We wuz samurai
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Holy shit they did Starting Strength in feudal japan?
what kind of single black mother would give his child name yasuke?
I think those are just MC Hammer pants. Even in those days, blacks loved oversized pants.
The giant puffed trousers are a European thing. It always was a European thing until mc hamhock stole it.
The umbrella carrying samurai, who was mysteriously filled in with dark ink.
Really makes you think.
He was a samurai in the same way that we make dogs cops
Its actually true
Oda Nobunaga bought him from the Portuguese and kept him around as a pet to show off and as a bodyguard.
There was also a Scottish Samurai and a Dutch one too if I recall correctly, as well as Tom Cruise
Thats why Oda got fucked
Speaking of Yasuke, Nioh just released which has you playing as a man based off of William Adams who became a Samurai in Japan in the 1600s, and in the game you fight Yasuke as a boss
1 dutch and 1 other in the 1600, then a french in the 1800's. I think there also was a german but he was mostly just procuring weapon for them
how does holding an umbrella for a nobleman make you a samurai?
Wasn't the Tom Cruise movie an adaption of the Dutchbro's story?
Wait aren't the people depicted on the left supposed to be europeans?
Shhh. Stop asking questions. This is some serious revisionist history going on here.
>Japan BTFO
How will the japs ever recover?
They just can't help themselves can they?
At this point, is there anything they wuzn't?
WE WUZ also Indians
Yeah, they've never not been niggers
I thought it was this guy
>Tfw you'll never be this much of a weeb
>degenerates consider this pic profound
>At this point, is there anything they wuzn't?
had me literally lmfao irl, good one toothpaste
Revisionism sure is great