This is against everything America stands for
Get fucked you shill piece of shit
>14 Heartbreaking photos that will make you say "Fuck having borders and laws and shit"
Country kicks people out who aren't rightfully there .... so, if I was illegally there id be kicked out, whats your point?
This greatly pleases me
God youre an idiot
Shills aren't this ineffective, not even a troll, this is called "jokingly agreeing with the shitty anti-pol opinion you are posting"
Oh sorry i meant "Ur right. I don't even recognize my own country anymore. It makes me fear for our children :("
What anime is this?
>criminals are afraid of johnny law.
>le this is not who we are meme
You don't speak for everyone cunt.
What part of "Make American Great Again" do they not understand?
Wrong. America's immigration system is supposed to be based on ideals of exceptionalism. Not letting anyone who steps foot in this country become a citizen and giving them access to our welfare systems and public services.
Naruto (First season)
>enforcing laws isn't what America's about
Well, guess we ought to say fuck laws and borders and shit?
>we can't afford to protect our borders and deport criminals from where they came from.
fuck off kike. I like how the shills keep posting as if this will change anyones mind. hey hey, ho ho, the criminals have to go, back.
>Immigrant communities
I'm sorry, you seemed to have made a mistake
>Illegal Immigrant communities
There I fixed it. It's nice to know that my family came here after years of hardwork and labor and eventually actually became citizens.
There are no guns in Naruto you lying fuck
So, if an American citizen breaks the law, it's okay to hold them accountable, but if they are not citizens, and break our laws, they get a pass? This flies in the face, of what this country stands for. No man is above the law!
Enforcing the rule of law and unapologetically defending her borders is 100% American.
Preventing fires, catching criminals, electing governments, outing pedophile rings. Sup Forums sure turned itself around.
Negative ghost rider. Your view of what America should be is the incorrect one.
Maybe nigger america doesnt stand for laws.
Deport all illegals. To the middle of atlantic
Thomas Jefferson wanted the Europeans to purge the continent of all lesser races. If Americans were to be true to their nation they would have to gas every fucking subhuman currently residing within their border. Liberals should be happy that they are simply being arrested.
he's not saying we can't afford it monetarily he's acting like allowing it to happen is the biggest moral stain in our country's history so we can't afford to allow that to happen
Youjo Senkai Ball Z.
I can't understand this mentality. It is completely illegal to stay in the U.S. withouta working visa and the like. It's also illegal here and we also deport people who stay illegally (obviously the number is much more lower). It's fucked up that some people need to run away from home, but that's no reason to throw the law away.
> implying any of these would give a fuck about my problems
Why should I?
thanks for letting me in on that john, i figured it out on my own though that we are not talking monetary value. im literally wondering why you even thought this was viable enough to try to bring up as a argument, so much so it seems like a subversion tactic to lure and low IQ mind in to a meaningless argument. you should consider hanging yourself,
I can't unsee Sup Forumsice now. Thanks Sup Forumsice threads on tipping off DHS.
aint going back
>dems: of course we're not for people being here illegally, and that's why we'd only deport the ones with criminal records!
These pro-globalism people are really getting a shock to their sense from all of these completely legal deportations.
They've been out of touch with reality for far too long.
Why didn't no-one care when the 2.5 million got deported under obama?
Youjo Senki
would you like to wager on your statement sire?
Negative. We are a country of laws, these people broke them.
Is entering illegally not something that would be on your criminal record?
This is what law enforcement is. If you don't like it, then gtfo and live in Somalia
>we sorted ourselves out
Obama deported more people than most of the recent presidents combined, where was the media then?
Libtards btfo eternally.
>illegal immigrant
i think your missing something juan.
The left was saying they aren't for open borders, but would only feel the need to remove those with prior records, which all of these have.
To wit, I took my 87' Jeep Grand Wagoneer, down a two track, on an abandoned apple orchard, and on way out was swarmed by a half dozen cops. Ended up paying a $150 ticket for recreational trespassing.
i love it.
>This is against everything America stands for
You should have thought about that before standing for degeneracy, societal collapse, niggers, promiscuity and hedonism. America was great in the sixties, and this is exactly what America in the sixties would have stood for.
I might ad, I was snitched out by some faggot liberals that had just moved into the area.
you glorious bastard
>no more laws!
>That shirt
Never understood Mexican fashion sense.
It is against US law to encourage aliens to come to or stay in the United States
>This is against everything America stands for
Maybe America post Ted Kennedy.
If not upholding laws is the American way, then I'm glad we're moving away from that
"America" as it exists today is literally the Great Satan. Anything you people claim it stands for, needs to be crushed.
Yes that was the paradox... In the instant you enter a country illegally, you are doing a crime worthy of deportation as the constitution says. It's retarded for liberals to just use "dangerous criminals".
DAILY REMINDER it is well within the constitution to have a travel ban. Obviously if your not retarded basic logic says if you run a country you can have say over who comes, stays and goes. like i said if your not retarded of course.
the good ones either dress like cowboys or like normal white people. ice can pretty much just go around looking for people like him and they will be 3/4 done
Ice ice baby
But every illegal immigrant already has something. Entering illegally is worthy of deportation.
>America is satan
>Americans give more to charities than any other nation on Earth
Pick one.
nigga that's a pair of nordic as fuck looking axes crossed on what looks like a celtic shield, it's clearly a black metal band shirt, just about the whitest thing a person can wear. that said, the particular specimen does look very Ed Hardy
Can confirm. Family is Mexican heritage. Either the fuckup/shitbag legal ones or their illegal friends dress that way.
Ed hardy is for degenerates
That's an echo of an America that doesn't exist anymore. The communists killed that America. What we have today is some unholy abomination, that needs to be put out of its misery, so we can rebuild.
>it's clearly a black metal band shirt
lol no
>that flinch
lmao what a fag
Non citizens don't have rights under the constitution. Not enforcing our laws is unamerican.
pic related.
I know right no other first world country throws out people who do not have valid visas.
Oh wait, every other country does this.
sauce on anime?
This is not who (((we))) are... really makes one think
Nice hit and run post. Are you AFRAID to debate?! Get back on Reddit where debate is stifled.
we need to start deporting liberals too.
Goddamn, if this continues in summer, it's going to be lit.
Deport them to africa and the middle east, then we nuke them!
>America stands for spics entering illegaly in the country
Wew lad
Say it with me
Guy I work with got rounded up. It was fucking funny too because he always went on about how "if Trump sends them after me I will get my gun" yet all he had when they showed up were tears and excuses.
My first day of work this guy tried to teach me how to make a certain alcoholic drink to use to date rape bitches lmfao. They aren't sending their best.
>Cropping the tabs
Fucking nigger.
This shit happens all the time except now they are trying to make a point of it.
Their ICE publicity campaign is well choreographed.
They know where they are, they know where they are going, the people posting these things are not amateurs.
If anything, they should be investigated to find out who they are working for and where they are getting their information.
Holy shit
These people don't have any rights in this country
They literally don't exist in paper
They're not legal aliens nor citizens
They should be thankful they aren't being genocided for being literal non-people
>Why didn't no-one care when the 2.5 million got deported under obama?
Probably because of the 25 million who didn't.
Think this is it...
No, they just enforce the law. This is what america stands for.
Wrong. We believe in civilization with law and order.
you should be happy for your country. It get's better for every legal person and every legal immigrant that is yet to come. Be happy for your childen that they don't have to live in crime.
America stands for illegal immigration?
Yes, it's exactly who and what we are. It's our laws, as a sovereign country, and we owe no explanation or apology to anyone for the enactment and enforcement of those laws.
how much were the bribes to obtain the passport?
>its illegal to go to america under conditions X
>presidents to nothing about it, making guys from other places go to usa while under condition X, and not having fear about it.
>new president is elected and will do something about it, deporting those X guys
>they get angry
nigga, just go back to your own country its not that hard, I mean its not that easy if you have an life there at usa, but nigga you commited a crime, run "for your life".
Unlike something like stealing from a shop where previous owners didnt cared, but the current onwer care, at your specific case, you just go back to your own country and its like nothing happened, like if you did nothing wrong.
We does not forgib
We don forgebt
Eggspegt us
Deporting criminals is one of the pillars America stands on