Socialism/Communism General

What will you do when robots take over all the jobs?

Other urls found in this thread:

Design an automated gas chamber to exterminate your kind.

Fix the robots.



>Literally everyone can get a job fixing robots

Get fucking lynched marxist.

Fuck my waifu in my robot made new venusian spacecraft

In Cuba the workers don't own the means of production. State capitalism.

But you don't have a job so how would you buy it?

Google Bookchin.

It's free. In communism there is great material abundance.

Oh so you support fully automated luxury communism. I see.

Hello fellow comrades.

So glad I took the REAL redpill.


Hi comrade.






No thanks.



Kek these lefty/pol/ memes ain't half bad. You can still fuck off though. Communism will never work as long as we are humans of earth.


>What will you do when robots take over all the jobs?
fix the robots, design the robots.

>same spaniard
>same OP text
>same OP image
>same image dumps

Soulless, just like the ideology you worship.

>fascist symbol is a literal faggot

The irony.

>Communism will never work as long as we are humans of earth.
Fuck of, humancuck.

Post dank memes all day long.

Have you heard about self repairing robots? Do you think literally everyone is knowledgeable enough to to fix robots? Do you think everyone can have a job fixing robots?

Gotta compete somehow. What's the point of working if its the same shit everyday and nothing ever improves because everything has to be equal?

Jedi govna

We want equality of opportunity not outcome. So yes if you do more labor you can get more labor vouchers and buy more stuff. You would have to work a ton less though because automation would be used properly. When post scarcity is reached no one has to work and everyone is equal but thats only after full automation.

>can't calculate costs
>somehow thinks there will be more material abundance
Literally an ideology based on faith.

What about decentralized planning?

thats literally not communism or marxism

Hold on. I'm getting the quote from Karl Marx where he talks about this.

I can't find it but he says basically because labor creates value we should give people who do more labor more labor vouchers/Money.

A communist society would free individuals from long working hours by first automating production to an extent that the average length of the working day is reduced and second by eliminating the exploitation inherent in the division between workers and owners. A communist system would thus free individuals from alienation in the sense of having one's life structured around survival (making a wage or salary in a capitalist system), which Marx referred to as a transition from the "realm of necessity" to the "realm of freedom." As a result, a communist society is envisioned as being composed of an intellectually-inclined population with both the time and resources to pursue its creative hobbies and genuine interests, and to contribute to creative social wealth in this manner. Karl Marx considered "true richness" to be the amount of time one has at his or her disposal to pursue one's creative passions.Marx's notion of communism is in this way radically individualistic.

You are throwing away the only way of knowing what costs are, so why the fuck do you think that "A communist society would free individuals from long working hours "?

How do you automate something? You first know the costs of the machine, then its productivity in a lifetime. We can actually calculate its profit in a capitalist society.

Why the DPRK is not more automated than the United States? Why countries that adopted communist ideologizes had far less automation and far more hard labor than capitalistic countries?

Perhaps ignoring the existence of costs isn't the way to automate things.

How do you decide how much more vouchers per labour someone gets?

How do you decide what more labour is? Wouldn't it vary per type of job?

Basically, communists have literally a position of faith, they neglect the very fundamental knowledge of achieving something while still claiming that they will achieve it.

>How do you decide how much more vouchers per labor someone gets?

Same way bosses do. Local supervisors decide wages based on how hard and how long you work and how much education you had to get. Either that or the profits the company makes is presented to the workers and they democratically decide how to distribute it.

>How do you decide what more labor is? Wouldn't it vary per type of job?

Labor is the creation of a good or survive that society needs. At least thats the type of labor that is valuable.

>A communist society would free individuals from long working hours by first automating production
do you reatrds even realize this is already happening for 100 years? and do you realize that manufacturing is always a declining % of totel industry going towards a modern economy(as % of emplyment). Automation wont do shit when more than 60% of modern industry is services.

If you would be in 1900 you would be argueing that you will achieve utopia once agriculture has been automated- now it has anjd your pipedream still isnt here so you shift goalpost towards manufacturing. When manufacturing will be automated and less than 10% of total emplyment will be manufacturing workers, what then?

>Socialism/Communism General


the only good commie is a dead one

and fuck your luddite poverty inducing topic too



Oh, you're serious?

Hero of the imperium award goes to you

>"A communist society would free individuals from long working hours by first automating production "

Literally the cause of alienation. Nobody actually gives a shit about alienation anymore, and this is how we can tell you've never had a job. That and Spain's 20% unemployment rate standard. Grow up and then you get to talk to the adults.

>"Marx's notion of communism is in this way radically individualistic."

Except at the end of Ch2 of the Com Manifesto the filthy traitor advised to seize every bit of control over banking, telecommunications, transportation, education, and more from the hands of people who would like to own and operate those things for themselves. Yes, universal education is meant to supersede private initiatives or homeschooling. That phone and car? You're not supposed to privately own those in Marxism, nor ever be able to produce them, even as an amateur. Marxism stifles every bit of creativity and personal initiative known to post modern man.

You're kind stuck on the lower left of the political compass is never going to succeed because you're not conscientious enough to achieve any lasting legacy. My guess is you wouldn't even make it past the first stage of purges. You seem like a purgee, not a purger.

Marx also wrote that between capitalist and communist society, there would be a transitory period known as the dictatorship of the proletariat.During this preceding phase of societal development, capitalist economic relationships would gradually be abolished and replaced with socialism. Natural resources would become public property, while all manufacturing centers and workplaces would become socially owned and democratically managed. Production would be organized by scientific assessment and planning, thus eliminating what Marx called the "anarchy in production". The development of the productive forces would lead to the marginalization of human labor to the highest possible extent, to be gradually replaced by automated labor.

How to make a society wealthier than capitalism:
>allocate resources better than capitalism
>work harder and train workers to be more efficient

How communists plan on doing it:
>don't think about allocating resources at all
>work less and get free stuff, hope that other work for free to you


You fool, communists will never subvert Sup Forums.

Damn, ruined that post with a you're instead of a your.

Christ, I get heated that people in the modern age with access to computers can actively vouch for the most brutal, oppressive, blood thirsty, and inefficient government ever devised by man(what passes for one anyway).


More like

>allocate resources less wastefully
>allow people to work less because there jobs can be effectively done by robots.

Robots will fix robots.

We already have and it is irreversible.
We don't even have to make you do our bidding because at this point you do it out of your own volition.

Kill commies


Why exactly do we need communism to automate production?

How do you allocate? Oh right, government mandated theft of private property and the stifling of individual innovation as a result of collectivization of material.

GTFO nerd.

Say we automate everything in capitalism. Suddenly no one has any jobs. Capitalism collapses.

I think we should gas commies with jews

How the fuck are you going to allocate resources less wastefully by throwing away the only measure of value and cost? Without even mentioning that the end game is a gibsmedat that only worthless subhumans want, with no incentive for self drive.


But can robots design robots? And come up with why they need to design robots?
Not for a while i think

Nah. Instead we kill all bourgs and give the workers democratic control of the means of production. Then set up a workers council system which is direct democratic and every worker is a member of. Then we separate the workers council system from the government and let it run the economy independently.

Can everyone have the job of robot maker?

The soviet union went from backwater country full of illiterate peasants into industrial super power very quickly. Why would that happen if central planing doesn't work at all?


>this thread is what commies think sucess looks like

That's not really stopping business owners from automating their production.

Do you really trust government bureaus to automate production better than free enterprise? lol


Right Wing Death Squads When?


Well if they do it anyway everyone but the property owners will probably starve. So why not have this automation benefit everyone instead of an elite few?

A fan?

>what should happen with automation
Population gets smarter and third world shitters can no longer compete and have to go back

>what will actually happen
Pajeet and Pablo are affirmative action placed into tech roles they can't comprehend while whites shore them up
The other whites die of starvation


whoa that's incriminating

And how many had to die? How many tens of millions starved? Famines lasted throughout the cold war. At least three major times the USSR relied on US food imports.

If Russia stayed a monarchy, everything would have been better. Prove me wrong, traitors.




Because if it would in any way solve the scarcity problem like in your dumbshit communist fantasy, free enterprise would already have made all goods unbelievably cheap.

However, there are still various supply chain issues to solve, such as raw material harvesting and project design. Even the car industry still has a huge cost to make their products, even though their factories are pretty much 100% automated.

Just because it's automated doesn't mean it's free idiot, maybe in 1000 years we'll be living in a post-scarcity Star Trek world, but not today bucko.

the USSR avoided the great depression. The USSR industrialized. The Famines didn't happen after 1930.


piss off, shills

>libertarian socialist
Sup Forums is freedom territory, better fuck off commie.

Meme is shit, the 'helicopter fuel pays for itelf' line should clearly start at 1

People will just receive gibs and do recreational shit


>china relearns a medieval dog eating culture
>people in USSR were impressed by grocerie stores
>death rates spikes dramatically precisely when communist policies are applied
>only for those policies to be backpedaled
>then the country gets a surge in development, without the communist policies
>spend half a century promising to get rid of money
>"all the suffering we are having, it's all transitional"
>never get rid of money
Meanwhile, idiots believe in the human development propaganda of the USSR, where they allegedly claim to be better in 1980 than in 2010.

Oh yeah, let's not forge the "not true communism" bullshit.

In a conversation pointing out that communist countries are miserable?
>those weren't real communist countries, communism has never been tried
In a conversation pointing out that communist is theoretically bogus and nonsensical
>yeah, but look at all those great communist countries; turns out they were really good before they collapsed on their own weight.

Only as much as are needed for """demographics""". Paying for useless cunts to sit on welfare is only useful if you are a Democrat

I will be a capitalistic owner of robots.

Alternatively, we create fascist paradise.

Either one is good with me honestly.


They have the right to find another fucking job you fucking freak, keep your hands off my rights

>equating capitalism with fascism

...What? Famines didn't happen after 1930?

First there was the famine in 1921. Horrible. Lenin actually gives up on communisms and creates the "New Economic Plan". Basically temporary capitalism.

Then the 1931 to 1933 famines hitting hrad in Ukraine. What did the party management do? Collectivize the Kulaks, which did nothing to help the starving peoples. Then they exported food during the period to cover their monetary losses (check Icebreaker).

If you go to wikipedia, it'll say there were no more famines which is utter bullshit. Look around the web or pick up any book, Russian or Western, and read about production (especially wheat) in the USSR. There were 3 major famines they relied on us for, thousands starved, and several minor "set backs" caused directly by having a shitty system.

Except famines did happen after 1930. Except China tried all sorts of shit after WWII and had demographics dropping by the millions. Except for the part where once thy weren't giving free food to North Korea they also had a famine that took at least 300 000 people, that in 1991. Except the current anti-capitalistic land leasing policies that China has right now makes their farmers 40 times less productive than south Korea farmers.

I bet my fucking balls that in a different conversation you would be saying that none of that is true communism.

Just like every other "communist" country

It's almost like communism is even more rhetorical than anarcho capitalism

Well, I think this idea that robots are going to take literally ALL of our jobs is just a bunch of socialist fantasies. But, theoretically, if they did take literally ALL of the jobs, I see no reason not to go full fascism. It's not like communism will suck any less even with robots.

What's wrong with mutualism?

Eventually a warlord takes advantage of the people who pull their weight and society begins to evolve.
Communism is inherently a model designed exactly as the base of civilization is, AKA tribalism. All communism boils down to at this point is an attempt to use something that is frankly incompatible with the modern evolutionary progress of human civilization.