"If you think nationalism is a welcome breath of fresh air, think again: It is the road to war." - Frans Timmermans
All nationalism leads to is wars and hate.
"If you think nationalism is a welcome breath of fresh air, think again: It is the road to war." - Frans Timmermans
All nationalism leads to is wars and hate.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice try, JIDF
War is cool, we should have more of it.
better to die on your feet than live on your knees
Not a question of nationalism but competition, freedom and decentralization.
>"If you think globalism is a welcome breath of fresh air, think again: It is the road to enslavement."
because it needs a ton of reforms and there are to many elements within the eu who refuse even discussing reforms
Borders cause war goy, you're weak as an individual goy but together we're strong, you don't want war do you goy?
You know what causes war? People being victimized in their own home by an enemy the government brought in against their wishes. The people being ignored by their government and the government actively working against the people.
That's what causes wars. So buckle up, buckaroo, 'cus the future is coming at us fast and it's looking bright.
Because Europe thrived with its own national borders, even with wars
Jews caused all the strife in the 1900s anyway
EU is essentially Jewish rule with the goal of destroying Europe. There's a war going on, only one side knows it
>nationalism was the cause of all war in the past and will cause future wars
How can anyone be this retarded?
The globalists started more wars in the last couple of years.
Anyone able to decode it?
I want to believe
>implying war is bad
American knows.
Also Europeans always used war as a constitute for the natural selection; the best usually survived and wars also stimulate cultural and technological progress.
That is until WWI.
>better to die on your feet than live on your knees
duuudeee i cringed
could not think of anything better
>soviet union 2.0
Mutti Merkel go to bed.
Quick rundown?
They should show a graph color coded the same right under that one showing crime and rape "with niggers & browns" vs. "100% white"
>Hans if you don't stop talking about how awesome Germany is I'll kill you ded!
prepare your knee pads as you suck the dick of islamists for years to come
>cold war conflicts never happened
>yugoslav wars never happened
>donbass war isn't happening
That timeline is pretty skewed though. 2000-present fills as much space as the entire 17th century. Its not that accurate, its trying to make the short amount of peace look larger.
The real point of interest is nuclear weapons. Suddenly, everyone wants to talk. Name a war since WW2 where 2 nuclear powers entered into direct open combat.
Shit, I fucked up, I meant to be replying to OP
britons have already said all there is to say, only globalist kikes with ulterior motives think otherwise
you're not one of them, are you? a little bird told me traitors first, enemies next
1. mutually assured destruction
2. peaceful "wars" space race is a good example
3. United states dominance of the military efforts of the "free" world (EU and NA)
>war is wrong
>giving people meaning is wrong
>nationalism exists only in the contexts of nation states
>love is a zero sum game
yeah nah go fuck yourself
so...we need him
>wars are caused by the masses, not the elite
Don't they tech history in leaf?
you need to uplift your own cunt instead of being the resident mexican
Trips of truth
no i will continue to annoy you fuckers in your safe space
The EU has to prevail
Europe needs stability, free trade and no internal borders
Nigga, that was a toll being paid. Talk shit, get hit.
>using pepe along with this kike-loving alcoholic piece of shit
YOur pathetic tried to meme this shit cant stop the rise of nationalism in the world and in europe.
can't wait for you deutsch mark's belated return and the havoc it will bring upon your economy
>lets just ignore all the wars that did happen and thats that
>do you even cold war?
sage slide threads people!
Peace is rot - unless that peace was recently earned through a hard fought battle. Where in the natural order do you find peace?
EU was founded in 1993. The timeline implies that EU was a thing in the 1950s'.
That looks just like a mathematical progression that begun in the late 1600's, the EU just happens to have been created at the right moment.
Al the wars in the balkans, eastern europe, war on terrorism, deposing govts abroad, etc....
Are they saying all the conflicts in the Balkans and the current fighting in Ukraine do not constitute wars, or that these areas aren't European?
"Nationalism" didn't exist until the middle of the 19th century. The EU didn't exist as a means of abolishing national sovereignty until 1993. I see an awful lot of peace between those two times.
>1 post by this ID
I don't know.... maybe eurofag countries do need big brother in Brussels to stop killing each other by the millions.
basically this exept for the part that this will propably cause me to emmigrate
i have better things to do than to die in WW3
Proof here. He's right you know.
t. mad at my government.
Nationalism has only existed as a concept since the early 1800s lol
Actually OP is a lying peice of shit. Globalis is the reason for wars.
Fucking billionaires killing people for resources in other countries and forcing people to live together that hate each other and dont share common values.
I agree there should be no more white wars
That doesn't mean that Europe needs to let in millions who are not European
>Germany tries to take Europe through war
>Germany then tries to take Europe through peace
Amazing coincidence
that graph is a bit simplistic.
sweetie it's not a safespace if little peenie weenies like you are allowed to spurt your textual dickie cummies all over the place, got it little winkie?
They are caused by the elite fucking over the masses
What about the Yugoslav wars in 90s? Remember Kosovo?
I gee i don't know because Europe destroyed our country? All the corrupt cunts they brought in and the money laundering that they won't give us names?
I dunno really, why did people want to leave Soviet Union? As an EU citizen, national self-determination and not having several layers of corrupt, inept supranational bureaucrats with no oversight looking after you, is definitely overrated. The Glorious Union is the foremost protector of the peoples' interest, a shining bastion of democracy, and is not degenerate in the slightest. A true apex of political organization and good governance.
Gee wiz, I wonder why Europe succeeded in the first place while other countries fell behind?
Certainly, it couldn't be because constant struggle leads to advancement; Africa isn't a shithole because of their lack of incentive to civilize, but because racism!
As long as
Only lefties fall for this
>cold war conflicts never happened
Cold war ended just before Maastricht.
>yugoslav wars never happened
Yougoslavs countries were not in the EU back then.
>donbass war isn't happening
Ukraine is not in the EU.
Hello dumb liberal.
Sup Forums is a highly educated community, so please tell us what is the statistical significance of the data shown in your picture? I can argue that after the installment of the EU there were also no outbreaks of smallpox in European countries.
Frans Timmermans is the worst dutch person in history. We'll chase him down and hang him on the left side of the street.
The traitor is going down.
Kek the EU facilitated the rapefugee horde which will destroy Europe culturally, genetically, and socially unless it goes full 14 words and soon.
>Look at how peaceful Europe is goy! They are just allowing themselves to be raped and murdered out of existence! What tolerant good goys!
dude, Sup Forums is as educated as /po/ at 2ch
I wonder who's behind that post.
On the off chance this isn't JIDF Bait I'll reply:
>>"If you think globalism is a welcome breath of fresh air, think again: It is the road to enslavement."
This desu
>Initiate stupid games
>Win stupid prizes
>Go for seconds
But it's not fair! Muh cities!
>pic related
You do realize you could put any random event that happened by that time according to your logic, right? I was born in 1990 so this might be because of me.
Let the Non-Whites "peacefully" conquer you Whitey.
Trust the (((EU)))
Btw who ever created that was not aware of Yugoslavian war in 1990s ha?
>that graph is a bit simplistic.
you are right
>it's not a safespace
it was a joke
it was a union beween France, Italy, Germany and a few other european countris with the goal to improve trade with coal, steel and machines when i remember correctly
>ps don't forget about polish death camps junge
No wars either inside Cuba. Ergo Communism is good.
A war a decade keeps the minorities away
The picture is referring to all of Europe as a whole being peaceful because of the invention of the EU, frog.
>no polish death camps
sure people were not murdered, just disappeared, probably brought to the dark side of the moon
The Bomb is the cause of peace in modern Europe, and you have America to thank for that
That isn't even sort of an EU you disgusting troglodyte
Why can't white people stop waging war already?
>The picture is referring to all of Europe as a whole
>Major conflicts of original EU members
I think you're wrong, burger.
How about changing the EU flag into a NATO flag?
Anecdotal. Please read the sticky before you use logical fallacies.
> wars and hate.
It's called evolution.
And might makes right.
You lost the argument
Google rothschield, the truth is out there
>and you have America to thank for that
for taking Germanys best scientists and war criminals to build the bomb that saved us all
ironic, isn't it
>It's called evolution.
ABC-weapons don't decide who to kill
If you have an idea for where to go, shit I'm game.
lol his name is still Evelyn though
> what is Indochina war
> what is Basque conflict
> what is Western Sahara War
> what is Korean war
> what is Trikora war
> what is Suez Crisis
> what is Cod Wars
> what is Indonesia–Malaysia war
> what is Falklands war
> what is Gulf war
> what is Sierra Leone war
> what is Kosovo
> what is Libya
> what is Somali
> what is ISIS
> we had no wars, trust us
> based EU
my family has a hut in the scottish Highlands, miles from the next neighbur.
as far away from cities and as near as possible to food and water
It says conflict between major EU members. Not conflicts around the world. We'd need a stronger UN to get world peace.
EU BTFO, ty based vodkanigger