The wall will cost $21 Billion to build

The wall will cost $21 Billion to build.

Trump's visa ban is overturned.

ObamaCare is such a tangled mess it is not possible to change.

This is not going to work.

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why would a shitbong care how much the wall costs? the only one who should care is mexico

Give it time britbong.
You are still half of year after referendum still shilling to EU

>ObamaCare is such a tangled mess it is not possible to change
It's really easy to untangle a string if you have a knife.

You already have a free moat and you're still fucking up your country.

Fix your own country, faggot.

more like 2/3 year now

britcucks really are the laughing stock of the entire world

>$21 billion
>A lot
He could ask for volunteers to bring surplus construction materials and the wall would be built faster than any government project could do it.

21 bil is fucking chump change compared to how much money the government wastes on worthless shit, or the amount of money other countries owe us. For example we could leave NATO and let you guys deal with your own problems, that would chop our military expenditures down substantially. Most of you fucks don't even pay what you promised in the agreement to begin with.

>if you have a knife

21 billion over 4 years
Visa ban is only blocked in one judicial district and has not gone to the Supreme Court
Obamacare's penalties have already been suspended
Trump has only been in office 3 weeks, be patient and give it time.

Yes, it is. All you can do now is delay the inevitable. Actually YOU can't do shit since you aren't an American and we don't care what you think.

>ObamaCare is such a tangled mess it is not possible to change.

Open up the market. Buy health insurance from other states, even Canada. Watch them battle for customers, prices go down. Cut regulations. Stop patents on pharmaceuticals. Make care-hospital-insurance a closed system without government interference.

Could be done, will be hard.

this coming form the United Kaliphate

They took our jobs

Just like in our country right? Fucking retard, healthcare costs doubled in the last 10 years.

>The wall will cost $21 Billion to build.
Source, because the president pulling numbers out of his ass isn't one, and he demonstrably ignores reality that runs contrary to his preconceptions.

>Trump's visa ban is overturned.
It was unconstitutional.

>ObamaCare is such a tangled mess it is not possible to change.
It was crippled coming out of the gate by the same people who want to put it down now. As Bernie translated for Cruz, the republicans have no interest in ensuring everyone has access to basic needs. Of course saying this outright would not be popular, so you get the privatization leads to better service at better prices spin bullshit. Regardless, even without Obamacare, we still have socialized healthcare in the form of Medicaid from the Bush era and SS from a century before. Fox news will convince your grandparents that those aren't socialized programs, but that's a thinly veiled lie. It's a clusterfuck because noone can spin social programs away without it directly impacting people. The goals of these programs aren't bad or wrong, it's the political bullshit that gets attached to them.

Irak war costs $757.8 billion.
$21 billion is nothing

>The wall will cost $21 Billion to build

That's nothing. The UK with a GDP that is 15% of the US's borrows £14 billion ($19 billion) every year just to give it away in foreign aid.

>$21 Billion to build.
Do you have a source for this that isn't your own anus?

>president pulling numbers out of his ass
LMAO you want to bash Trump so bad yet you have no clue about what you are talking about. If it wasn't evident from that comment, then you saying the ban is unconstitutional just shows you are a willful idiot or a troll.

Please show me the part of the constitution which the ban violates.

Be specific, because the 9th circuit sure couldn't.

>trump will never win the presidential elections
>he has to way to compete against the clintons

ya 21 billion is nothing for a government, get educated.

>Trump's ban was unconstitutional
It literally wasn't. The 9th Circuit wouldn't know the Constitution if it fucked them in the ass.

Bans are completely constitutional. National defense is part of the President's job. The ban is only blocked in the 9th circuit court, the other circuit courts are enforcing it, not to mention the Supreme Court hasn't ruled in on it yet.

I should add the whole reason anybody wants to kill ObamaCare is because it directly hurts the insurance company's profits that they own. Pay to have your opinion broadcast on 24-7 propaganda machines, and you can convince people that what is in their and everyone else's best interest is actually undesirable. It doesn't help that republicans prey on stupid people and their ignorance by appealing to emotions.

Ever since I found out I had a very low IQ (87!!!) I've started considering that everything I've thought and supported was wrong. Supporting Trump was obviously a wrong choice and so are all of my other views. Should have left it all to the people who know what they're talking about.

>Pay a large sum of money once
>or pay a large sum of money yearly because of the shitskin burden


>ObamaCare is such a tangled mess it is not possible to change.
I am a HUGE fan of sticking all the crybaby lefties with the bill. This bill has caused a ripple effect with employers and working hours. Let them have it.

My "Union hall" is employee owned, and we choose to pay for our health insurance. It is in addition to my $30+/hour + dental/vision/pension/annuity.

Please explain to me how 1400 heavy smokers and drinkers still pay less than the average middle class person for health insurance?....Not to mention we have better coverage than obongo care.

It is not hard to figure out, but Ill let you guys talk it out. I may be back later to fill you in on the "secret".

I say let them have their communist health insurance. Let them see what happens. Let them either pay a fine and die slowly, or pay out the ass to have the "right" to have insurance.

looks like way less money
than OlBama just gave away to fucking Iran

fucking traitor

>>Trump's visa ban is overturned.
>It was unconstitutional.

Last time I checked no one had an innate right to come here but whatever. Let the country overflow with sun golbins with terrorist attacks left and right until you people learn your lesson. Look at fucking France and Germany dude, letting them in is an objectively bad idea.

Hilary had it right you idiots. Just stop talking and agree with me.


The ban violates the 1st by targeting people based on religion. The language of the executive order doesn't carry those words, but the poorly thought out order's intent is obvious. Just because the wording isn't overt doesn't mean the intention isn't.

If you think my opinion is bullshit, what do you think about gerrymandering? Nobody ever says they are trying to force elections and disenfranchise voters when carving Dr. Suess shapes out of district maps, but that is the only explanation for politicians putting fucking jigsaw puzzles to shame.

Moreover there is literally zero evidence showing we need these bans. There is this vague argument about national security, but the statistics show that a big fat 0 when it comes to terrorists and terrorists attacks perpetrated by the nations singled out. There is no basis for the order, but it does impact a huge number of people, and not the people it's intended to impact, but people who live in this country right now.

If you bought the national security bait, they got you hook line and sinker.

>The ban violates the 1st by targeting people based on religion.
Not even past the first sentence and you're incorrect.

>free moat
Ayyy lmao

the US constitution des NOT apply to foreigners, in foreign lands.

>otherwise we will have Saudies behead you for Faggotry

He will never lead us to the stars

no shit

Can't read more than headlines to form your opinions I see.

If life is so hard, suicide is always an alternative, OP.

1. the constitution does not apply to people outside the country
2. If it were based off of religion then there would be many more countries on that list
>The language of the executive order doesn't carry those words
This refutes your argument.

>The wall will cost $21 Billion to build.

$20B is nothing. We're about to blow £50B on a large rail upgrade.

>The ban violates the 1st by targeting people based on religion. The language of the executive order doesn't carry those words, but the poorly thought out order's intent is obvious.

You are an actual retard.
Even if this is bait, no one can write something like this and not be retarded to some degree.

If you are a US citizen with family in another country effected by the ban, you, even as a US citizen, would be barred to travel to said countries. The bans vague and confusing language betrays it was written by a person with the intelligence of a third grader, underscored by the flurry of clarifications needed from the WH, and the quick and correct striking down of it by a federal judge.

Tbag uses executive orders like tweets.


$21 bn is cheap as fuck.
We spent €21.7 bn on refugees 2016 alone and even more this year. And we didn't get a fancy wall.

To remind you: €21.7 bn is 2/3 of our defense budget. Imagine the USA spending $400 bn on refugees - per YEAR.

>>The language of the executive order doesn't carry those words
>This refutes your argument.
You are retarded if you think something can't be against the law just because it doesn't explicitly spell out that it is against the law.

I gave gerrymandering as a concrete example.

>unironically, categorically, unquestionably, a fucking med kit

>Wasting 200,000 on every public school.

The problem with public schools is the DoE, and Teachers Unions, not money.

>$21 Billion
Isn't that less than 1% of debt Obama made?

>Watch them battle for customers
>a closed system without government interference.
>wat is kartelvorming

They will just stay out of eachothers turf and keep prices as high as possible

imagine how much money you can save by not allowing criminals and drugs in which kills people.

$21e9 is a fictitious number that appeared out of nowhere to sell the public a stupid idea. Prove me wrong, as in, who is the source of this number?

So what?

No it isn't

What can be done can be undone

Yes it is

>The ban violates the 1st by targeting people based on religion.

Prove it.

Oh wait, you can't. Because if being a muslim was the identifying factor then why isn't there a ban on Pakistan, or Indonesia or Bangladesh or any of the other muslim countries that aren't of those seven that were banned?

thats the budget that's been set aside since 2001

you are not an american
why are you posting

We wipe our ass with 21 billion dollars
I'll give you 21 billion dollars just to shut the hell, nigga

Isn't that what you are guilty of? Last I checked all people from the banned countries would be denied entry regardless of their religion.

Claims made without evidence can be dismissed


legalizing weed would put the cartels out of money and fill the tax coffers at the same time. If you take the lameo think of the children angle, it will decrease youth drug use too. It has always been easier to get weed than beer in American highshools for that reason.

What claim am I making without evidence?

Your example, even though it's a lie, doesn't prove anything. US citizens are barred from going to multiple countries already. There's nothing unconstitutional about it.

>quick and correct

The first judge to rule on it in Boston decided that it wasn't a ban on Muslims. The ACLU had to run to the ridiculous 9th Circuit to get the ruling they wanted, in what could only be described as thinly veiled venue shopping. Reading the 9th Circuit's twisted logic gives me a headache. There's never been a case where a court took into account campaign speeches to decide the intent of an executive order. Hell, intent is irrelevant, the court is only supposed to decide if he has the power.

why should mexico care, it's not like it's their money

There is a muslim ban.

>Under Budget
>Ahead of schedule

It hasn't even been a month, and we're already finding out that he's going to battle throughout his term to get those things done.

>The ban violates the 1st by targeting people based on religion.

Non-citizens outside the country have no constitutional rights, and we have the right to deny entry to anyone for any reason.

>Moreover there is literally zero evidence showing we need these bans. >There is this vague argument about national security, but the statistics >show that a big fat 0 when it comes to terrorists and terrorists attacks >perpetrated by the nations singled out. There is no basis for the order, >but it does impact a huge number of people, and not the people it's >intended to impact, but people who live in this country right now.

It's not the role of the court to determine ANY of this. Courts have absolutely ZERO power over foreign policy. Judges CANNOT determine whether a certain foreign policy is sound or justified, nor do they have authority to reverse presidential judgement on such matters.

If the president declares war it impacts a lot of people as well; does a federal judge have the right to reverse that decision too? If a president signs a trade deal that puts people out of work, does a federal judge have the right to reverse it? All manner of foreign policy can and will have an effect on people within the country; sometimes negative. It's not up to a judiciary to act as a co-president and alter foreign policy ad-hoc.

This is NOT what courts are for. The 9th circuit inserted itself directly into foreign policy, which they have no authority to review. They will be overturned, just like they are in 80% of their decisions.

Don't know where the number comes from.

But, well, even IF the wall costs that much... that's pretty much no big deal for American standards as such a large economy.

It's more of a big deal for Germany considering the fact that €21 bn is 20% MORE THAN OUR BUDGET ON RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT.

All for our refugees, who are worth more than gold.

It's laughable that anyone would question whether Mexico will pay. Even time a Mexican official states they aren't going to pay, the Peso falls 2%. Their economy is crumbling already and 70% of their exports come here. They simply have no leverage.

>This is not going to work.

I love how Liberals are the new Pessimism

It's practically synonymous nowadays.

I remember 2 years ago when they cheered as the whitehouse glowed fag colors. Now look at em, lmao

But they aren't going to pay.

Ok then, lets play the devils advocate here.

Let's say that is only targeting Muslims, is that a bad thing?

If it were Christians beheading, pillaging museums, attacking objectively innocent people, then I would want them banned as well. But that's not the case, it's predominantly/only Muslims doing this shit.

I don't care if the proven odds are 1/100,000,000. I'm not willing to take that risk if it means my countrymen and innocent people will have to pay because bleeding heart faggots like you let these monsters in.

AT LEAST male refuges should NEVER be allowed in.

They have no choice. They have absolutely no power in any potential negotiations. If they refuse to pay, the tariffs will wreck their economy.


lol nerd

saying that they will won't make them pay.

what happened last time your dear leader sperged out claiming, just as you do, that mexico will pay?

mexico didn't even show up for the meeting. mexico won't pay for the wall.

>220k per school
That's not really that much.

They canceled the meeting and what happened to their Peso? It fell 2% in a day. Their economy relies almost entirely on US exports and remittances from illegal immigrants. If Mexico refuses to pay, their economy will be ruined.

He literally just told you how they will pay for it.


Unless you have no idea what a tariff is?

>Mexico won't pay you directly
>Give up
I don't know if you are being dishonest or you are ignorant. There is more than one way to get what you want. We don't need cash up front, like this is some sort of convenience store purchase. We have soft control methods we can use as well as deferred payments.

Who do you think wrote Obamacare? Insurance companies. It like arguing that forcing everyone in the United States to buy a computer (at higher cost for most than if they had bought a computer before) would hurt computer manufacturers.

LOL and then what? They'd literally light that money on fire within 48 hours.

We already spend more per pupil than any nation on the planet, including our poorest schools. Money is not the issue.

You're right, my bad, it doesn't apply to US citizens, but it does apply to Green Card holders, of whom someone I work with is one from Iran.

I never said there is a muslim ban, I said the order targets muslims (just not the ones that have actually perpetrated terrorist attacks on the US). It is absolutely correct to say that foreigners are not protected by the Constitution.

I got to hand it to you, that's not a bad argument. I think that judges can overturn presidential orders that violate the Constitution, but I'll have to think about how that applies to foreign policy.

>Get slapped with fact

Sure showed him Muhammad.

It doesn't apply to green card holders either...

Still doesn't change the fact the order has zero basis and effectively does nothing to protect the US because these weren't vectors of state-side terrorism to begin with.

Not to mention a secure border that cuts illegal immigration would save 100s of billions in annual expenses on welfare and policing.

You have no proof that the ban targets muslims. There are a lot of muslim countries not on the list.

Don't get fooled by the Lügenpresse, the Bund spent that much. It does not include the Länder or the Gemeinden or what the Krankenkasse spent. Knowing Merkel's lies, they probably used every statistic trick to make the sum even lower.

Oh, that was one of those things that was banned at first and then the WH reversed because of incompetence, gotcha.

So the peso falls. And you still pay for the wall. Any "action" taken against mexico would also hurt your own economy.

Congratulations, both the mexican economy and your own is now worse. And you're still paying for the wall. Except now you have a destabilized country on your border, enjoy the refugees.

The tariffs would be imposed on americans. Taxing americans won't make mexicans pay.

Mexico isn't going to pay, billybob.

>The ban violates the 1st by targeting people based on religion

Bullshit, our gates are still open to many Muslim countries such as the UK, Germany, or Sweden.

Patents on pharmaceuticals are the only way you get new drugs. If there's no profit for research, it won't be done.

The rest of that is good though.


The recent attack at Ohio State was perpetrated by a Somalian refugee. In any case, it was Congress who decided 4 of these countries, then the DHS under Obama added 3 more countries to the list. Trump just used the same list that Obama created last year when he severely restricted immigration from these countries. I never heard a peep from the left then...

In any case, it's not the court's purview to decide what foreign policy is effective.

No cost negotiations have even started and people are pulling these numbers out of their ass like they mean something

>Name calling
So you are dishonest then.

>Give us more shekels to brainwash your children

Every time. Throwing money at education hasn't actually done anything of value for decades, it gets devoured by the kikes in the same way charity donated money is.

>because of incompetence

No it was because of all the autistic shrieking. I couldn't care less if green card holders were barred. They are here at the explicit discretion of the President until they are citizens.