no.

Nigga, there's 2 seasons of it.

This could be fun. Not sure if I want to spend the 20 shekels on it.

Fuck off. I have a slight edge on all the people going to my art school and I don't want to lose it by more people getting pushed in

Putting art in STEM is the dumbest thing leftists have ever tried to accomplish when it comes to education.

t. art major

I think human artists may be in higher demand in the future. This is because AI will be doing much more in the EM fields and all other jobs. Therefore art may be one of the few things that ai cant compete well with us.

"Women aren't going into STEM fields, what can we do?"

"Lets add the arts to grouping of hard sciences so we can say women are going into it!"

t. Schlomo von Cohenberg

Yes, but not in the way leftists think. They think you should be able to get a basket weaving degree and make as much as a physicist or electrical engineer

This is true, and it's true that the humanities have been taken over and burnt to the ground by cultmarx, but it is maddening to me when I hear an engineer who has never studied history babbling about how easy, quick and good a top-down imposed social change is going to be, or how all art is meaningless and subjective.

I don't know how professional musicians aren't a part of stem.

Checked. However, while art is important, art schools are not. Art ought to be a hobby for most and a profession for very, very few.

Art ought to require talent. It ought to require obvious skill. Instead we've allowed this postmodern art garbage to supplant what used to be a respectable field.

Art is now 'ideas', and 'anything can be art' has become the central tenet in an increasingly ugly community where the most disgusting, most narcissistic, attention-whoring pieces of shit established themselves as the vanguard of art.

If you want to see where our country went wrong, look back to 1965. All of our institutions were corrupted in this era.

Anyone in the stem field will tell you that things like design, modeling, ergonomics, etc. that are traditionally considered art are 100% necessary for any real-world applications

physicists make almost nothing my dude

hank hill: bwuhhhh

Mathematics is science. Technology is engineering.
It should be SE, not STEM.

>banana piano
>not banano

STEM subjects are for Austists
Art is for SJW's and by extension, Autists.

It's a shame that college art classes dont teach that.
They teach you how to hate men and pain with period blood.

real art is important, not (((art))). there hasn't been a real art scene in many years. A good example of good redpilled art is architecture which is both grand and prestigious but also efficient and practical.

Not anymore. Modern generation has rekt what art was suppose to be.

Yeah, and I think the problem is Art is very open to interpretation. Ergonomics and aesthetics are important, but it's highly dependent on the function of the part. You can make a part look good just by following simple ergonomics. You can make a part also look good, but completely worthless since it's non-functional. Including Art in STEM makes the later a subtle but serious problem that could come back to hurt the students and curriculum.

the art fields pay pretty well, it's just very competitive and relys on connections and portfolio rather than your degree. and art school can help but it's really what amount of effort you're willing to put into it.

also if you majored in industrial design or illustration expect to have an easier time getting a steady income over a major in video arts or printmaking.

jobless art students are just a meme at this point, they only don't have jobs cuz they never tried or cared enough in the first place. if you're good it's not hard to make it.

I go to a state art school and it's very half and half. The animators, illustrators, and video """"arts"""" kids are like that, but the ceramics and painting kids are more chill aka the classic artists.

And all you have to do is make sure you take classes with older male teachers and they won't put up with it. I have a older Russian dude for my portfolio teacher and when the girls try to talk shit about America and Trump he just shuts them up by talking about growing up in Communist Russia. It's cozy.

It's just SJWs trying to raise the ratio of men to women in STEM fields.

The only "art" that would ever be related to STEM is Architecture because of the math involved, but that's about it.

>tfw architect


>add art to stem so that we can flood art with diversity hires and get some actual work done where it matters
It's a band-aid


I think it's dumb but STEMfags are always so imperious about their autistic set of skills that it's fun to see them sperging out over this.

it depends on what the """""history""""" is. history can be talking about the evolution of europe, how muslims are conquers with the moost prolific slave trade in human history, the crusade was defensive, the history of asia etc. (((history))) can also be smallpox blankets, """south american culture"""", and white shaming

which is taught in schools?

I do believe Art is incredibly important to all cultures but it absolutely does NOT belong in STEM.

I liked this. Have a birb.

Art is important, but you should definitely not pursue a degree for it unless you are fucking godly talented and/or wealthy.

Art is more of a hobby.

The A in "STEAM" at my school means Architecture. At least in that you need an understanding of physics.

Not unless it's heavily weighted towards drafting and linear perspective. Those things are important to support stem fields.

If art schools weren't overpriced, and if American animation didn't outsource most of their work overseas, going to a field in arts would probably be more viable, even if the pay would be low
with this in mind you'd think more artists would be redpilled on kikes and globalists, but they're not for some reason

Either way it's no surprise so much advertising promotes race mixing, because you'd have to be a cuck to sell out yourself for advertisement

The second one is high schools
The first is college. We really don't learn enough Western history in school anymore honestly.

an architect is just an engineer who hates math
architects need an engineer, but an engineer doesn't need an architect

Quality post.

Art of architecture? Latter one is barely acceptable.

Anyone who seriously pushes this has given up on pushing for more women in stem jobs and is now merely going for the consolation prize of giving non-stem jobs a higher status, overall this is a loss for feminists if it became mainstream.

Feminists are the only ones doing this, because art and self-expression are the only things women are truly interested in on a professional level, besides porting their nurturing instincts over to the job market (therapist, early childhood education, medicine, etc.)
Also makes it sound like steampunk, which girls like, because the steampunk genre is all aesthetics and no substance, just like the majority of women.

I do think that aesthetics and technology are an important union, but this is meant to push an ideology I'm wary of.

>central structure that supports and sustains
>bunch of hot air

Nicely said, dear user.

This politicization and indoctrination of the STEM field by the Left is something that needs to stop.

In robotics, in certain competitions we get asked, every year without fail, why we don't have any girls on our team, and every year we, a group of tall, white, dark haired men, say the exact the same thing in practicality : we just don't.

Me and the rest of the team have fantastic group chemistry, we all know each other, we all joke with each other, we are all in this fight together as one.

Injecting a woman into that for the sake of *muh diversity* is going to fuck all of that up, and that woman is going to be redundant because as it stands we already fill all the roles in the team that we need.

The people who are pushing for women in STEM I feel have good intentions but very much the worst methods.

> I'm not going to go out of my way to recruit a woman into robotics.
> I don't care if someone is a man or a woman when they are in STEM.

For these Leftists worms, these cancerous, degenerative, regressive, infectious, indoctrinated, mindless, dirty Leftists, the lack of prejudice, the very idea of indifference, the very concept of apathy towards a group of people is discriminatory, is persecutive, is prejudice.

They do not want equality of opportunity, they want equality of results. They are no better than the communists our fathers and forefathers killed on the fields of battle so long ago.

We owe it to ourselves to stand our ground, protect our fields of objectivity and scientific reasoning, and push back the Leftists at EVERY TURN.

it's all about gibs
STEM programs recieve special grants because they are the only degrees in college that are actually useful to society
shitty art departments want more monies so they are lobying to get lumped in with STEM even though they contribute absolutely nothing of value to the sciences

They call this Design.
Art is the other, airy fairy bullshit (that doesn't necessarily have to be so, but it is now - at least in the anglo west)