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Not sure if he's trolling them or just retarded. Maybe a bit of both.
this reminds me of GTA3
Donald Love against the Yakuza
He explains this in one of his books.
Can you briefly explain it?
power and control
Bump for a quick rundown
Just look up PUA shit and door in the face technique
Whoever let's go of the handshake first is weaker
Whoever has to extend more on the handshake is weaker.
Trump holds on, Trump brings the handshake closer to him.
lol that eye roll at the end
Remember when your dad told you to have a firm handshake?
Not him but it's about controlling when the handshake ends. It's a subtle form of saying you're the one in charge, because they begin to wait for you to end the handshake.
In essence, they submit to you. Even something as silly as a handhsake is a form of submission, and the mind picks up on it.
I'm pretty sure Abe knew what he was trying to do given his reaction so I doubt it worked on him.
one of my great-uncles was chef of some power plant with lots lots of money 30 years ago
when I met him he was already so old couldn't even walk, but then he gave me a handshake
his hand was like stone, he almost ripped my arm off
Actually it still does work because of the position the US is in.
He just knows that Trump will always take the role of being in charge of a given situation, and that Abe shouldn't try to take that position.
>being this much of a beta insecure pre-teenager to play handshake tug of war to assert contrived dominance when a strong handshake should just come naturally
I regret voting for Trump now
its funny how the most powerful man in the world gets there a mix of strategies both so bizarre and obscure that you can barely tell he's doing anything at all ("13D chess" of shit like elevating Bernie to try to keep the left eating itself in a purity spiral) and stuff that is primitive and primal basic human nature, instincts and domination game
Blue share go back to spamming /r/donald
pretty much this
Haha agreed there's no way we can let him get his hands on the nuclear codes.
Can I get a quick rundown?
Why is it that YOU, YOU of all, BRAZIL, feel the need to call out others?
You drumpfkins are pathetic.
I bet you defend Jeb for standing on his tippy toes to look taller and (((assert dominance)))
Neck yourself
Normal human beings don't try to crush someones hand when you first meet.
Avoid people that do this.
They are showing their intention to try and dominate the relationship you will have with them instead of basing it on mutual trust and cooperation.
Only psychopaths try to hurt your hand when they shake it for the first time.
Wtf i want pizza now.
Persuasion works even stronger when you realize what is going on because your mind has been trained to accept working in that way.
If you have no cultural context and understanding of a given form of persuasion, its much harder to persuade you. Classic example is hypnotism.
Kill yourself CREW
No, because that's a form of submission. It's admitting that you're not as good and need to look better.
If Jeb were to wear very subtle concealed high tops that made him like 2 inches taller, then that would be smart, but ONLY if no one noticed it.
There have already been two asperger presidents.
It's a very inclusive club.
100% absolutely this. I always give a firm and hard handshake, and also control when it ends. Ill sometimes feel their grip loosen and ill shake for a second longer, even if they have a stronger grip than me. The read in their face before/during/after tells you where your at in the end.
>Normal human beings don't try to crush someones hand when you first meet.
sissy detected, did you have a father?
Browsing Sup Forums calling others pathetic while sporting the flag of Ukraine isn't pathetic? No, I guess it's not. It's degenerate.
Fuck off, Mohammed
this is the face of the world amerisharts
I didn't know British women posted here
>a stupid autistic manbabby became the most powerful person in the world, beating people who spent far more money and had much more support, including from the MAYNESTREEM METEOR, just by being a dumb fucking autist
Wow if only I was that much of an autistic retard
>build wall
>Learn English
Choose both
>Whoever has to extend more on the handshake is weaker.
Trump wins again.
0.05 has been deposited into your account. We thank you for supporting ShareBlue.
>boiling down international politics to a handshake
malvinas is ours nigger.
>all you goons thinking you know more than God Emperor Trump
dude is a billionaire and you're a NEET shitposter.
>le 60% white face
Not international politics.
Standing between two men.
In this case those two men are world leaders.
Why is a hue of all creatures talking about elected retards?
Yeah man, my 8 year old daughter is illegal and on Obamacare and she regrets voting for Trump too. Even she knows we can't let this man near the nuclear codes. How am I supposed to explain that this racist man is now our president... smdh...
it's a dom thing, you wouldn't understand
Show us ya minge
long rundown?
not even memeing but hilter did this
an uncomfortably long handshake has a psychological effect and makes the subject more likely to do what you want - assuming you're a massively powerful man - probably doesnt work if you're a neet
oh look another american mulatto posing as a 6'4 blonde Olympian with over 100 kills in streetfights....
Everyone fucking knows about the little nuances in shaking a hand, little tike Trump here with the foam helmet is being retarded with it. You saw this kind of idiocy with the "Grab 'em by the pussy" shenanigans. The man lives in a fantasy world of business which is comparable of katana wielding autists.
TLDR: Trump is the business version of this youtube.com
Ukraine calling anybody autistic when you let yopur liberals destroy your government over joining EU hahaha you got raped by Soros.
Why are you posting a meme of a white girl who takes black dick?
Stay mad
I feel bad for muricans, honestly. How did you guys elected this mongoloid?
The counter to this is calling it out.
I'm a fan of how you use little tricks when shaking hands. I read about that stuff in some handbook for people working as used car salesman long ago. You try to make the other guy feel awkward, it's pretty neat.
Then he would bring up my net worth and ask what I'll be up to when I'm 70 years old and I'd just laugh because I'm poor and by then the Muslims would have killed me already
Haha, that roll of the eyes after Trump's cretin handshake. Another embarrassing moment.
>Do you feel in charge?
He's asserting dominance. Something you faggots would know nothing about.
>thinking body language isn't important in politics
Notice the Psyops in here
>le 60% face
>ukraine proxy acting stupid
Beware the Russian niggers are in here.
i work out, i'm only 120 lb 5'5". i've had women complain about my handshake during formal introduction and i had no idea i was so powerful
Dominant as fuck
So the L wasn't a typo afterall kek. I don't trust his scotus pick after that handshake now either.
whenever i shake hands with someone and they don't let go i don't feel dominated by them i feel annoyed with them
That's a power move to establish dominance
t high powered business man
you sound like a twat
>Brazil saying anything about intellect
Pic related
Do the queen asserts her dominance doing that either?
t. katana wielding autist
Are you that favela dweller that made ? Go fuck yourself.
Still got dominated subconsciously.
The elite invariably live in a fantasy world. It's one of the perks.
t. meeklet
Just another parlor trick from the book of broke wristwatch salesman donald
Surprised that this hasn't been mentioned -- the whole tug and patting them on the shoulder thing strikes me as a warm and friendly thing as well, he gives me a kindly paternal vibe. "We're gonna get along great and make yuge deals!" is what Trump's body language tells me.
>japs face at the end
Combine that with sitting before the entire world knowing that they had to watch you submit.
This is total BS. I have a super strong grip and generally relax my handshakes a bit with most people so I don't hurt their hand. But never once did I feel in charge or defeated after a handshake and I never give it any thought as to when to let go. I just let it happen naturally. But if someone was to keep their grip tight on mine after I loosened I'd probably clamp down on their hand with my full strength and make them regret it.
I like Trump a lot but the guy can act pretty stupid sometimes and if he believes this nonsense this is just another one of his stupid quirks.
>every handshake is a game, every handshake determinates a winner and a loser
You sound like someone who gives a beta handshake
>power move
The REAL power move is to let yourself get pulled so hard you pretend to trip, topple over, and fall into a wall and have his autistic tendencies make the front page of the national news
>Sup Forums nerd virgin is triggered by an alpha handshake
Gets me everything
What are you trying to say?
That he SHOULDN'T tug on their hands like that? I mean, sure, that one guy had a prosthetic hand,/arm, but in that case, what's a little muscle-memory between friends?
Jefferson and who else?
Coolidge maybe?
>doesnt know what a dominant handshake looks like
Yep; it's what determines if your an actively dominant man or a passive beta on how you perceive the interaction of a handshake. For me, it's the first way to measure someone else up
Trump really cucked Gorsuch here.
Patting his hand like he would his grandma.
Go vlog about toxic masculinity faggot
Kinesic power play. Trump is alpha.
>The handshake that saved America.
Norman human beings are not leaders.