Hillary Clinton is going to run in 2020. How does Sup Forums think she will do?
Hillary Clinton is going to run in 2020. How does Sup Forums think she will do?
She will lose. Again.
I think that by then she isn't going to run anywhere
She will either be destroyed by the people who will bring back everything she done and how hard she failed, or by the party, who will have a split over letting the biggest waste of money in political history run again
She will die before then. She's not healthy.
Maybe in Texas, your loved land.
Did your last thread not get enough (you)s?
She'll be too old. They'll all be too old. Hillary, Trump, Bernie. Way too old.
you guys need jobs as comedians like every thread 1st or 2nd post makes me laugh to tears
I hope a nigger does. Everybody hates that bitch. and President Trump is going to throw her in jail.
The Denocratic party is circling the drain.
>being too old
>Here's the proof.
>No inside information informs this prediction.
wow amazing it's like gutter journalism really is shit
she will put us to work
The is PR - when she gets thrown in jail for her various claims MSM will pretend Trump only jailed her because he fears her in 2020.
It's a tactic.
Has she got her hands on a new shipment of babby beef?
>Star Wars reference all the way at the end
Holy fuck I cringed.
Not only that but the scene is retarded now that I think about it
>fly casually
>in the millennium falcon, the only ship of its kind, same ship that fuckes up Vader and the rebels are known to use
>runs in 1992
>runs in 2012
>runs in 2016
>runs in 2020
Seems to me she's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I'm not going to say it because I know if I say it, I won't get the digits to back it up
>but you all know exactly what I'm implying here
>one off
more like hobbling
That is what journalism is today
>....in a game of call of duty yesterday.
Please let this happen. I want to beat her three times.
Nice clickbait header. FAKE NEWS.
Really makes you think
Assuming that she actually runs for presidency...
Damn. Is she the best candidate? Have the Democrats run out of humans? Isn't there anyone better?
> Consider. Shortly after Clinton’s shock-the-world, hysteria-inducing defeat last November the Clinton Global Initiative announced plans to cease operations. The CGI—the most scandal-plagued arm of the Clinton Foundation—was a ground zero of grief for the Clinton campaign. Labeled a slush fund for political operations, paid for by foreign governments, it was an endless and easy target of complaints about conflicts of interest and graft. Yet despite pleas to do so by various supporters throughout the 2016 campaign, the Clintons time and again refused to shut it down. Which raises the question: What advantage, other than a political one, is there to doing so now?
Uh because no one wants to donate now that it doesn't buy favors from a future president.
> Similarly, why did the Clintons allow rumors to circulate—rumors they still haven’t officially quashed—that the former secretary of state was/is/might be considering a run for mayor of New York City? For the thrill of it? Out of spite toward the current mayor, who supported her candidacy for the White House? Or might there be another reason to keep alive the idea that Hillary Clinton’s political fortunes aren’t in the rear-view mirror?
Because butthurt "I'm with her" liberals can't let their stupid dream die
There is no evidence that she's running again, just a tear-stained asshole writing fake news because he wants her to
Haha should have hit submit faster
She's probably going to be on the run way before that.
oh man I literally got a phone call the second before I pressed submit and it threw me off my game by just a split second
I guess with an egyptian god of chaos one should come to expect this kind of tomfoolery to be played out at our expense, but still, god fucking dammit
I did my best, guys
I'm sorry I failed you
what a shitty excuse for a journalist.